This is really quite terrifying to read.
From a personal side, this could also impact my own mother who suffers from secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. Really worried about that.
What enrages me here is that people are so caught up in the notion of repealing "Obamacare" that they don't really seem to give a shit how it's done. Trump said it was bad so we want it gone - no matter what that means. It's just stupid.
They should be working to improve the ACA - try to work on its problems rather than presenting this piece of trash that's taking so many steps back. It's ludicrous.
Having listened to people that want to get rid of the ACA, it seems to always come back to money - they do not feel that they should have to give a cent to anyone else. The idea of subsidizing healthcare for others makes them so angry. In turn, they are quick to vilify those in need and come up with reasons why they don't deserve help. This thought pattern is really disturbing.
This pattern of American thought is the highlight of dualism.
What beliefs do the average person get indoctrinated with that assert divisions, and thus use those divisions to normalize the suffering of others? One's theology and the other economic, and I promise you that the sociopaths you speak of believe in both souls and neoliberal commodification to some deep level. These beliefs, or moral and social, are really the bedrock to the problems of this line of thought almost in full.
A just God and a just market -- both abstractions of thought and too pigshitted to really be legit -- fix all ills. This is how you see literal parasites in office claim that if you simply live a "good way of life" you'll never get a preexisting condition. They're literally applying bootstrapping, free will logic to getting tinnitus or cancer.
There is always a way of finding a way to normalize the suffering of the other when caught in dualistic thinking, because it normalizes the fact that divisions themselves create the arena where conflict, and thus suffering, occur. It constantly spirals itself into deeper and deeper claims of isolationism, to justify the divisions. People really double down on violent thinking and normalize it as just, and for any person to do this, they are likely a threat to others. The GOP is this as a political body: they are, simply put, a greater threat to the American people than ISIS, and there is no hyperbole in my claims here.
ISIS mostly strikes fear into the hearts of Americans, with their claims of a state of oppression and violence. The GOP actually
enacts policies that create oppression and violence.