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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate


Anything was possible whenever that orange monster was elected president

Why does that have more likes then dislikes, man... people are ignorant.

Trump's cult is all over the internet and flocks to Trump related videos to make it seem like the support is far bigger than it actually is.


People need to vote these fuckers out in 2018 even if this doesnt pass the Senate. The very idea of a bill like this should have your ass gettting run out of congress.


People need to vote these fuckers out in 2018 even if this doesnt pass the Senate. The very idea of a bill like this should have your ass gettting run out of congress.

Republicans have shown time and time again that they like to vote against their own interests. Nothing will change but I hope you're right.


Not that I'm holding my breath for Senate Republicans not to do something moronic, but I wonder if this was a bit of a play for 2018 rather than a genuine push to get this through.

What I mean by that is they know it's dead in the senate and that's fine. If they let healthcare die without passing the house then all those house members go back to elections with no real excuse as to why they didn't repeal Obamacare even though they said they would. Now, by voting this through and sending it to the senate they can go back and say "Hey we tried!" The bill ends in the Senate and Trump can start screaming at his enemy: Schumer and the Democrats in the senate. Trump and republicans largely work best with an enemy. Now they can say the dirty Democrats blocked it, so go vote Republican so we can do something!

Even if this goes nowhere it puts House Republicans back in the same position they were in before with countless obamacare repeals that went nowhere and they knew it'd go nowhere.

Note: I don't think this is Trump doing 12 dimensional chess. I think this is house and republican strategists as a whole possibly.

Now hopefully the gamble fucks up and it dies in the Senate and screws them over in the elections.






This isn't like election prognosticating where you're relying on the masses to be benevolent (or at least rational).

The GOP loses more than it gains from nuking the legislative filibuster, full stop. The gloves come off, the chamber is permanently diminished in its glory, and the GOP loses their tool for future obstruction when they lose the chamber (in 2020 in all likelihood).


Not that I'm holding my breath for Senate Republicans not to do something moronic, but I wonder if this was a bit of a play for 2018 rather than a genuine push to get this through.

What I mean by that is they know it's dead in the senate and that's fine. If they let healthcare die without passing the house then all those house members go back to elections with no real excuse as to why they didn't repeal Obamacare even though they said they would. Now, by voting this through and sending it to the senate they can go back and say "Hey we tried!" The bill ends in the Senate and Trump can start screaming at his enemy: Schumer and the Democrats in the senate. Trump and republicans largely work best with an enemy. Now they can say the dirty Democrats blocked it, so go vote Republican so we can do something!

Even if this goes nowhere it puts House Republicans back in the same position they were in before with countless obamacare repeals that went nowhere and they knew it'd go nowhere.

Note: I don't think this is Trump doing 12 dimensional chess. I think this is house and republican strategists as a whole possibly.

Now hopefully the gamble fucks up and it dies in the Senate and screws them over in the elections.

Don't think it's dead in the Senate per se, but it will change and it won't be much better than the original for sure. The real test will be passing anything at all using reconciliation. I'd like to see how they come up with the math for that.


The Senate has explicitly stated they will not vote it and will try to repeal/replace with their own bill.....Which will then have to pass the house.

They haven't explicitly stated this though. The bill will change, that much is certain I just don't know by how much.


They haven't explicitly stated this though. The bill will change, that much is certain I just don't know by how much.

No. They literally said they will not vote on it. They will "attempt" (key word there) to incorporate elements of that vile, putrid, pile of shit they called a healthcare bill but the below pretty much explicitly says they are not going to amend and change that bill.

Senate Republicans said Thursday they won't vote on the House-passed bill to repeal and replace Obamacare, but will write their own legislation instead.
A Senate proposal is now being developed by a 12-member working group. It will attempt to incorporate elements of the House bill, senators said, but will not take up the House bill as a starting point and change it through the amendment process.


I deeply wonder if this is really it for America as a first world nation if even half of what they proposes gets adopted.

If we can't even do health care right for the 21st century, we're doomed in regards to every other major issue, and I can name three...


I hate the "repeal and replace" mindset. Repeal it? Yes. Replace? No. Go back to how it was.

How it was is what they're doing.

The expansion of preexisting conditions is really just letting us go back with some fresh newness.

No longer do you need to have tinnitus to be denied heart medicine. Just get raped instead.


I deeply wonder if this is really it for America as a first world nation if even half of what they proposes gets adopted.

If we can't even do health care right for the 21st century, we're doomed in regards to every other major issue, and I can name three...

Americans are living in a banana republic.


Watching the press conference where Donalds smug face is there praising them for passing this bill...



This is my only account. How long I've been a member is irrelevant to what I'm saying. Don't fall back on grade school tactics. People CAN have differing opinions.

Defend your opinion then, how is denying people the basic right to live a good thing?


This is my only account. How long I've been a member is irrelevant to what I'm saying. Don't fall back on grade school tactics. People CAN have differing opinions.

Your "slaughter the poor and give more money to the ultra-rich" opinion sucks, my dude.
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