Middle East/Terrorism
- Arab Spring brought a great deal of hope.
- However, we are seeing disturbing events in spite of the spring.
- Reversal of hopes (mali, egypt, iran nuclear program).
- Can't kill our way out of this.
- Help world reject radical islam.
- Need comprehensive strategy to reject this extremism.
- Right course is to take out leaders of the anti-american groups/terrorists.
- Need to focus on economic development.
- Help with Education, gender equality, and rule of law.
- Al-Qaeda and jihadists are taking over parts of the world (egypt, northern mali).
Need to focus on these people.
- Obama's points about my record are not accurate.
- Have claimed that Iran is greatest national security threat.
- Job is to keep people safe.
- Focussed on capturing and killing those who attacked us on 9/11
- Working to help Afghanistan take care of its own security.
- Investigating Libya, and will hunt down those who attacked us.
- Took leadership, and liberated Libya. Did this in such a way that cost
less than 2 weeks of our time Iraq.
- Romney's strategy is all over the map. Not designed to take advantages
of opportunities in the middle-east.
- A few months ago, Romney said Russia is the greatest geo-political threat.
- Romney wants to import foreign policies of the 1980s.
- Romney is all over the map and contradicts himself (gave examples, did not have time to capture them).
- We need strong and steady leadership.
- We have to be clear to our allies and enemies about where we stand. Romney is not clear.
- Must facilitate nation building both abroad and at home.