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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate

Man, this place can be delusional.

How you can argue that this isn't a victory for the Trump administration is beyond me. Yeah, it's going to die in the Senate, or get wholesale changes, but Trump basically resurrected this bill by himself and whipped the votes.

The belief that he has no clout is clearly premature.

1. Muslim Ban - two failed Exec Orders, Obama's border policy remains.

2. Healthcare Repeal - no congress approval even with a Republican majority. Obamacare remains in place.

3. NAFTA - Not tearing it up and he actually likes it now as manufacturing continues to move to Mexico

4. Mexican Border Wall - No funding from congress, not approved

5. Drain the Swamp - Hiring Wall Street Bankers, economic insiders and lobbyists.

6. Climate Change - Staying in Paris Agreement.



Ah, how punchable.
Man, this place can be delusional.

How you can argue that this isn't a victory for the Trump administration is beyond me. Yeah, it's going to die in the Senate, or get wholesale changes, but Trump basically resurrected this bill by himself and whipped the votes.

The belief that he has no clout is clearly premature.

You do realize that the House has already "repealed" the ACA many times, don't you?


Man, this place can be delusional.

How you can argue that this isn't a victory for the Trump administration is beyond me. Yeah, it's going to die in the Senate, or get wholesale changes, but Trump basically resurrected this bill by himself and whipped the votes.

The belief that he has no clout is clearly premature.

Jesus. Now we're handing out A's for effort? Getting a bill passed the House is better than he managed to do last time, but if the Senate kills it, there is no difference. He needs to get it passed for it to be a victory.


...I didn't even know they could do that. A bill can pass the House and then get completely scrapped and written anew for the Senate to vote on?

Yes, then they will try and merge both bills, and then try and vote on that... which will also be clusterfuck of a bill.
Woke up to this news. Starting to get that sinking feeling again that I'm probably not going to live to see the end of the Trump presidency.
My dude, like every single healthcare lobbying group came out against this bill. No one but the GOP leadership wants this.

Brosef, I'm speaking in the general sense. Lobbyists and special interest money run our government, and it's pushed through by people looking for paydays. Fuck, look at what they've done to the FCC. We have climate change deniers who are paid to dispute science running the fucking EPA. When Sandy Hook happened you had the entire country SCREAMING for something to be done and our elected representatives took the NRAs money and looked the other way. It's insane. All the world is mad.


I'd be pissed if I was a Republican senator. To see them passing this horseshit just so they have an opportunity to parade around and take photos and make themselves look good, knowing the bill is total shit. Just passing it on to the senate to make them look bad if they don't pass it.


The House at this celebration is laughing at the fact that the Senate "has a lot of work to do" to get this signed into law. They aren't even pretending that this isn't a shitshow.


There is nothing to celebrate, that's why this is ridiculous. It passed the House, it's not a law. The celebration is premature. If the Senate was confident in its current form, that would be different. But that's not the case really, and it's likely to die there.

It's just an example of politicians patting themselves on the back for doing....wow, basically nothing.
There is nothing to celebrate, that's why this is ridiculous. It passed the House, it's not a law. The celebration is premature. If the Senate was confident in its current form, that would be different. But that's not the case really, and it's likely to die there.

It's just an example of politicians patting themselves on the back for doing....wow, basically nothing.

House Republicans are clowns. Literally nothing to celebrate and they're treating it like its being signed into law by Trump tomorrow.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
It's because our system is broken, and our own people can't get their representatives to actually represent them. Our government, for the most part, is bought and fucking paid for by lobbyists. There are health insurance CEOs currently cumming in their pants, just like the GOP, over being able to raise peoples' rates and toss people off of insurance plans so their stock will go up a quarter of a point.

I just want to point out that not even insurers are jumping up and down about this bill. Constant regulatory changes are frustrating to them and they're playing guessing games about what their financials will look like next year. The only people cumming in their pants are people who just want to dismantle Obama's accomplishments and give a rat's ass about the people they hurt.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
It's not gonna pass Senate, calm down, folks. Quote me for future reference.

