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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate

I know exactly who is to blame here. And I can also see Democrats acting giddy on the other side.

Taunting them because they'll take back the majority and undo as much damage as possible is perfectly acceptable.

Democratic party leaders think they can continue to run weak tea candidates and rely on Republicans to shoot themselves in the foot. It didn't work in November and they're ready to double down.

It's not a purity test to ask for the party to put forward an actual positive vision for the country instead of rubbing their hands together waiting for the other side to do something stupid.

Right. How many Bernie backed candidates won against their Republican opponents last year? Ossof is a pragmatic moderate and is raising a ton of money. Meanwhile, the Berniecrats are crying because they're not getting any of that dirty corporate lobbyist money from the evil DNC.
I know exactly who is to blame here. And I can also see Democrats acting giddy on the other side.

Democratic party leaders think they can continue to run weak tea candidates and rely on Republicans to shoot themselves in the foot. It didn't work in November and they're ready to double down.

It's not a purity test to ask for the party to put forward an actual positive vision for the country instead of rubbing their hands together waiting for the other side to do something stupid.

how do you propose the minority party stop the majority party from doing what they want

It will never pass the Senate as-is unless they can use magical numbers to make it lower the budget deficit.

Any bill that adds to the budget requires 60 votes in the Senate, not 51.

GoP only has 52. They would need 8 Dems to vote for it too. That won't happen.

The GoP will have to strip benefits from their own bill to get it below the budget threshold and passed in the Senate with only 51 votes, but if they do that, they might have trouble getting the new version passed in the House again. And if they touch anything relating to preexisting conditions, like making that coverage more expensive to balance the budget cost, some GoP Senators will probably vote against it too.

They will have to make concessions with Democrats or it's not going to pass.
If it does pass, at least it means Repubs will own it.

But Repubs almost 100% controls the narrative with the voting population, so they could effectively mask it as a success.
Right. How many Bernie backed candidates won against their Republican opponents last year? Ossof is a pragmatic moderate and is raising a ton of money. Meanwhile, the Berniecrats are crying because they're not getting any of that dirty corporate lobbyist money from the evil DNC.



Unconfirmed Member
Please tell me this won't pass the Senate.

It's basically 100% certain it will be changed. Potentially even to the point you might as well call it a completely different bill entirely. Even without weird filibuster rules, the Senate does not like rubber stamping the things the house send them.

But it seems to me that some form of it is very likely to be made into law.
I have a simple procedure for anybody directing even an iota of the scorn and derision and hate at Dems that should be directed entirely at Republicans right now.

1. Take your feelings towards dems. Concentrate them into a ball.

2. Take that ball and place it in your palm.

3. Close your hand and shove it all the way up your ass.

4. At your convenience, fart out the feelings into the wind, never to be seen or heard from again.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people. Now is NOT the time to be picking fights with Democrats. The Republicans just passed a bill aimed squarely at destroying the lives of millions of people and you're hung up on the fucking Optics of the Dem reaction? Are you shitting me? If the Republican media wants to try and spin it let them! Don't lend them your voice and agreement!

And don't fucking lose focus on the actual game. Call your senators, tell them you're gonna fucking destroy them if they vote for this garbage,abd call your represtatices to either congratulate them on standing up to the AHCA or tell them that you'll fucking see them in 2018 if they voted for it. Make it clear that actions have consequences. Don't fucking wring your hands over the fucking Dems. Jesus Christ.


The Senate Parliamentarian it looks like.


looks like she is the decider.

Obamacare's little secret

Meet the most important person you don't know.
Taunting them because they'll take back the majority and undo as much damage as possible is perfectly acceptable.

Right. How many Bernie backed candidates won against their Republican opponents last year? Ossof is a pragmatic moderate and is raising a ton of money. Meanwhile, the Berniecrats are crying because they're not getting any of that dirty corporate lobbyist money from the evil DNC.

The amount of snarling condescension in this post is the problem with Dem unity, not Bernie supporters.
The party is more solidly behind a public option now. If they could get power it would be relatively "easy" to settle on a bill to pass.

Word, but wouldn't they have to get the healthcare industry on board again too? Or was that just kind of a formality last time?
Julie Percha
A HUGE vote hour here on Hill: Senate passes budget bill 79-18 to fund govt through Sept. 30, and House passes GOP health care plan 217-213

just hearing that the house dems started singing when the bill got passed to the senate?

l o l

this kinda shit is why nobody likes dem representatives


It's basically 100% certain it will be changed. Potentially even to the point you might as well call it a completely different bill entirely. Even without weird filibuster rules, the Senate does not like rubber stamping the things the house send them.

But it seems to me that some form of it is very likely to be made into law.

Probably the only thing they can do is to decrease the Medicaid eligibility. Basically everything else probably requires 60 votes.


The amount of snarling condescension in this post is the problem with Dem unity, not Bernie supporters.
There's snarling condescension because the Republicans in the House just pushed through a bill that will take away people's healthcare and people are bitching that the Democrats who voted against it don't care.

That deserves snarling condescension.
I know exactly who is to blame here. And I can also see Democrats acting giddy on the other side.

Democratic party leaders think they can continue to run weak tea candidates and rely on Republicans to shoot themselves in the foot. It didn't work in November and they're ready to double down.

It's not a purity test to ask for the party to put forward an actual positive vision for the country instead of rubbing their hands together waiting for the other side to do something stupid.

The sheer incompetence the Democrats have displayed for the last decade makes me pretty depressed. They won big in 2006 by putting forth a positive vision that includes everyone. This whole, "We'll just let the republicans step on those rakes" strategy they've been running ever since then isn't ever going to work.

Maybe 8 years of Trump will be what it takes. If the country is still recognizable after that long, at any rate.


Here's the frustrating thing:I actually live in a state that tossed a republican senator for a democrat last year. On a federal legislative level my area is straight blue. The people in my area made all the right choices and we're still getting fucked. The only thing I can hope for is ousting our republican governor in 2018 so we have someone to shield us from disastrous federal policy.
It's basically 100% certain it will be changed. Potentially even to the point you might as well call it a completely different bill entirely. Even without weird filibuster rules, the Senate does not like rubber stamping the things the house send them.

But it seems to me that some form of it is very likely to be made into law.

All depends if the HFC are actually super villains or just putting on a show.

If they are super villains they'll revolt against a moderate Senate version and it's square one again.
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