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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
...I didn't even know they could do that. A bill can pass the House and then get completely scrapped and written anew for the Senate to vote on?

It'd go back to the House. The current house bill would essentially be thrown in the trash
Wow ok then lmao. So the house basically did nothing.

They demonstrated to the senate that they could be whipped into voting for a healthcare bill.

I'll be much more worried about a shitty healthcare bill that the senate GOP put together passing the house, than I'm worried about the opposite.
Bruh, lemme stop you cause I know full well what you're going for.
I voted all Democrat cause fuck anyone with an R. I'm brown and proud.
But shit's gonna get real hard for me if this goes through. I'mma vent.

Then vent at the people who voted for it, and keep your ire focused on them... Venting against the party that voted unanimously against it is worthless.


I'm still feeling uneasy about this whole thing. I know you guys want us to be calm and rational about this whole thing, but I find that difficult given everything that has happened.


I hope people are taking pictures of the Republicans celebrating so they can hold it against them during the next election.

What? No! Democrats need to be well behaved, above it all, prim and proper at all times. It has been proven the key to winning elections in America.
Shit, had I known posting in the off-topic forum of a video game fansite had that kind of power and reach, I would have ratcheted my criticisms of the Don the Con up to 11 last year. Sorry everyone :(

I said part, that finger you keep wagging is blocking your screen.


Unconfirmed Member
This was always more about the optics of a functional Republican House than the actual contents of the bill becoming law.

The republican house battle was optics of republicans trying to prove to their various bases that they had input those bases would be happy with. They also might have wanted to start in the house after they complained so much about the constitutionality of Obama starting the health care reconciliation in the senate.

But this process of outright replacing the bill in the senate was planned from the start in order to find something that will pass. That is directly in line with the 2015 trial run where they outright replaced the entire bill once it first reached the senate, before getting it all the way to Obama's desk.

The thing that the senate comes up with will be the thing that has a high likelihood of becoming law. That one is going to be way more than optics.


Trump's 100 days of Ls redeemed. Time for a BBQ /s

Honestly as far as I'm concerned, I don't even consider this a win for Trump. Nothing has been won yet. It passed the House, that's it. CNN and the others calling this a victory are causing real harm by throwing folks into either a panic or a false sense of confidence.


Budget reconciliation is an option til the 15th.no nuking needed. Isn't congressional procedure fun?

This bill won't pass budget reconciliation, half the people that voted for this don't even know what the fuck was in it and some the stuff that we know did get added won't survive reconciliation. This means the senate basically needs to start at ground zero for two weeks hoping to get enough GOP senators to make a whole new bill that can survive budget reconciliation through the senate parliamentarian. And then manage to send that bill to the house where they vote on it with little to no amendments or else they once again will need to get it past the senate parliamentarian and force the senate to vote on it again. They need to do this all in 2 weeks. I am not going to say its impossible, because technically it is not, but I can say with 100% certainty it WON'T be what just passed the house, it won't look anything like it.
Pretty sure one fucking Dem voted for it. Hope that person gets primaried HARD.

Not in the final tally.

Either the dem voted for it by accident and corrected, or they voted for it, and then got pressured into voting against it by their peers.

Speculate away, but the final tally shows that every single house democrat voted against it with zero abstaining or voting for it.
...I didn't even know they could do that. A bill can pass the House and then get completely scrapped and written anew for the Senate to vote on?
Both bills will have to be mashed through conference if that's the case. A conference will have members of both house and senate to work things out. Once its out of the conference committee, it will be voted by house and sent to president.
Honestly as far as I'm concerned, I don't even consider this a win for Trump. Nothing has been won yet. It passed the House, that's it. CNN and the others calling this a victory are causing real harm by throwing folks into either a panic or a false sense of confidence.

Anything that looks like a functional party seems like a win for Trump because of grading on a scale.

Last time around Trump was sat pretending to drive a truck, telling the Press that they had the votes and would be voting on it that night, when the house had already said they'd bumped it.

So this, compared to that, looks like a win.

Of course, it's not. The house passed a bill which will never be law. Something similar might end up being law, but it'll be a senate bill. Not this one.

The house has voted to repeal the ACA dozens of times before if I remember. This one won't be the one that actually gets it done either.

But I'm not so confident about next time.


You do know millions of Democrats live in those places, right?

Censure and subsequent immigration between the two budding nations can be decided on by politics before the final official split is legalized. You a Dem? Congrats, you get to get out of the middle America hellhole.

My biggest issue is what happens to minority cities in red states? I'm not giving up Atlanta to the deplorables without a fight.


How short sighted all those CA Republicans are. All of their districts voted Hillary in the election. How do they think this is going to to go well for them 2018?

Also, what's the best way to get into politics? Volunteering for campaigns? I'm sick of this shit. I have a lot of free time on my hands and want to put it to good use.

Absolutely, every single GOP rep in CA voted YES.
7 of those districts these reps are in WENT TO CLINTON in 2016 and they still chose to jump off a fucking cliff anyway. Truly there are no moderates in the GOP if they cave to the demands of the HFC anyway.

