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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate




When the bill first came up, the vast majority of them disconnected their phones. They haven't really cared what their constituents think in a long time. If they did, this bill wouldn't have the votes to pass, it never would be brought up. GOP in purple/competitive areas would be up in arms against it, etc.

Don't call me, but please...do vote.

edit: I'm getting worked up today. I hope I don't lose my shit.
Everyone thinks Mitch wouldn't do it, but he did it for the Supreme Court. He could nuke the filibuster and get this shitty thing passed with 51 votes.

He nukes the legislative filibuster and he might as well change his business card from "Senator" to "Representative". Having no filibuster would permanently and fundamentally weaken the chamber and I would think he and some of the elder GOP senators have the sense not to do it.

But apparently we're still in budget reconciliation (which is wild to me on its own merit) so all he needs is 50+1 and that 1 could very well be Mike Pence.


What a bunch of turds.

I called my congressman yesterday, had to call four different offices to find a voicemail box that wasn't full... Still not optimistic though.
Everyone thinks Mitch wouldn't do it, but he did it for the Supreme Court. He could nuke the filibuster and get this shitty thing passed with 51 votes.
McConnell isn't the only one who decides to kill the filibuster. It would need to be voted on by at least 50 senators, and finding 3 GOP senators that do not want to kill the filibuster is pretty easy.


If things don't change in 2018, we deserve to be ruled by these animals.

We need massive and constant push to educate people on policies and positions these people push. The government shutdown from 2013 should have been a clear case of these people's intentions, but it was not.
1) This is a reconciliation vote, so Republicans only need 51 (or 50+Pence)
2) Mitch would be insane to nuke the filibuster on legislation.
The bill will be gutted to pass under reconciliation anyways. The senate parliamentarian will not allow stuff like the pre-existing condition state waivers to pass under the reconciliation rules. So whatever comes to the floor in the senate will be demonstrably different than this garbage bill. Aside from that, you can bet your ass guys like Rand Paul aren't voting for it unless it's even worse than the house bill. Same for Cruz who isn't exactly known to fall in line.

It won't take an easy path through the senate and if it does pass? Everything that changed to appease the freedom caucus will be gone and it's dead in the house again more than likely.
Party before country, my friend. Party before country.

This isn't even party lol. This is a suicide bill for the GOP. They're basically causing 2018's Democrat wave themselves.

This is like Obama psychosis or something. Anything dealing with Obama causes the GOP to collectively lose their minds and any actual self preservation techniques.
Because Republicans only care when it's the other party. Because Republicans are the absolute worst thing about the political spectrum in this country. Because Republicans honestly don't give a shit about anyone but themselves and, for those in office, who ever pays them the most. And their voting block is full of a bunch of idiots who for instance decry the estate tax and say it needs to go away without realizing it's a tax on the value of the estate above I believe $5.6m for 2016, so a tax on the wealthy/super wealthy a place most people in the nation won't find themselves.

And that's the individual rate. Married couples don't pay an estate tax unless they're worth over $11 million. I don't know the percentage on how many people pay it, but I doubt it's higher than 1 percent. If you know someone who will pay it chances are you're wealthy yourself.
Senator Bob Corker was on Morning Joe and was asked about whether the house bill would be put up for an up and down vote if it passes today...

He laughed "No."

Also noted they have a group together to try and get something together and out of committee in 30 days or so. He mentioned that the senate stopped paying attention to what the house has been doing on healthcare since the initial failure to bring up the vote. i.e. The senate will have its own bill and they couldn't care less about the house bill....


Just called my rep, Brad Wenstrup's, DC office. Got a busy signal a few times and then a human being picked up. I was quite surprised, but still managed to stammer through my message. Talked about my GF who has tons of conditions where she'd never be able to get insurance without the ACA.

I assume he's still a "Yes" but hey, maybe it can get help.
Did you think #45 would win?
I was unsure about the election (by that I mean I was unsure who would win. I was a Clinton supporter).

There's just too many (R) representatives from Clinton states and districts for this thing to pass.

Party before country, my friend. Party before country.
While you are right, there is something that comes even before party - and that is self. Self-preservation is arguably the most important thing to politicians and if certain Republicans vote for this bill they can kiss their job goodbye.


Matt Fuller‏Verified account

You haven't lived until you've seen Rep. David McKinley flip out on a reporter for asking if he's read the bill and seen a CBO score.

These are the people in power right now.
Senator Bob Corker was on Morning Joe and was asked about whether the house bill would be put up for an up and down vote if it passes today...

He laughed "No."

Also noted they have a group together to try and get something together and out of committee in 30 days or so. He mentioned that the senate stopped paying attention to what the house has been doing on healthcare since the initial failure to bring up the vote. i.e. The senate will have its own bill and they couldn't care less about the house bill....

It's amazing. This bill is DOA in the senate and moderates in the House have to know it. They're being played...and might go along with it. Why vote for an unpopular bill that won't become law? the HFC is adamant that any changes will result in them pulling support for the bill (when it comes back to the House).

Trump is basically going to lose the House (or come damn close) just to stroke his ego. He'll do a premature victory lap if this passes the House, which I still doubt btw.

Rebel Leader

Lol Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. Their is an opposite Trump Tweet for EVERYTHING that his administration does. I mean, to believe in this man you have to be willfully ignorant.

As Seth said
It's now a law of physics.

