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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Oh Lord, Pelosi is so incredible in some ways, so goddamn frustrating in others.

We will never have the health care system we need (IE, single payer option/universal that excises the need for private insurance) because no one in congress is brave enough to make it happen. They know it will cost them their jobs to attach their names to an idea that, by design, would result in significant job loss - and let's be real, any meaningful restructuring of how health care works in this country would result in significant layoffs in the private insurance industry.

The fear of campaign ads painting them as evil liberal job killers is too real.


I like out of context Twitter posts.

For what its worth, Pelosi said in the conference that the dude is quoting that she's been a supporter of single payer for 30 years so...

Tweet came onto my TL from national reporters, pal. Also, who cares if she supports it? If it's not a platform or has no chance of being a platform I don't give a shit.

When does the GOP vote today?
As someone with T1 Diabetes, I am legitimately nervous right now.

I'm terrified to think of what would happen if this passes and my pump breaks down in the near future.


Oh Lord, Pelosi is so incredible in some ways, so goddamn frustrating in others.

She's a corporate sell out so that money conflicts with her values.. good thing is Elizabeth Warren will run in 2020 and hopefully push the public option / single payer..


We will never have the health care system we need (IE, single payer option/universal that excises the need for private insurance) because no one in congress is brave enough to make it happen. They know it will cost them their jobs to attach their names to an idea that, by design, would result in significant job loss - and let's be real, any meaningful restructuring of how health care works in this country would result in significant layoffs in the private insurance industry.

Public option is the only thing that can be done without blowing up the economy short-medium term.I mean, the health sector is about 20% of our economy, so... Single payer is actually a pretty dumb universal healthcare option for the U.S.
So after this all fails I wonder what the Dems are going to run on:


oh lmao okay.

I dont think it'd make sense for Pelosi to say anything else in an environment where Obamacare is still law of the land. She risks undermining the Democrat's moral superiority on the issue if she just outright says she wants single payer over the ACA. Repubs. immediate response would be that the Democrats don't even want Obamacare.

Let the Republicans cripple/dismantle it, let them own the damage and suffering thats caused as a result, and then let Democrats swoop in with an overarching policy change to single payer in the aftermath. The only silver lining in Republicans doing this is that it actually opens this up as a possibility.


So this bill has problems, let's replace it and make people's lives a living hell.


Who votes for them?Why?


I dont think it'd make sense for Pelosi to say anything else in an environment where Obamacare is still law of the land. She risks undermining the Democrat's moral superiority on the issue if she just outright says she wants single payer over the ACA. Repubs. immediate response would be that the Democrats don't even want Obamacare.

Let the Republicans cripple/dismantle it, let them own the damage and suffering thats caused as a result, and then let Democrats swoop in with an overarching policy change to single payer in the aftermath. The only silver lining in Republicans doing this is that it actually opens this up as a possibility.


Just not a fan of a straight "no". Politically it makes sense I guess, sure.


I really don't get why they would vote Yes for this, millions with a pre-existing condition won't have health care anymore right? why vote yes then


God, the gap in continuous coverage surcharge part of this bill is fucking infuriating.

Oh, something happened where you were unable to afford coverage for a time? Good luck getting back to it, because it is more expensive now.

This is a punishment to poor people and this will be the biggest reason people die or go into medical debt slavery.

This clause is the same way that auto insurance works (I wrote insurance policies for a few years)

I've had to tell unemployed single mothers they're going to need to put down $1200 to start a policy that will cost them over $500 per month for the WORST most MINIMUM policy on $1000 car.

She could have bought her own car 5 times over, and the coverage she purchased only covered if she were to be at fault for causing up to $20k in damage. For comparisons sake, you should have coverage that covers at minimum $100k in damage.

If you had a lapse of insurance (go for a time without insurance) and ALSO had a claim under your name from when you did have insurance?! Lol, no company will insure you for any cost, and the 1 or 2 that will, will ask for even more to start the policy.

I explain all this to give you an idea of what people are going to go through now. There will be unemployed single mothers who are going to have to decide whether to pay rent and buy food for their kids or pay their entire months salary to start a health insurance policy.

This clause is solely for the insurance companies bank accounts. The logic is that the insurance company is taking a risk by insuring someone who has a bad financial record in regards to health insurance. It is their version of credit history.

Imagine if you had bad credit and now you have to DIE FOR IT??? Sorry, this shit just infuriates me a bit.
I really don't get why they would vote Yes for this, millions with a pre-existing condition won't have health care anymore right? why vote yes then

its moving the burden to the states to choose to fund a high risk pool. I will give you one guess what will happen?

I am in Utah and we didn't accept medicaid expansion so...

fuck me and my type 1 diabetes.
She's a corporate sell out so that money conflicts with her values.. good thing is Elizabeth Warren will run in 2020 and hopefully push single payer..

Oh man... I'm all for Warren but after the disaster that was Clinton's campaign I'm sad to say but I think a standard charming white dude might be what the Dems need. It's horrible to think this but the United States may not be ready for a woman as president. They need to do whatever's necessary to remove Trump! A female leader will come later!


