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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate


Hey dems didn't vote for this bill. I'm giddy about the GOP doing this shit because the ads write themselves.

Let's stop worrying about shit that doesn't matter
If Dems are the ones singing, it really sucks a lot of the gravitas out of their position. It becomes less about the people and more about a pissing contest.
Oh don't worry, they'll fuck you anyway

Yeah, that's true.

Of course.

Good. Some this $8 billion (over five years) bullshit they just tacked on will do absolutely nothing to cover people with pre-existing conditions. The CBO is going to tear this to shreds.

And every last one of you in this thread needs to vote in 2018. I live in one of the reddest states but I will be in line to vote them out.

The Dems need to start running ads NOW to hang every yes vote around the neck of the GOP rep in every district that isn't deep red.
Freedom to not choose to have healthcare. What the fuck is this? Why can't I choose whether or not to have a seatbelt or bike helmet or any other preventative measure?

I'm hate watching at this point and my fucking pre-existing condition is flaring up on me.


Republicans just happily chanted after passing a bill that will likely cause hundreds of thousands, if not millions, to live worse lives if not die.

Think about this the next time you ever think about voting for a Republican.

This will probably never pass the Senate, but still...


Already did. They are gonna vote Yes anyways as I live in old man whitey mc white state.

I live in a solidly blue state. Still gonna call them. Senate dems need to know this getting passed is not an option. Every single one needs to be up there personally making a speech to take up time if that's what it takes.


Meh, if "progressives" wanted to avoid this outcome, they could have voted for Hillary and downballot Dems in November instead of writing in Bernie or voting for Stein. Reap what you sow, I hope people dying was worth feeling good about yourself.
oh good the dems are treating this like a game

It is a game. It's called "winning elections".

It's why Republicans voted for Trump despite his clear flaws and any misgivings they had. Winning equals power, and power allows you to push legislation.


Why are people more irritated by what the Dems are doing as opposed to what the Republicans have done?

Have we not established who the real enemy is or are we still too busy tearing down our own allies?

To appear holier than thou, ego trip nothing more
oh good the dems are treating this like a game

we're in good hands everyone

Why are people more irritated by what the Dems are doing as opposed to what the Republicans have done?

Have we not established who the real enemy is or are we still too busy tearing down our own allies?

Because anything the Dems do between now and November 2018 that can be twisted against them is probably a shit decision. Uninformed, uneducated voters (like the one's who got Trump and the GOP into this position to begin with) aren't going to remember or even bother to understand the actual situation of why their healthcare sucks now, but they'll remember 'elitist' Dems condescendingly singing a song about it.

Also, my boss keeps saying this bill isn't bad because they added funding for pre-existing conditions. What is she referencing?
She might be referencing the $8 billion over 5 years that was added by Fred Upton (R-MI) which is like rounding to the nearest dollar for your tip on a $15.79 meal.


It is a game. It's called "winning elections".

It's why Republicans voted for Trump despite his clear flaws and any misgivings they had. Winning equals power, and power allows you to push legislation.

A rule with humanity is, paycheck first, ethics second.

Dems are excited because this will make their job interviews easier.


House GOP further proving that give fuckall about helping people unless it affects their own self first.

And fuck that lone Dem that voted for it. They stepped outside the tent and so shouldn't be welcomed back in.


America you have my condolences. Unreal seeing how one party is so willing and open to fuck so many over healthcare.
And the same ones who got fucked over will vote for them again. And blame all of the impact from this new bill on Obamacare.


If Dems are the ones singing, it really sucks a lot of the gravitas out of their position. It becomes less about the people and more about a pissing contest.

why do you think they want those seats? so they can pass good healthcare legislation


House GOP further proving that give fuckall about helping people unless it affects their own self first.

And fuck that lone Dem that voted for it. They stepped outside the tent and so shouldn't be welcomed back in.

No democrat voted for this

People need to calm down
Why do people think this will cause Republicans to lose seats? This is why people voted for them to begin with.

When they unveiled Trumpcare and people starting realizing Obamacare was actually not bad and Trumpcare was terrible they made their voices heard. Many, many republican constituents.


Because anything the Dems do between now and November 2018 that can be twisted against them is probably a shit decision. Uninformed, uneducated voters (like the one's who got Trump and the GOP into this position to begin with) aren't going to remember or even bother to understand the actual situation of why their healthcare sucks now, but they'll remember 'elitist' Dems condescendingly singing a song about it.

Excuse me while I vomit in a corner.

Sean C

Democrats always do this kind of stuff, if healthcare does get cheaper for healthy people guess who wins again.
Healthcare won't get cheaper. That's guaranteed.

This bill, if it actually does get voted into law, which I doubt, will be a rolling disaster. People will not forget about it, because it will still be costing them money a year and a half from now.

It won't be spun as such and you know it.
Spun how? This bill is unpopular. The GOP will not be able to make it popular. In fact, it's probably at a polling high point now, before its effects begin to manifest (this is assuming that it passes, which as I've said, I doubt).
Rip in rip that one democrat who voted for it.

Also, gotta give it to the republicans, they're evil as shit, but they get shit done/passed. I feel like they're the red team on overwatch...


Because anything the Dems do between now and November 2018 that can be twisted against them is probably a shit decision. Uninformed, uneducated voters (like the one's who got Trump and the GOP into this position to begin with) aren't going to remember or even bother to understand the actual situation of why their healthcare sucks now, but they'll remember 'elitist' Dems condescendingly singing a song about it.

This is delusional. You think some occurrence on the House floor will be remembered more than things immediately impacting people's households?
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