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US House votes to adopt AHCA (Republican health care); bill moves to Senate


Christ, even the American Medical Association is publicly campaigning against this garbage:


But what do those stupid know-it-all medical professionals know about healthcare?
Man, if Republican voters were feeling "Economic Anxiety" before, just wait till they get this passed

I don't see this getting passed

"my best friend/mother/cousin/daughter died because obama's shitty health insurance didn't transfer over when the GOP slashed it. I can't wait to vote for the GOP in 2018 to fix this."
Reading the article it seems Insurance Companies are not part of your "ALL of them" group. Providers, hospitals, doctors certainly are.

Well some of course will want no pre-existing conditions clause from a profit standpoint. There is zero profit to insure those people, even with huge premiums. That is why they are quoting a few in the article.

But the industry as a whole just wants changes that benefit them and stability. They know going to pre-obamacare actually makes the system less stable for the industry as a whole


Going against lobbyists
Going against healthcare groups
Going against AARP
Going against own constituents

Going for FREEDOM
Going for ACCESS
Going for CHOICE

A party literally chasing images, ideals, and symbolisms while burning the world around them asunder. How is the GOP not a literal example of the problem of the human ego?


C-Sections, too. C-Sections. Like a third of mothers.

If it's anything like before the ACA, a hangnail could probably get dubbed a pre-existing condition..but only once you actually needed the insurance! They'd be fine taking your money until then.


Going against lobbyists
Going against healthcare groups
Going against AARP
Going against own constituents
Yep. You can claim voters won't care but when their own lobbyists are threatening them to knock it off you know they're in trouble. Why anyone would vote for this is beyond me. They're actively nuking their careers just so they can kill millions of people. They've gone insane.
I wish I could be optimistic that things will turn around and balance out, but if this passes (the house... senate could be another thing) and then that discriminatory EO comes to pass, well, it's hard to want to have any sympathy for the people who made this happen.

But I mean... Obama is giving those speeches... for money!
What I don't get is how this doesn't affect people even the rich conservatives know. I mean, these rich people have kids and nephews and neighbors. Even if you are the 1-2% how is this better for you if you get cancer?


Yep. You can claim voters won't care but when their own lobbyists are threatening them to knock it off you know they're in trouble. Why anyone would vote for this is beyond me. They're actively nuking their careers just so they can kill millions of people. They've gone insane.

Gone insane means they've progressed here.

This has been in the parties blood since Ronald Reagan. It's only now it's the only blood in their bodies.
Going for FREEDOM
Going for ACCESS
Going for CHOICE

A party literally chasing images, ideals, and symbolisms while burning the world around them asunder. How is the GOP not a literal example of the problem of the human ego?

Going against anything that's good actually. The GOP is practically a terrorist group at this point.
What I don't get is how this doesn't affect people even the rich conservatives know. I mean, these rich people have kids and nephews and neighbors. Even if you are the 1-2% how is this better for you if you get cancer?

Rich can cover expensive premiums, or their businesses cover it for them with Cadalliac level plans. Or your exempt like that clause for Congress and their staffs.


Brian Schatz‏Verified account

Just appalling. No bill text, no cost estimate, and no public hearings. The only thing we know for sure is it will screw millions.

Some senator, guess the party. Its like easy to tell.
What I don't get is how this doesn't affect people even the rich conservatives know. I mean, these rich people have kids and nephews and neighbors. Even if you are the 1-2% how is this better for you if you get cancer?

They have enough money to never give a shit, also the GOP in the House has the best healthcare ever that will never go away for them. It's beyond fucked.
I wish I could be optimistic that things will turn around and balance out, but if this passes (the house... senate could be another thing) and then that discriminatory EO comes to pass, well, it's hard to want to have any sympathy for the people who made this happen.

But I mean... Obama is giving those speeches... for money!

He announced where that money is going so not even that holier than thou line of defense holds up.


Going against anything that's good actually. The GOP is practically a terrorist group at this point.

Agreed. I believe people should rightfully call the GOP a normalized terrorist organization.

Noam Chomsky has referred to them as the most dangerous group on the planet. I no longer refute those words.
They have enough money to never give a shit, also the GOP in the House has the best healthcare ever that will never go away for them. It's beyond fucked.

I get that, but surely they have people they care about that aren't in that situation. No? I mean, I know the answer, but it's just crazy.


To clarify, pre-existing conditions are considered exempt from health insurance? (Apologies, I'm from the UK and am very ignorant on the subject)


Christ, even the American Medical Association is publicly campaigning against this garbage:


But what do those stupid know-it-all medical professionals know about healthcare?

The GOP is so fucking stupid.

The AMA is has one of the most powerful lobbying arms in Washington. So is the AARP. Both against this. Constituents will feel the heat, it's shocking they want to go through with this.


To clarify, pre-existing conditions are considered exempt from health insurance? (Apologies, I'm from the UK and am very ignorant on the subject)

The ACA, colloquially known as Obamacare, barred pre-existing conditions to deny health insurance.

The new Republican bill would reinstate pre-existing conditions (at the individual state's discretion).
Because they're in a trap of their own making.

They spent years hounding Obamacare as The Great Satan and vowing to fix it. Now that they have the power they have to do something about it, they can't not ignore this.

The problem comes that the Republican politicians issued with Obamacare are not the flaws the American people have issue with.

The Republicans want to "fix" Obamacare by getting rid of it. Because the part they hate is how rich people now have to pay for everybody else's healthcare.

But the American people love getting Healthcare on billionaires dimes. They want to pay even less then they do now.

In short, fixing Obamacare in the way that makes sense involves moving it further left. Buy Republicans can't do that.

Ugh, this is so fucking stupid. Thank you for explaining it to me.

I have a "preexisting" condition. It doesn't affect my life like... at ALL, it's a testosterone deficiency that also somehow triggered a loss of my sense of smell. I'm perfectly happy as is, I can take testosterone if I want or I can not, it barely affects my life at all. However, because it just exists in me, it's deemed as a preexisting condition and I've had insurance companies try to deny me because of it before. I have Covered California currently, hopefully living in California protects me for the most part since apparently if this does pass it'll be up to states to decide shit, but this is still something that stresses me the fuck out (I was having MAJOR panic and anxiety attacks daily for about two weeks over this back in January) and I can't even imagine how frightening it is for people in other states or with real harmful conditions. As it is I'm overweight and trying my damnedest to get healthy but it takes time, and I'm just scared to death I'm gonna somehow develop diabetes or something and become royally fucked to literal death if they get rid of healthcare.


If you have a pre-existing condition, it's unlikely you would be as seriously affected if you live in a deep blue state. Even then, there is still a chance you could get some of the money going into the pools designated for that occurrence.

There isn't nearly enough money in there for everyone, though. That's why Upton adding $8 bn to it and calling it ok for moderates now is such a sham.

I am by no means an expert, so please, look this stuff up and verify it for yourself.

State-line insurance sales are the issue. If they mandate that insurance plans can be sold nationally, then there is no hiding in a blue state because all the insurance companies will locate in and only offer plans in the loosest state.


This is like when they purposely scheduled a ton of confirmation hearings on the same day and only gave one round of questions when the cabinet was being put together, they know nothing will hold up to scrutiny so they're trying to rush it through before people have any time to stop t.
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