I really don't get why they would vote Yes for this, millions with a pre-existing condition won't have health care anymore right? why vote yes then

Because the GOP's base isn't the people who vote for them, it's the corporations who profit from them when they're in power.

That and the GOP only cares about themselves (which is why they threw this exemption in for themselves).


Mental health treatment may no longer be required to be covered, no matter what insurance you have, in some states if this passes. That's just great for me. Maternity care and others also on the chopping block.


Making it harder for people with pre-existing conditions, expanding what those are, letting ins. companies opt out of covering prescriptions and hospitalization ????? With all this bill doesn't cover and let ins. companies opt out of covering - is there a point to even having health insurance?

I really don't see the point in giving my money to an insurance company that doesn't provide any coverage for anything.
I know it doesn't mean anything, but all the angry faces on the facebook as GOP speakers just swamps the screen lol.

Yeah, I hate these fucking people


I really don't get why they would vote Yes for this, millions with a pre-existing condition won't have health care anymore right? why vote yes then

Republicans spent a shitload of time passing Obamacare repeals that got vetoed by Obama. They spent years telling their constituents that they'd smite the evil horrible Obamacare and save the common man.

They then won full control of the government and couldn't fucking do it.

Trump got a bug up his ass about the humiliating failure and went on the attack.

They're basically trying to pass anything that will let them say they repealed Obamacare, and let the Senate try to actually fix the law by rewriting it from scratch if they want.

It's cynical politics that has nothing to do with what is actually good or right, it's just being able to say they defeated the evil obamacare beast.


I looked at the comments on Fox News.

Even folks are not happy there. Some. But that's still goes to show how awful this is.

Tommy DJ

Tweet came onto my TL from national reporters, pal. Also, who cares if she supports it? If it's not a platform or has no chance of being a platform I don't give a shit.

When does the GOP vote today?

It's why Twitter is the best as presenting low context information to get people angry about nothing.

Unless she did a 180 somewhere else, you're in luck. She said that if she could push a single payer bill through right now she would and she would most definitely support starting a movement for some form of Medicare for All.

But promising single payer without doing the groundwork and in the context of 2018? Nope.
I really don't get why they would vote Yes for this, millions with a pre-existing condition won't have health care anymore right? why vote yes then

I assume it's because if it was to pass the senate (big if), it will have to look quite a bit different. (or they're simply evil and incompetent)

It could be one or the other, or it could be both. (it's probably both)


its moving the burden to the states to choose to fund a high risk pool. I will give you one guess what will happen?

I am in Utah and we didn't accept medicaid expansion so...

fuck me and my type 1 diabetes.

Because the GOP's base isn't the people who vote for them, it's the corporations who profit from them when they're in power.

That and the GOP only cares about themselves (which is why they threw this exemption in for themselves).

I'm literally shaking my head, wth is happening over there

hopefully, it gets stopped in the Senate
I looked at the comments on Fox News.

Even folks are not happy there. Some. But that's still goes to show how awful this is.

Fox wasn't too hot on the bill in the beginning. This bill is just so nakedly horrible, it's hard for even the shills to defend it
So the "trade-off" for preexisting conditions is to let insurance companies overcharge those people?

What is the fucking point then?

Insurance is supposed to be blanket coverage, not selective coverage.
We will never have the health care system we need (IE, single payer option/universal that excises the need for private insurance) because no one in congress is brave enough to make it happen. They know it will cost them their jobs to attach their names to an idea that, by design, would result in significant job loss - and let's be real, any meaningful restructuring of how health care works in this country would result in significant layoffs in the private insurance industry.

The fear of campaign ads painting them as evil liberal job killers is too real.

This, sadly this.


She's a corporate sell out so that money conflicts with her values.. good thing is Elizabeth Warren will run in 2020 and hopefully push the public option / single payer..

First your assessment of Pelosi on this subject is ridiculous and politically vapid, as per usual. Saying you dont have the votes is not the same as being against something. Some of us live in the real world.

Secondly, How would Warren or Bernie or whomever the next magical unicorn supported by political neophytes get single payer through Congress? Ill wait... Forever, since there is no current path.


I assume it's because if it was to pass the senate (big if), it will have to look quite a bit different. (or they're simply evil and incompetent)

It could be one or the other, or it could be both. (it's probably both)

if the Senate could just change any bill that passes their way, why the need for Congress? won't Congress be angry if the bill they passed isn't the same one that the Senate passes?

Oni Jazar

The senator from NJ is Rep. Frank Pallone, who keeps reminding every republican, after their turn, how their constituents will lose protections for those with pre-existing conditions in their district.



Just not a fan of a straight "no". Politically it makes sense I guess, sure.

To be fair Single Payer being the main message for 2018 would be terrible. That would also be a huge shakeup to the system and the ads against that would be insane.


if the Senate could just change any bill that passes their way, why the need for Congress? won't Congress be angry if the bill they passed isn't the same one that the Senate passes?

It would get sent back to the House after being changed.


I am literally shaking with anger listening to this bullshit. Every one of these republicans voting for this shit deserves to burn in hell.
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