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Upscalers, CRTs, PVMs & RGB: Retro gaming done right!

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How are Solaris for Framemeisters?

Any one recently got a mini through Solaris?

I just received mine from Solaris: I preordered at the beginning of August. When their restock day came and went with no update, I messaged them. They got back to me Sunday night, upgraded my shipping to express, and shipped! It arrived Tuesday.

Needless to say, I'm REALLY happy with them.



- bring my Saturn to Japan CHECK
- ordering a 21pin RGB cable CHECK
- buying a Framemeister (no space for a CRT, damn small japanese apartments :D )

ready to join the club ( ^.^)b
I had an idea for a thread, for an appreciation thread for the crap systems like 3DO, CDi, Jaguar etc. Stuff that doesn't have a home, but deserves one because I can't think of a single system that doesn't have a least a couple of well made games.

I think Imma make it!


Anyone with any thoughts?

Any PVM with RGB inputs and in acceptable condition (colors and geometry are not weird) is a solid purchase.

Then there's size, but that's entirely subjective. 14 inch is ok for something you'll put on a desk and play right next to it, but if you intend on putting it in a living room space, I'd recommend a 20 inch.
This is really funny. After quipping about being fooled by a Sony PVM look a like, I found a PVM in Goodwill just now. A 2030 built in 1989 so it's old as shit.

It was marked as 19.99 while the other CRTs were marked 1.00. I found a worker and asked if I could have it for 1.00 and they agreed

It's old as shit but as far as PVMs go for a $1.00, you buy first and aak questions later

One thing is though, this thing supposedly does RGB but I don't have the slightest clue how. I don't see R G B connectors


Ordering this next week hopefully:


This is really funny. After quipping about being fooled by a Sony PVM look a like, I found a PVM in Goodwill just now. A 2030 built in 1989 so it's old as shit.

It was marked as 19.99 while the other CRTs were marked 1.00. I found a worker and asked if I could have it for 1.00 and they agreed

It's old as shit but as far as PVMs go for a $1.00, you buy first and aak questions later

One thing is though, this thing supposedly does RGB but I don't have the slightest clue how. I don't see R G B connectors

Take a photo!
2030 might have the 25 pin connector for RGB, in which case you would need this: http://www.retrogamingcables.co.uk/sony-pvm-scart-converter.html

But damn, a 2030 for a dollar? That's a steal.

Last one in the UK I saw on eBay sold for £150 and even then I'd consider buying it because they're so damn nice.

Edit: Yup. BUY IT!

Excellent! I need to pop some s-video on it for now and test it out. But if it works I'm thinking of it either going in the closet until my 20l5 dies or putting it into an arcade cabinet or something. Thank you for the link to the adapter, I appreciate it.
Actually I believe the UK model is slightly different in that it has direct SCART which is damn desirable but either way, amazing monitor IMO.
Actually I believe the UK model is slightly different in that it has direct SCART which is damn desirable but either way, amazing monitor IMO.
That was what I was reading. That would have been awesome.

If the 2030 is great, is it worth paying someone to recap it and try to make it last a little longer? Assuming it isn't majorly broken

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Good find, Friend of Sonic! You gotta hook some speakers up to that guy!!


Hey CRTgaf, I have a question for you.

I recently fired up an very old CRT TV, a PAL (only) 4:3 Thomson which still seems to work pretty decently aside from a very sensitive SCART socket (the sound comes out from one speaker only when the console's RGB cable is not perfectly positioned and still).

That said, it has a major issue which is the lack of any service menu: the whole screen is shifted a couple of cms to the left, plus there is a very noticeable arching at the sides (the TV isn't flatscreen either) and I can't find any way to fix/set it up properly.

I don't plan to keep this TV anyway (it's a 24", so pretty big for my gameroom) but before I get rid of it, I'd like to know if service menus are something every tv has - in this case if would try to find the exact model so I could access it, just out of curiosity - or if it's possible this TV doesn't have one at all.

Thanks in advance!


Most have, I can't vouch for every CRT in the world though. The thing is you probably won't find anything on the internet with the brand and model of your display. You have better chances with your chassis number. You will also need the original remote to access it.

In the unlikely case there is none, you would have knobs either behind or inside it to manually modify the geometry. But we're talking really old TV here.


Thanks! I have the remote and it still works fine.
As for the chassis number, is that anything i can access to without opening the TV?


Try googling whatever number you have behind your TV. Or you can try with "brand model chassis" in Google, sometimes the info is spelled out for you.


Does your remote look anything like those? https://www.google.fr/search?q=mb100+remote&tbm=isch (with the two oblong volume and channel buttons)


If so I can tell you that to access the service menu you need to:
- switch the TV off completely, with the main power switch on your TV (leds are off)
- hold the purple "text" button on your remote (facing your TV) and
- switch your TV on with the main power switch.
- release the purple button once you have a picture onscreen.

You will need the service manual to know exactly what every option does, but you can guess the geometry related ones. Don't change the rest, don't reset to manufacture default, and you should be good.


Holy... That's awesome man, thank you!

I have the same exact remote and by doing what you wrote I actually could access the service menu.

I'll take note of the various options and I'll check them out because at a first glance I cannot tell which ones are geometry-related and which ones are better to be not changed.


Thanks for the heads up, duders.

