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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate



Unconfirmed Member
Paul Ryan giddiness in the sound of his voice makes me think they're pretty sure it'll pass.


CNN reports the GOP House members are "giddy with anticipation", and were playing "Eye of the Tiger" earlier.

GOP House members right now:


Hell, would just being a preemie count? You'd be fucked just being born

Potentially. This is all at the discretion of insurance companies. They crunch the math and figure out who costs them too much. If premie's cost them too much in the long run, they might declare them a pre-existing condition.
US politics is basically:

Rich people: "I don't want to fucking pay millions of dollars in my taxes to pay for blacks and Mexicans' free stuff."

*lobbies millions of dollars on politicians*

As long as that money goes to white politicians it's okay 👌
Ryan ain't gonna take the blame for this again, he will not put it up for a vote unless he is sure it passes the House. Whole different beast in the Senate.


Ryan speaking like he cares about people.. he is just giddy he is ripping an entitlement out of peoples hands.. "we are doing something that has never been done before" is what he said a month ago..
The idea that this goober would become the president if Trump/Pence get kicked out somehow makes me wonder if democracy should just be burned down entirely.
The only reason why these assholes are happy is because this is their only win. Even if the win is the most evil, ill-informed, fiscally irresponsible piece of shit that has no chance to pass the Senate they'll be thrilled they got something done for their asshole of a Cheeto crusted president.

They're going all out with the giddiness because they know it'll be their only win in a long, long time.


So they got the party buses ready to head straight to Trump to no doubt make an announcement. It's going to pass. I've accepted that.

Now we have to go through the motions again with the Senate.
"Look guys, we got almost all of our own party to agree on a horrible piece of healthcare that people hate! It only took a month to pressure and coerce the ones who didn't want it before. GO US!"


That dude needs to enunciate better, even if the people in the room know what he's going to say. Or they should just have an auctioneer.
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