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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate




Can someone explain this for me?

Before the Phantom Thieves in Persona 5 can break into a fucked up shitty adults subconsciousness and steal the heart (making them have a change of heart), they have to leave a calling card for the victim.


Unconfirmed Member
It's not gonna pass Senate, calm down, folks. Quote me for future reference.

I need clarification here.

If you mean this exact bill without amendment, sure.

If you mean they'll never make something resembling this bill into law, I highly disagree.
So you want Trump voters to die to teach them a lesson?
He didn't say anything about them dying.

But if it's between me losing my Healthcare and dying and them losing their Healthcare and whatever that entails for them, why wouldn't I want it to affect them more than me? Why would I want to die over them when I didn't vote for any of these shitty people

If this passes people will die, and I'd rather it not affect the people who didn't fucking vote for it.
Welcome to America, where everyone's an asshole.
He never said anything about dying, but BOTH SIDES

one side is dooming millions of people to die regardless of their partisan leanings

The other side has people that expressed out of everyone that gets affected by this bill it affects the people who voted for it more (ideally it would hit the GOP but of course they're gonna be exempt from it)


I am not surprised, and this is just one more example of how all the political experts are talking out of their ass. I heard for weeks that this wouldn't happen because such and such. I find that if you always expect the Republicans to do the worst thing no matter how long the odds are you end up being right.

Now we wait for them to figure out how to pass this in the senate.
I am not surprised, and this is just one more example of how all the political experts are talking out of there ass. I heard for weeks that this wouldn't happen because such and such. I find that if you always expect the Republicans to do the worst thing no matter how long the odds are you end up being right.

Now we wait for them to figure out how to pass this in the senate.
Weeks and weeks ago there was a different bill on the table so maybe you should pay more attention to the political experts.
I don't see how a slightly revised bill gets past the senate parliamentarian. They'll have to change it significantly to use reconciliation, at which point it'll be declared DOA by extremist House members.
oh america, you foolish fools

Most Americans did not want this. They're even going against their own constituents here.

Not that we don't deserve to be called foolish (and then some), but what just happened here today is pure Republican governance in action, for Republican lawmakers and their direct owners, and for Trump to say he got a win.

It's not gonna pass Senate, calm down, folks. Quote me for future reference.
We can calm down after Trump is impeached and resigns.


Ayn Rand is one of the worst things to happen to the U.S. Horrible, horrible human being she was.

She was terrible, but we had Tammany Hall and Robber Barron's before her.

History is repeating itself, because privileged man children (boomers) didn't bother learning it, and are trying to hold on with one foot in the grave to what's left for their mistakes. They're doing down on being wrong, and watching as these assholes take everything from them.. but they keep telling themselves it's because of the blacks, browns, gays, or takers.

America is in a second gilded age. It'll end just like the first. What comes after might not.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
This is a huge win for Trump and the gop ...for now, they finally voted for repealing obamacare under a GOP president, let us all hope it doesn't pass the senate but i'm not very optimistic. Remember kids this is why elections matter.


Can't Republicans use the "nuclear option" again?
If they nuke the legislative filibuster (they won't), GOP has filibustered way more bills than Democrats have. It's their only real weapon when they are a minority and they will lose power eventually. So yeah they're not getting rid of that because if they did the New Deal would look conservative to what a Democratic president in Trumps position would pass without it.
Uhh I have no idea what that has to do with my point, but yes I'm well aware.

Should be blatantly obvious.

Trump has no clout here. The House was passing ACA "repeals" even when Obama was the president, so clearly the POTUS is not the dependent variable here. Hell, when he was personally down in Congress last time trying to whip people in person and calling meetings the representatives were laughing in his face. And on a more basic level, it's silly to count this as a Trump "win" when there hasn't been anything won yet. The process of turning a bill into law involves both chambers of congress passing an identical bill. This is literally step 1 that they have completed (and may I remind you, this was supposed to be the easy part).

How you count this as a "win" is beyond me.
Don't laugh so fast. If those people weren't sent to Washington, today doesn't happen.

Don't laugh. Get involved.
Oh I am. Indivisible, a political org, regularly sends me updates and helps me get in contact with my Rep. Jeff Denham. Hopefully, Jeff Harder can give him a run for his money.


Pretty much this exact thought was running through my head for a good chunk of the game,
particularly once Shido arrived on the scene properly.
I always saw Shido as a 'what if Trump was competent with his fascist agenda' parallel to him. Especially with the whole ending climax being kicked off basically because of the populace choosing to willfully ignore his exposed evil because it still sounded OK so long as things continued to be fine for themselves personally.
I don't see how a slightly revised bill gets past the senate parliamentarian. They'll have to change it significantly to use reconciliation, at which point it'll be declared DOA by extremist House members.
Yeah, a lot of people seem to be missing that the Senate will probably change it quite a bit regardless, and then it has to go back to the House for approval... and then the whole circus starts anew.


Welp, their graves. I hope 2018 is not kind to any of these people. Not only are people going to die because of this, the GOP made sure they are exempt from this new bill. They get to keep their nice plan, while the rest suffers.

Good going Trump supporters, hope you are happy.
Elizabeth Warren:

"Trumpcare isn't a health care bill. A bill that destroys health care for millions to shovel cash to the rich isn't a health care bill. This is the same cruel bill that House Republicans tried to pass weeks ago. It still strips coverage from millions. Still guts Medicaid. Still strips funds away from states like Massachusetts that are battling the opioid crisis. The only thing that's changed about Trumpcare in recent weeks is that they made the original plan even more brutal. This isn't football. It's not about scoring points. Trumpcare will devastate Americans' healthcare. Families will go bankrupt. People will die. Disease, sickness, and old age touch every family. Tragedy doesn't ask who you voted for. Health care is a basic human right. We'll fight as long and hard as we can to make that a reality for everyone in America."



Weeks and weeks ago there was a different bill on the table so maybe you should pay more attention to the political experts.

Maybe if those same experts didn't tell me that this issue was settled until after 2018 midterms at the earliest only to be proven wrong in a matter of weeks I would hold their opinions in higher regard. I mean who could have guessed that the Republicans would keep working at it until they could pass something.

But keep arguing about how this is a totally different bill, so all the people who said after they crashed and burned the first time that this wouldn't happen were technically correct because they were talking about that bill and not this bill. It doesn't change my original point that the Republicans will always find a way to be awful.
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