I've learned to STOP SAYING "NEVER" when it comes to politics. I would strongly advise the rest of you doing the same thing. Now is NOT the time to sit around thinking 'OH THIS WILL NEVER PASS THE SENATE."

News flash ... IT WILL. The GOP has been running on 'burn ACA' to the ground for almost a decade. They will play dirty politics and rat fuck their way to passing this even if it means going nuclear again.

It is going to happen. Get your heads out of your asses. Mobilize and organize now. We are at war people. It's time for us Dems to start playing dirty. We need to make the stink of this shit stick to every member of the GOP. If we have to make up shit and lie to make it sound more appiziting then lets fucking do it.

It's high time to start fighting the dirty tactics of the GOP with our own dirty tactics. I'm soo soo tired of being the "civilized' party. We can absolutely still have the best interest of the people at heart while at the same time being as shitty as possible to everyone in the republican party.

Our base has rewarded people like Colbert and Sam Bee who are taking a very inflamatory approach to dealing with the GOP. I know they are in comedy and it's not entirely the same but the base will respond well to burning republicans alive. Get out your gas cans and matches. Let's burn this bitch down!


No Scrubs
Brosef, I'm speaking in the general sense. Lobbyists and special interest money run our government, and it's pushed through by people looking for paydays. Fuck, look at what they've done to the FCC. We have climate change deniers who are paid to dispute science running the fucking EPA. When Sandy Hook happened you had the entire country SCREAMING for something to be done and our elected representatives took the NRAs money and looked the other way. It's insane. All the world is mad.

And they aren't intrinsically bad either. You're blaming lobbyists for something that literally none of them wanted. There's bad lobbys and good ones, if we can't recognize that then we're just going to wind up doing stupid shit for no real reason.

Blame the people that deserve it: the House GOP. Blaming lobbyists for this is letting your elected officials off the hook. It's shifting the blame. Blame the people that took the vote, at the end of the day it was their choice to make.


Thankfully this is going to have a really tough time in the senate. If anything they will want it to be more moderate which isn't going to appease the freedom caucus. It's insane seeing them celebrate this. You passed a bill through that the CBO is going to trash and this is a bill that is insanely unpopular and probably won't be going anywhere. To top it off they really are diminishing their chances of a 2018 majority.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
And they aren't intrinsically bad either. You're blaming lobbyists for something that literally none of them wanted. There's bad lobbys and good ones, if we can't recognize that then we're just going to wind up doing stupid shit for no real reason.

Blame the people that deserve it: the House GOP. Blaming lobbyists for this is letting your elected officials off the hook. Blame the people that took the vote, at the end of the day it was their choice to make.
I'm going to go one further: blame every single voter who elected these people into office. Can we please stop letting the voters off the hook? Please?


Thankfully this is going to have a really tough time in the senate. If anything they will want it to be more moderate which isn't going to appease the freedom caucus. It's insane seeing them celebrate this. You passed a bill through that the CBO is going to trash and this is a bill that is insanely unpopular and probably won't be going anywhere. To top it off they really are diminishing their chances of a 2018 majority.

They putting in the heads of their supporters the CBO was wrong about ACA and is also wrong about AHCA.

Listen to any repub talking about the AHCA and you will hear the same line about the CBO.


Just like it wasn't going to pass the house for not having enough moderate republican votes?

All signs point to the Senate not even taking the bill up for vote and are going to craft their own bill. If that is confirmed in the next day or two yes he is correct. Doesn't mean healthcare reform is dead like a lot of us hoped it would be given who controls both chambers of the legislature but it won't be this bill.


I hate all 217 of these spineless mother fuckers.

I don't typically wish bad things on people but I am hoping that really bad things to happen to every single one of them (or their families if it'll knock some sense into them).

Like getting voted out of office.

Or aggressive terminal cancer.
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