Solaris shipped my Frame mini out yesterday. Very pleased with ship time + price vs. eBay shysters/rain check takers/excuse makers.

At least a 100 USD better off with the thing actually in transit. Happy day!


Holy... That's awesome man, thank you!

I have the same exact remote and by doing what you wrote I actually could access the service menu.

I'll take note of the various options and I'll check them out because at a first glance I cannot tell which ones are geometry-related and which ones are better to be not changed.

Yep, I have a Thomson too and I thought it'd be worth a shot to make you try how I access the service menu on mine. I actually have a Brandt and a Thomson but they probably had their chassis made by the same company as they have very similar-looking (interchangeable!) remotes with the same method for accessing the service menu. The two TV couldn't look more different though and the service menu is also different.

You can already start messing with the setup I think. Everything that has two digits is a scale that you modify with the arrows on your remote. You will see your screen moving when it's related to geometry, if it doesn't just put the original value back ;) The first or last entry is to reset to factory default, which you don't want to do. Factory default means the random setup the display had right out of the assembly chain, before being tweaked by an engineer to get a good picture. It won't completely fuck up your picture, but stuff like colour balance, brightness, darkness, and whatever technical stuff there is will be unoptimised. Just to be safe I'd suggest you to note every value down so you can get your screen back to how you found it. I honestly don't think you can kill your screen or get to a state where it's impossible to modify it back.

240p Test Suite is an incredibly useful tool.

I would have given you the service manual I downloaded a while ago but unfortunately I lost it somehow. If you happen to find yours, I'd be happy to look at it :)

[edit] Oh and if you happen to have a universal remote, One-for-All or something else, please tell me it doesn't work on your TV either. I have no idea why but no matter what universal remote I try or what learning / detection system I use, I can't make them to work with my displays.


Thank you SO much, really.

I'll give it a try tomorrow morning and I'll take note of everything I do and every change I make.
Once I'll figure it out, I'll make sure to post/PM you the whole thing.

You've been amazingly helpful, thank you once again.

Oh and about the edit... At the moment I don't have universal remotes to test with this specific TV but if I remember correctly my parents' Thomson - a smaller one compared to the beast I have here, yet better overall since it was multistandard, with 2 SCART sockets and S-Video connector - didn't respond to a universal remote my dad bought afer the original one stopped working. It happened ages ago, but I'm pretty sure memory doesn't fail me on that.


Out of all the scart cables I have used on my PVM 20L5, Genesis was easily the biggest difference. It is just mindblowing how big the change from composite to RGB is on Genesis. RGB is a life changer for everything though. Couldn't believe how good my games looked.

Genesis 1/ 32X RGB PVM goodness:

Now I do have one issue though. Today I got Component Cables for the original Xbox. I enabled 480p in both the Unleash X dash and the official dash. However, I get really strange colors. Whites become purple, and everything is very green. I can't find any way to change this.

Does anyone know what is wrong? Thank You.



Genesis 1/ 32X RGB PVM goodness:

Now I do have one issue though. Today I got Component Cables for the original Xbox. I enabled 480p in both the Unleash X dash and the official dash. However, I get really strange colors. Whites become purple, and everything is very green. I can't find any way to change this.

Does anyone know what is wrong? Thank You.

Make sure your PVM is set to component and not RGB, mine has a button to toggle between the two.


Make sure your PVM is set to component and not RGB, mine has a button to toggle between the two.

Mine has a menu option that allows me to change that input from RGB to Component, it is set to component. Really not sure what the problem is. I have EXT sync disabled for it and everything.


Mine has a menu option that allows me to change that input from RGB to Component, it is set to component. Really not sure what the problem is. I have EXT sync disabled for it and everything.

Okay... And it's definitely set to the right input? It's just that usually happens when the monitor is trying to read the signal incorrectly. Unfortunately the troubleshooting section of the manual just says to make sure it's on the correct input setting. Maybe double check your cable input too?


Thanks for the heads up, duders.

Solaris shipped my Frame mini out yesterday. Very pleased with ship time + price vs. eBay shysters/rain check takers/excuse makers.

At least a 100 USD better off with the thing actually in transit. Happy day!

Someone on eBay sells an English menu overlay for the remote. Worth the $10 imo, don't have the link handy but should be easy to find.


Okay... And it's definitely set to the right input? It's just that usually happens when the monitor is trying to read the signal incorrectly. Unfortunately the troubleshooting section of the manual just says to make sure it's on the correct input setting. Maybe double check your cable input too?

It was on the RGB/Comp input with setting changed to comp.

Good news though, I fixed it, but in a really stupid way. I was trying to install a new dash (XBMC) and deleted the E/dash/default.xbe, but when I tried to move the new default.xbe over (as well as the other XBMC files), it wouldn't work and kept giving me errors. I basically realized at this point I bricked my Xbox. I restarted and I was at a basic unleashx screen with a different layout with an option to "Install Ndure", and colors seemed good. I installed Ndure and now everything is perfect. It must have been a corrupt install initially. Ndure made another default.xbe in the same file path. Works perfectly, games look amazing. Thanks for your wanting to help though, I appreciate it.



I didn't understand a lick of that lol. I can help with the monitor side but not the crazy modded Xbox side hehe. Might have to hit you up when I get an Xbox though :p
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