For every trump action there is an equal or opposite trump tweetclip


The bill will be gutted to pass under reconciliation anyways. The senate parliamentarian will not allow stuff like the pre-existing condition state waivers to pass under the reconciliation rules. So whatever comes to the floor in the senate will be demonstrably different than this garbage bill. Aside from that, you can bet your ass guys like Rand Paul aren't voting for it unless it's even worse than the house bill. Same for Cruz who isn't exactly known to fall in line.

It won't take an easy path through the senate and if it does pass? Everything that changed to appease the freedom caucus will be gone and it's dead in the house again more than likely.

I'm interested in seeing how the parliamentarian rules on the bill. My non expert read of the Byrd rules suggest that there is at least some question about anything other than almost a straight defund of Obamacare.

The waivers are probably out, but I'm not sure establishing a high risk pool which doesn't exist in current law could meet the standard either.
It's amazing. This bill is DOA in the senate and moderates in the House have to know it. They're being played...and might go along with it. Why vote for an unpopular bill that won't become law? the HFC is adamant that any changes will result in them pulling support for the bill (when it comes back to the House).

Trump is basically going to lose the House (or come damn close) just to stroke his ego. He'll do a premature victory lap if this passes the House, which I still doubt btw.

But what I don't get about it, is why are those moderates, or those in purple, areas willing to just lay on the sword. Even if it is DOA on the Senate, this has been such a public and toxic thing, it's going to be so easy to use this against later in midterms. I mean, it just doesn't make sense, but I guess the GOP is such a shitshow that it's whatever. Carpe Diem.


Is the vote at 8:30pm eastern or this afternoon? I'm watching TV and they say it should occur during the afternoon?

I want to watch this live when it actually happens.

I'm interested in seeing how the parliamentarian rules on the bill. My non expert read of the Byrd rules suggest that there is at least some question about anything other than almost a straight defund of Obamacare.

The waivers are probably out, but I'm not sure establishing a high risk pool which doesn't exist in current law could meet the standard either.
A lot of it won't and you can bet that Democrats will be loud about fighting anything on the floor that does not conform to the Byrd rule.

Short and sweet - passing this kind of sweeping legislation is really really hard! Anyone that dislikes Nancy Pelosi should sit in awe of what she pulled in the house with the ACA. Even if you hate her politics.
A lot of it won't and you can bet that Democrats will be loud about fighting anything on the floor that does not conform to the Byrd rule.

Short and sweet - passing this kind of sweeping legislation is really really hard! Anyone that dislikes Nancy Pelosi should sit in awe of what she pulled in the house with the ACA. Even if you hate her politics.

Which is why this vote should be studied by social scientists for years. Vulnerable politicians are willingly burdening themselves with something they have no clue will ever pass.


I want it to fail because I don't want people to die.

But if it does pass, we can take some solace in that it almost assures Trump is a one term president. No way he gets re-elected when millions lose necessary coverage.


A lot of it won't and you can bet that Democrats will be loud about fighting anything on the floor that does not conform to the Byrd rule.

Short and sweet - passing this kind of sweeping legislation is really really hard! Anyone that dislikes Nancy Pelosi should sit in awe of what she pulled in the house with the ACA. Even if you hate her politics.

It is almost impressive. When the democrats were passing the ACA, they knew it would a risk to their seats if they passed it and they did so for the right reasons.

Coincidentally Republicans, who must also know that putting their names down for this piece of shit puts a target on their back, but they'll vote for it but for all the wrong reasons.
A lot of it won't and you can bet that Democrats will be loud about fighting anything on the floor that does not conform to the Byrd rule.

Short and sweet - passing this kind of sweeping legislation is really really hard! Anyone that dislikes Nancy Pelosi should sit in awe of what she pulled in the house with the ACA. Even if you hate her politics.

Yep, she passed a bill with a public option. She'll forever be in my good graces for accomplishing that. The Senate is always where the most insidious corruption occurs. I have no doubt the same process will play out there this time. The difference being that the healthcare provider, hospital, and insurance lobby will completely (instead of partially) nuter the bill this time.


Republicans make it sound like Obamacare is this national nightmare everyone wants to kill.

How can they call the former garbage system "the best in the world"?
It is almost impressive. When the democrats were passing the ACA, they knew it would a risk to their seats if they passed it and they did so for the right reasons.

Coincidentally Republicans, who must also know that putting their names down for this piece of shit puts a target on their back, but they'll vote for it but for all the wrong reasons.

Yeah, it really is a huge contrast to the parties. But you still have people spouting various versions of 'both sides are the same,' because all they watch is cable news or they read a little bit from Noam Chomsky and think they're woke.
Rep. Tom MacArthur of New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District – the only member of the state’s Congressional delegation who supported the first iteration of the American Health Care Act – has now resurrected the bill with a new amendment that retains all the worst elements of the original plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and sharply reduces protections for pre-existing conditions and other health benefits


3rd district is like South Jersey and this dude is holding a town hall on the 10th. His Facebook is flooded with pissed off people.


Watching the stream on the new YT design and it seems like I can't hide the chat. Really really stupid shit in there
just called both the DC and district office of my "undecided" representative. i told them it's the moment of truth, and if this guy really thinks it's ok to gut medicaid, strip EHB's and kick people with pre-ex conditions to the curb. got a bunch of "he's still reviewing the language" BS and i said what language, there's no damn CBO score and the upton amendment is total BS and him and his entire staff will be looking for jobs come november 18. bunch of damn frauds, man. this dude will hurd (tx-23) is literally in a 50-50 district and is still contemplating which way to to vote, unbelievable.

202 225 4511, give the DC office a ring. they have always picked up on first few rings. if ask for zip code, tell them 78256.
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