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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate



If a health insurance plan doesn't cover hospitalization and prescription drugs, what is it other than a place to throw money?

That would be your "affordable' health insurance plan" Trump is going to be touting. He's going to be shouting affordable health care for all and pre-existing condition protection clauses to fool the masses but they won't be the same plan.

The question is how evil and money hungry are insurance companies to make the current base line plans these gutted useless plans and how much will you have to pay for a semi-normal plan in the future? And if you have pre existing conditions like diabetes cancer or asthma and your low income? Start making peace now, or as the GOP say "stay optimistic"


if the Senate could just change any bill that passes their way, why the need for Congress? won't Congress be angry if the bill they passed isn't the same one that the Senate passes?

The Senate already said the bill as it currently stands will not pass the Senate and will need "a lot of work". Now, you can make assumptions as to what they mean by that, or assume it's just empty rhetoric. We won't know unless it gets there and frankly, I'd rather it didn't.


They just keep going "Obamacare is totally bad and premiums and stuff" without explaining one bit how this trash bill supposedly is going to help people.
Why would Pelosi argue for Single Payer today?

"Oh god, don't destroy our health insurance plans...the ACA must stay in place!... so we can totally dismantle it in 2 years"

It would be incredibly inappropriate to comment on that now considering what's about to happen

Kud Dukan

I'm Canadian, so whether this passes or not does not affect me directly, but it still makes me angry reading all these comments and discussions about what could happen if this were to indeed pass. I wish there was something I could do to help.


I looked at the comments on Fox News.

Even folks are not happy there. Some. But that's still goes to show how awful this is.

I haven't seen much at all from his usual supporters on Twitter about the bill. Most people seem to be talking about today's EO or Colbert.
"People made it loud and clear they didn't want Obamacare!" Those same people who didn't realize Obamacare and ACA were one and the same, you mean?


Not a single Republican has argued of the merits of their own bill. Every single argument has been "Obamacare was terrible, for reasons we have cherry-picked, so here's a bill that is different, for reasons we won't argue for, so vote yea."
if the Senate could just change any bill that passes their way, why the need for Congress? won't Congress be angry if the bill they passed isn't the same one that the Senate passes?

Spending bills have to originate in the House. Otherwise, the intent is to allow more eyes and discussion. If the Senate changes the bill, the House and the Senate must vote on a final bill that incorporates input from both houses. It's only when both houses have approved a final bill that it can go to the President.


I'm Canadian, so whether this passes or not does not affect me directly, but it still makes me angry reading all these comments and discussions about what could happen if this were to indeed pass. I wish there was something I could do to help.

Build some guillotines to export down south.

Edit: Republicans complaining about fearmongering is the height of hypocrisy.
Phil Roe is up there. Not in my district, but such a piece of shit. God, why is every rep from TN such pieces of shiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttt.
Fuck these dipshit evil assholes. I'm honestly hoping all the people supporting this die of a heart attack before they can vote.


Not a single Republican has argued of the merits of their own bill. Every single argument has been "Obamacare was terrible, for reasons we have cherry-picked, so here's a bill that is different, for reasons we won't argue for, so vote yea."

That's because they don't care about the merits of their bill, and the bulk of the people who vote for them either;

A) Don't understand how things like this work and just go with what their party says

B) Don't give a shit about anyone but themselves
So this bill has problems, let's replace it and make people's lives a living hell.


Who votes for them?Why?

Uninformed lifetime Republicans who think their representative never does anything wrong and don't bother to check what they actually vote for. They vote for the one with the R next to their name, that's it.

They also buy into the "blame Dems" bullshit. You bet your ass the Republican party will push a massive, massive narrative of how it's REALLY the Democrats' fault that your healtcare costs skyrocketed or got straight up taken away. Enough dumb, uneducated, ill-informed voters will buy into it and vote R for the 2,389,470,174th time in a row.
Is it wrong that if by some miracle all this shit goes down I hope my dad gets royally fucked by something just to prove him wrong that this is all a huge mistake.

He's so far gone he probably wouldn't care though


what if you are a Trump supporter with a pre-existing condition?

If you're a Trump supporter you have a pre-existing condition and both pre-existing conditions and mental health are gutted in this bill, so you are screwed.

"Fear mongering has no place in this debate" - Dickbag from Tennessee

As all the republicans talk about how the ACA is in a death spiral..


Yes. I saw a tweet from Kilmeade asking listeners of his show to call in about whether they will boycott CBS.

What a bunch of titbaby snowflakes. They go on and on about how tough they are and how "libtards tryin to take away free speech!" and then you hear about this pathetic little bitch shit. Cunts, the lot of them.
There's my rep, Diane Black. Goddammit, I'm sorry people. I didn't vote for her, but her awfulness goes so beyond I feel I have to.

Beat you aren't going to tell them about my call, huh, you soulless fucking cunt.
Is it wrong that if by some miracle all this shit goes down I hope my dad gets royally fucked by something just to prove him wrong that this is all a huge mistake.

He's so far gone he probably wouldn't care though

this shit wont affect us until 2020 after the D's take office again. Guess what the narrative will be then.


That's because they don't care about the merits of their bill, and the bulk of the people who vote for them either;

A) Don't understand how things like this work and just go with what their party says

B) Don't give a shit about anyone but themselves

I'm aware, I'm just venting.


Getting rid of something that isn't perfect with something that's way worse and standing there trying to sell oneself as the good guy is absolutely shameful.


That's because they don't care about the merits of their bill, and the bulk of the people who vote for them either;

A) Don't understand how things like this work and just go with what their party says

B) Don't give a shit about anyone but themselves

democracy was a mistake


I love how the republicans cherry pick 1 or 2 constituents that the ACA isn't working for in order to justify the vote to take it away from people who it is working for and no explanation how this is going to help those 1 or 2 mentioned.
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