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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate


CNN reports the GOP House members are "giddy with anticipation", and were playing "Eye of the Tiger" earlier.

They have the votes locked, or they think so.
Doubtful some would turn back to no at the last second without a new element like a CBO scoring in the mix.

If that's true, man... what a fucking world.

I would wish them ill, but they are protected and insulated from their own rotten treachery. Scumbags.


This doesn't go into effect right away if it passes right? What happens with up to 26 coverage?

No. Has to go to the Senate. If they pass it without changes (ha) it goes to POTUS for a signature. If it passes with changes, it has to pass the House again, then go to POTUS for a signature.


Unconfirmed Member
This doesn't go into effect right away if it passes right? What happens with up to 26 coverage?

Up to 26 is still intact.

Preexisting conditions probably will be added back in the senate, but hard to say for sure.


I really hope if this shit passes that any women advancement conference Ivanka waltz herself into throws her out immediately. She can't keep saying Trump is a champion of women after how hard he's going for this bill that guys maternity care.


Unconfirmed Member
It is not going to pass through the senate because they will need 60 votes to break filabuster and the budget reconciliation deadline has passed already.

Budget deadline is the adoption of the next budget. That should happen sometime next month.


All of this doesn't really make sense. The Freedom Caucus didn't support the last bill because it wasn't evil enough, but there were a couple of Republicans who said they didn't like the bill for non-evil reasons. Because it was trash. This new bill is even bigger trash and yet they support it this time?

Have fun facing your constituency.


At this point, they are using the same strategy that Trump is using: try as much as the want in the hopes that the public gets tired of it. Mother fuckers that they are.

My theory is this... You know how they keep pushing farther and farther right at each reiteration? Before they said pre-existing conditions will not be touched. Now they are in jeopardy. Keep pushing farther and farther right.

Then when they are happy they will "compromise" and end up passing a bill that is much further right than when they first tried to pass it.

Kind of like how the team America movie turned out. Matt and trey Parker put stuff in that they didn't even want, just to get the mpaa to be happy that they cut something out.

Same tactic here guys.
Pelosi isn't usually the best speaker, but this is a great speech. It won't matter, but she's so spot on, 'Ya'll really wanna do this shit?'
I had surgery when I was born as a preemie (needed a clip on a heart valve). Would that count as a pre-existing condition? Like obviously asthma and probably aspergers are, but would something that far back be considered?


Trump postponed his trip to New York and they have buses outside waiting for them once the bill passes to take them to a party with Trump.. wouldn't it be glorious if it somehow failed.. lol

Sadly, it won't.. not today anyway.


If only I could get in the head of liberal leaning people that said: "Hillary is as bad as Trump" to me during the campaign, when they lose their healthcare.


Maybe this is all a sadistic, evil plan of Trump to get everyone dancong this much only to veto it once it hits his desk.

If his plan was to do all of this and then Ozymandias them at the White House party that would be interesting.

They are really just petty and evil, tho.
I had surgery when I was born as a preemie (needed a clip on a heart valve). Would that count as a pre-existing condition? Like obviously asthma and probably aspergers are, but would something that far back be considered?
Before wht we have now, I'm about 97% certain that yes, this is a pre-existing condition. Jimmy Kimmel just had a great segment in his show talking about his newborn son that had a serious issue with his heart at birth, and he mentioned also it would be considered an existing condition.


I had surgery when I was born as a preemie (needed a clip on a heart valve). Would that count as a pre-existing condition? Like obviously asthma and probably aspergers are, but would something that far back be considered?

From my understanding of healthcare pre-ACA, absolutely. It's almost a textbook example of a pre-existing condition. It's something Jimmy Kimmel went into when discussing his son's heart disease.
I had surgery when I was born as a preemie (needed a clip on a heart valve). Would that count as a pre-existing condition? Like obviously asthma and probably aspergers are, but would something that far back be considered?

"Clearly you weren't chosen by god to live a long life" actual thought process of people supporting this bill
Yes, I will tell myself what reams of data actually show. Yes, he's less popular that Obama, or most presidents were at varying times. But historic precedent for approval #s is dodgy. We are in an unprecedented phase of partisanship in American history, and the norm is to have a wildly divisive president. Trump run by being about as popular as he is now, and Obama won in 2012 despite being the most reviled presidential candidate up until then. Looking at simple historic comparisons and trends of approval numbers is clearly missing a lot of big picture stuff.

The only person missing the big picture is you. The candidate Trump was running against was the most unpopular candidate aside from himself.

Comparing the first 100 days of Trump to the first 100 days of other presidents isn't missing the bigger picture. Comparing where he is now to Obama's worst numbers is missing the bigger picture.

What data we have show him to be the most unpopular. There's no getting around that. He might get a lot more popular. He might end up beloved, but here in 2017, with just over 100 days in office, no one's polls and approvals compare.




Tell me with a straight face that one of those doesn't look markedly different to the others.

Yes, this might be the new normal, but there is nothing about Bush or Obama's approvals through the same period to suggest that.

And it will remain true that Obama was never as unpopular a President when at his most unpopular, as Trump was at his most unpopular. That's already a fact.


Unconfirmed Member
with everything they added it doesn't qualify for that anymore

Probably true. The bill coming out of the senate will look very different.

I don't know if I would count on the freedom caucus blocking it after it gets out of the senate though. A lot more pressure to fall in line after that, since there really isn't any more opportunities to amend it given reconciliation rules.


This is all so disgusting. Maybe it's time for people to feel what they voted for. And for me to stop feeling sorry for them. Making me physically sick to my stomach.

The saddest part is that those who will get hurt the worst voted for these assholes. Blue States won't fuck over their citizens in the end. Sorry Red States.


US politics is basically:

Rich people: "I don't want to fucking pay millions of dollars in my taxes to pay for blacks and Mexicans' free stuff."

*lobbies millions of dollars on politicians*


I had surgery when I was born as a preemie (needed a clip on a heart valve). Would that count as a pre-existing condition? Like obviously asthma and probably aspergers are, but would something that far back be considered?

It's usually stuff that is currently undergoing or recently underwent treatment not everything that might have happened to you in life

It also doesn't usually affect group plans
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