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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate

Oh dear. :/

Hopefully this bill dies in the Senate.

More importantly, every congressman who voted for this Trumpcare should be publicly branded with this "W" and everything that comes with it in 2018 and beyond. For people who don't want to vote against their own interests like last time and shoo out the clowns.


Pretty much.

We're too complacent now. Gone are the 60s/70s where people would actually protest and fight for rights. Now it's fuck liberty, give me an iPhone.

You been living under a rock? The largest protest in American history took place earlier this year. Many cities have protests every other week.


If you don't want this bill to pass, call your senators ASAP!
If you don't want this bill to pass, call your senators ASAP!
If you don't want this bill to pass, call your senators ASAP!
If you don't want this bill to pass, call your senators ASAP!
If you don't want this bill to pass, call your senators ASAP!


Question. I don't have the time to read every part, but isn't there a part that allows states to decide which pre existing coverage is covered?
there's still time to drain that swamp amirite???

BREAKING: House panel approves bill to undo much of Dodd-Frank law enacted after financial crisis.


Fuck Democrats that are singing about this. Think of the people who'll lose their coverage, not the seats some politicians might lose.

They did when they fucking voted against it. Think before you post. They're singing to tell the Republicans they're going to die next year.


The dismal thing about healthcare is that I don't trust anyone, the politicians, the insurance companies, or any doctor or dentist ... any medical professional I've been to. Give it 10 years and we'll all be taking heredity tests to assess our friggin' risk based on our gene pool.


It depends on what you mean by victory, since generally passing an unpopular piece of legislation isn't very beneficial, politically.

It won't be spun as such and you know it.

Sadly, we have an incredibly stupid electorate. It also means Trump still has some leverage with his party, despite his daily stupidity and terrible approval ratings.


Matt Viser (@mviser)
Twenty Republicans voted against the bill. Here they are:


Suppose these people also have targets on their backs now.
If this is seen as reconciliation, then this will just need a 50%+1 majority in the Senate. Which plenty there say lots of things, but ultimately fall in line on the GOP side.

If this needs to break the filibuster, it'll be nearly impossible unless Turtle nukes the rules again.
Maybe they should figure out how to win the elections instead of wrongly assuming Americans will remember and care without strategically reminding them.

Democrats always do this kind of stuff, if healthcare does get cheaper for healthy people guess who wins again.


America you have my condolences. Unreal seeing how one party is so willing and open to fuck so many over healthcare.


oh good the dems are treating this like a game

we're in good hands everyone

Yeah it wasn't the most tactful response.

The Democrats are right to privately gloat: I think there will be electoral ramifications if this passes that will hurt the Republicans, but I don't know if celebrating 2018 midterm prospects is the best way to respond right now.
I will never understand the HATE Republicans have and had for Obama.

This is all out of hate of Obama.


I mean, it's a party mostly filled with old, rich white men hailing from southern states. What's surprising about them hating a progressive black president from Chicago?


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If you don't want this bill to pass, call your senators ASAP!
If you don't want this bill to pass, call your senators ASAP!
If you don't want this bill to pass, call your senators ASAP!
If you don't want this bill to pass, call your senators ASAP!
If you don't want this bill to pass, call your senators ASAP!

Already did. They are gonna vote Yes anyways as I live in old man whitey mc white state.

Sean C

Can anyone logically answer why they think it won't pass the Senate?

I have yet to hear any answer other than wishing for it to be so.
Because GOP senators cannot hide behind gerrymandering, and many of them are perfectly aware that this bill will kill their re-election chances. Dean Heller cannot vote for this bill, or he will lose in 2018. Susan Collins is mulling a gubernatorial run the same year; Lisa Murkowski would be cutting her own throat, if you've seen the CBO projections for what this would do to Alaska.

This scraped through the House by a single vote. It's DOA in the Senate without major revisions that would just send it back to the House.


Pretty much.

We're too complacent now. Gone are the 60s/70s where people would actually protest and fight for rights. Now it's fuck liberty, give me an iPhone.
DAE Milennials???? We have been protesting constantly since the Cheeto got elected.


This is what half the country wants, i say let them have it. I just wish there was a way to shield the good people from it


Why are people more irritated by what the Dems are doing as opposed to what the Republicans have done?

Have we not established who the real enemy is or are we still too busy tearing down our own allies?
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