Lol at that image.
He needs some binders full of geography lessons.
Lol at that image.
I just looked for Beck's tweet. It's gone...
The CNN fact check is hilariously bad.
OMG..Even nut-jobs gets it..
"Obama said that Libya was cheaper than two weeks in Iraq. We rate that as false, it was actually cheaper than two and a half weeks in Iraq!"
Because it's a brilliant and effective lie. It created a large block of voters who only trust what Republican propaganda tells them, it scared the rest of the media into looking more fair to the GOP out of fear of being called liberal, and the Republicans have repeated the lie so much that the general population (not just conservatives, but moderates and even some liberals) thinks the media is too liberal.
Orwell would flip his shit if he saw modern America.
I just checked and it's there.
Him defending himself has begun to backfire. IMHO, of course, think about how many times over the past three weeks Obama's said "Now he says.... but he had said..." I think, really, he doesn't remember what his positions used to be, so when Obama attacks him now he just mentally goes "yeah, I probably said that shit."
The Detroit thing tonight might bite him in the ass because, sure enough, he didn't remember what he said. A regular politician at least has a string of bull shit throughout the years they can reference. Obama's great at that "I know I said this, but remember all that shit I had to deal with, fuckin' A, that was something!" Romney can't do that because all he does is change his opinion to what he's told to.
Smartest thing beck said in a long time
I cannot fucking believe CNN just fact checked whether Obama went on an "Apology Tour" or not. Oh my freaking god.
I think Romney really fucked himself tonight, even the Conservative blogs/forums are pissed at him for botching Libya and agreeing with Obama.
There is no way in hell OH, IA, CO, WI are even close
Looking at Glen's tweets, thats very fake. People need to learn to check twitter when they get a screenshot of a post.
Its why its better to quote and link, not screenshot.
I cannot fucking believe CNN just fact checked whether Obama went on an "Apology Tour" or not. Oh my freaking god.
I just retweeted it, though. On Twitter. Just now.Looking at Glen's tweets, thats very fake. People need to learn to check twitter when they get a screenshot of a post.
Its why its better to quote and link, not screenshot. at Glen's tweets, thats very fake. People need to learn to check twitter when they get a screenshot of a post.
Its why its better to quote and link, not screenshot.
Forceful Obama bests defensive Romney in foreign policy debate
Looking at Glen's tweets, thats very fake. People need to learn to check twitter when they get a screenshot of a post.
Its why its better to quote and link, not screenshot.
Check the feed, homesliceLooking at Glen's tweets, thats very fake. People need to learn to check twitter when they get a screenshot of a post.
Its why its better to quote and link, not screenshot.
Well you never really know how people will react to a debate. I am sure this helps Obama but many people may have already been influenced by the first debate and thought Romney was "good enough". Obama is smart, he has been getting all his voters out already even when he was doing badly.
Looking at Glen's tweets, thats very fake. People need to learn to check twitter when they get a screenshot of a post.
Its why its better to quote and link, not screenshot.
Looking at Glen's tweets, thats very fake. People need to learn to check twitter when they get a screenshot of a post.
Its why its better to quote and link, not screenshot.
Looking at Glen's tweets, thats very fake. People need to learn to check twitter when they get a screenshot of a post.
Its why its better to quote and link, not screenshot.
Karl Rove and John Bolton weren't around to advice him on how to manipulate the situation and flat out lie like previous encounters.
Tag Romney is probably wetting himself somewhere tonight
Looking at Glen's tweets, thats very fake. People need to learn to check twitter when they get a screenshot of a post.
Check the feed, homeslice
not sure if troll
Yeah... when he said that I was confused as hell. I actually had to google a map of the middle east to make sure I wasn't an idiot. at Glen's tweets, thats very fake. People need to learn to check twitter when they get a screenshot of a post.
Its why its better to quote and link, not screenshot.
what is this? at Glen's tweets, thats very fake. People need to learn to check twitter when they get a screenshot of a post.
Its why its better to quote and link, not screenshot.
Check the feed, homeslice