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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate

It was not the Republicans election to lose. It is infact very difficult for the same party to have control of the presidency for more than two terms.

also, probably shouldnt call out the Dems for being cocky when you're saying the election should have been easy. You might say that that's.. cocky

No no see the ease of the election is completely determined by whichever allows them to get mad at the Dems: 2016 was easy so grr Dems, 2018 is hard so grr Dems


I remember a bunch of you guys coming down hard on me and telling me another vote wasn't going to happen just a little over a week ago. I knew this was going to happen.

Again, don't underestimate the fuckery of Republicans.


Junior Member
I'm BEGGING my mother to change the channel right now because just hearing these filthy scumbags is pissing me off. All evil scum! Ever since he got into office, I've started to lose my faith in mankind.


To the people finger-wagging the Dems: congratulations, you're part of the problem! How does it feel?
Shit, had I known posting in the off-topic forum of a video game fansite had that kind of power and reach, I would have ratcheted my criticisms of the Don the Con up to 11 last year. Sorry everyone :(
Why are we panicing when it only passed the house? It still needs to go through the senate, which was always going to be way harder (see: pretty much impossible)
And if pointing out to them that their purity test hurts more than helping then how much better are they then a republican?

They fail their own purity test everytime they let a republican win.

I feel purists don't care. Their candidate has to be perfect in every way.

They couldn't be fucked to vote Hillary when the orange bologna was close to being president. Because Hillary wasn't 'pure enough'.

So unfortunately it's something that we do have to worry about. We can't just handwave the dems singing as 'oh they're right they'll win'. To the people looking in, the dems singing is simply heralding the loss of their healthcare. Optics matter. They will continue to matter for Democrats. It's just the hand we're dealt.
Of corse it passes, they know it dies in the senate, so they can look good to their base while not suffering the disaster actually passing the bill woudl cause them.

Then again, knowing the GOP, they may ram it though the senate to the cheers of their base, until said base starts getting screwed. Then they'll just blame it on the democrats somehow.


Well, right now the best you can hope for is that they get a lot of pictures and videos with Trump and all those Republicans grinning, so they can be clipped into attack ads.


Why are we panicing when it only passed the house? It still needs to go through the senate, which was always going to be way harder (see: pretty much impossible)

You might be confusing panic with anger. Most likely yes this'll be shot down in the Senate, but it's still a big deal that it even has to come to this.
I remember a bunch of you guys coming down hard on me and telling me another vote wasn't going to happen just a little over a week ago. I knew this was going to happen.

Again, don't underestimate the fuckery of Republicans.

It doesn't sound like the Senate are ever going to vote on the bill that just passed the house. Did you know that was going to happen?
Even a 1% chance of you or your loved ones dying due to lack of healthcare should be enough to at least panic a little.

They need a bill that was designed entirely for the most rightwing republicans to pass by the moderates in the senate (and they need to use the nuclear option to get rid of the democrats filibuster). The chances are less than 1% imo


They passed something, just so they can say they passed something, have a press conference, and claim a political win. It doesn't matter that it's undeniably awful and will make everything worse. We're at the mercy of borderline, in not full blown, sociopaths.


Why are we panicing when it only passed the house? It still needs to go through the senate, which was always going to be way harder (see: pretty much impossible)

The stakes here are wicked high. Anything higher than a zero per cent chance of this becoming law is worth concern.


I feel purists don't care. Their candidate has to be perfect in every way.

They couldn't be fucked to vote Hillary when the orange bologna was close to being president. Because Hillary wasn't 'pure enough'.

So unfortunately it's something that we do have to worry about. We can't just handwave the dems singing as 'oh they're right they'll win'. To the people looking in, the dems singing is simply heralding the loss of their healthcare. Optics matter. They will continue to matter for Democrats. It's just the hand we're dealt.

I know what you're saying is right on and its mad stpupid


I hope people are taking pictures of the Republicans celebrating so they can hold it against them during the next election.

they are, but the dems won't use them - that'd require a bold strategy involving more than, say, pandering to the pro-life crowd

It's not gonna pass Senate, calm down, folks. Quote me for future reference.

paging a currently fapping Bruce Springsteen

because anything is possible

The stakes here are wicked high. Anything higher than a zero per cent chance of this becoming law is worth concern.

seriously - this is life or death. yeah it looks to be dead on arrival but it's currently got momentum, and fuck knows after last november i don't feel comfortable leaving shit to chance


Then again, knowing the GOP, they may ram it though the senate to the cheers of their base, until said base starts getting screwed. Then they'll just blame it on the democrats somehow.