Also this whole presser is one big circlejerk. They know the CBO score will be hot garbage, they know they're pulling back the most popular portions of the ACA and yet they persist.
How soon until the GOP tries to destroy this, I wonder?

It's effectively nuking the legislative filibuster if they can change reconciliation rules enough to allow for non budgetary items to be voted on. If they wanted to do that, why try and pass through reconciliation and not just nuke the filibuster?
Both bills will have to be mashed through conference if that's the case. A conference will have members of both house and senate to work things out. Once its out of the conference committee, it will be voted by house and sent to president.

Can't the senate just never vote on the house bill?

You know, like never holding hearings on... say... a supreme court nominee?
It'd go back to the House. The current house bill would essentially be thrown in the trash

It would have to go back to the house and voted on, if the senate changes it.

Both bills will have to be mashed through conference if that's the case. A conference will have members of both house and senate to work things out. Once its out of the conference committee, it will be voted by house and sent to president.

Ok thanks for the info.

Schoolhouse Rock: America - I'm Just a Bill

I'm not even insulted by this. It's been far too long since I've studied government.


No Scrubs
It's because our system is broken, and our own people can't get their representatives to actually represent them. Our government, for the most part, is bought and fucking paid for by lobbyists. There are health insurance CEOs currently cumming in their pants, just like the GOP, over being able to raise peoples' rates and toss people off of insurance plans so their stock will go up a quarter of a point.

My dude, like every single healthcare lobbying group came out against this bill. No one but the GOP leadership wants this.


Man, this place can be delusional.

How you can argue that this isn't a victory for the Trump administration is beyond me. Yeah, it's going to die in the Senate, or get wholesale changes, but Trump basically resurrected this bill by himself and whipped the votes.

The belief that he has no clout is clearly premature.


Man, this place can be delusional.

How you can argue that this isn't a victory for the Trump administration is beyond me. Yeah, it's going to die in the Senate, or get wholesale changes, but Trump basically resurrected this bill by himself and whipped the votes.

The belief that he has no clout is clearly premature.

Because his so-called plan was to repeal and replace it.

We're not even past the repeal part.

I mean, was it a victory when he signed the dumbass Muslim ban executive order?


It's effectively nuking the legislative filibuster if they can change reconciliation rules enough to allow for non budgetary items to be voted on. If they wanted to do that, why try and pass through reconciliation and not just nuke the filibuster?

So they can keep the filibuster for a future Democratic Senate and render them completely powerless? It won them an election.
Ok thanks for the info.

I'm not even insulted by this. It's been far too long since I've studied government.

Wasn't trying to be snarky...sorry, but it does pretty succinctly (and awesomely) describe the process. It makes you wonder how anything will ever get done without a majority of one party in both houses and POTUS...I'm afraid true bipartisanship is basically dead.
It's because our system is broken, and our own people can't get their representatives to actually represent them. Our government, for the most part, is bought and fucking paid for by lobbyists. There are health insurance CEOs currently cumming in their pants, just like the GOP, over being able to raise peoples' rates and toss people off of insurance plans so their stock will go up a quarter of a point.

the health insurance industry is against this bill, fwiw (at least last time i checked)

so is the most powerful lobbyist group in the country (AARP).


Because his so-called plan was to repeal and replace it.

We're not even past the repeal part.

I mean, was it a victory when he signed the dumbass Muslim ban executive order?

Again, he resurrected a dead bill and got it through part one.

He'll be tweeting about it for weeks. Wouldn't be the first time Trump fooled the American public.
Man, this place can be delusional.

How you can argue that this isn't a victory for the Trump administration is beyond me. Yeah, it's going to die in the Senate, or get wholesale changes, but Trump basically resurrected this bill by himself and whipped the votes.

The belief that he has no clout is clearly premature.

How can you call it a victory when nothing had been signed into law yet?

If at the end of all this, Obamacare is left standing... was it victory? Of course not.

It may yet prove to be a decisive victory in the events that killed Obamacare... or it may turn out to be just yet another meaningless anti Obamacare vote from the house.
Man, this place can be delusional.

How you can argue that this isn't a victory for the Trump administration is beyond me. Yeah, it's going to die in the Senate, or get wholesale changes, but Trump basically resurrected this bill by himself and whipped the votes.

The belief that he has no clout is clearly premature.

The strategy was to literally keep them in the dark until the last minute and tell them to close their eyes and pretend Obama is still President when they voted. It's a Pyrrhic victory at best.




I'm just going to say this.

Playing politics with defense spending and shit like that is one thing.

Playing politics with healthcare is something else.

You can't just play with people's lives like this. Because at some point. Someone is going to blow. Many of us know someone who is sick or even has a preexisting condition. My mom, my sister and various other family are fucked.


How can you call it a victory when nothing had been signed into law yet?

If at the end of all this, Obamacare is left standing... was it victory? Of course not.

It may yet prove to be a decisive victory in the events that killed Obamacare... or it may turn out to be just yet another meaningless anti Obamacare vote from the house.

It's a victory, but it's only one battle.


I am wondering if Trump speaking at this victory ceremony will prove to be his "Mission Accomplished" moment. The amount of back patting for something that isn't even a law yet is outstanding.
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