'If we hadn't had Obamacare, we wouldn't have had to take away Obamacare and replace it with this system that apparently is stripping away insurance from many people - so Obama really is the key to this. He started it. The thing was called Obamacare you see, we responded to that and now we are here. We had to remove Obamacare. Removing Obamacare removed people's cover so remember the name - Obama. It's on him' - Trump, September 2017


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I'm late to all this

How are the odds of 3 republicans deserting in the senate?

High and unneeded because of the 60 vote filibuster.

Unless they bust the filibuster too in which case that's gonna be a clusterfuck for decades to come
I'm late to all this

How are the odds of 3 republicans deserting in the senate?

*Heller (NV) and Flake (AZ): most vulnerable Republicans in 2018
*Collins (ME) and Murkowski (AK): represent rural states that will be royally fucked if medicaid is slashed.


Oh how I hope this is crushed in the Senate. The way they're talking right now is so prime for eating crow. Saying this was all thanks to Trump and Pence, how they got this done.
I mean, there's plenty of overlap between "less-shitty enough to pass the Senate" and "still pretty shitty". So it's not like I'm expecting a good bill to come back to the House.

But this bill was definitely a punt into a black hole.
*Heller (NV) and Flake (AZ): most vulnerable Republicans in 2018
*Collins (ME) and Murkowski (AK): represent rural states that will be royally fucked if medicaid is slashed.

Add Rand Paul and Ted Cruz who'll require the blood of a human being with a pre-existing condition to be spilled on the senate floor before they support anything that doesn't conform to 150% market based solutions.


lacks enthusiasm.
How short sighted all those CA Republicans are. All of their districts voted Hillary in the election. How do they think this is going to to go well for them 2018? .
It's really quite something. Even Issa voted Yes, he won in 2016 by the skin of his teeth. Guess he wants to lose next year and go retire with his millions.


I'm in full blown defeatist mode. I don't think anything else on Russia is coming, it's been quiet for at least a month now.

There's literally a Senate hearing with the AG who was let go for investigating Russian influences on Monday


i'd put this as pretty high, myself - i don't fucking a trust a word out of that evil koopaling

Let me call my Senator!

I remember a bunch of you guys coming down hard on me and telling me another vote wasn't going to happen just a little over a week ago. I knew this was going to happen.

Again, don't underestimate the fuckery of Republicans.

Yeah, i said the same thing and people swore i knew absolutely nothing about politics. Some people thought there was no way the house could vote on a healthcare bill that wasnt CBO scored. Thats a good laugh. They just approved a bill they havent even read.
High and unneeded because of the 60 vote filibuster.

Unless they bust the filibuster too in which case that's gonna be a clusterfuck for decades to come

The plan is that the senate are going to write their *own* bill that includes some elements of what the house passed, but that doesn't use the house bill as the starting point. The goal of this bill will be to meet the standards for budget reconciliation and only need 50 votes to pass (with Pence as the tie breaker).

That bill would then need to clear another vote in the house as written.

So what we really need to do now, is wait to see what that bill looks like. Then let our senators know how we want them to vote on it, and *then* if it meets the standard for budget reconciliation *and* it gets the needed votes in the senate...

Then it has to clear a vote in the house again. And that's no guaranteed thing.

So you can stop worrying about the particulars of *this* bill.

Take a deep breath. And get ready to worry about the particulars of the next one.

Because the democrats just showed that they aren't budging on this issue, and the senate GOP members know that unless they can do it via budget reconciliation, that they aren't getting shit passed.
They need a bill that was designed entirely for the most rightwing republicans to pass by the moderates in the senate (and they need to use the nuclear option to get rid of the democrats filibuster). The chances are less than 1% imo
Budget reconciliation is an option til the 15th.no nuking needed. Isn't congressional procedure fun?
Why are we panicing when it only passed the house? It still needs to go through the senate, which was always going to be way harder (see: pretty much impossible)

It's because our system is broken, and our own people can't get their representatives to actually represent them. Our government, for the most part, is bought and fucking paid for by lobbyists. There are health insurance CEOs currently cumming in their pants, just like the GOP, over being able to raise peoples' rates and toss people off of insurance plans so their stock will go up a quarter of a point.
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