All I'm hearing from my family is that a US. Marine tweeted that they still use bayonets.
Good god
So its a tie!!
This makes me question if Romney even wants to be president anymore. He just seemed tired and not really into it.
Mitt's entire debate strategy: What he just said, but from a white guy
You also get the internet.
That's because that's what Fox was saying.
Hardly matters, but Obama didn't even say nobody uses bayonets. His quote was "We also have fewer horses and bayonets..."
This makes me question if Romney even wants to be president anymore. He just seemed tired and not really into it.
That's racista spade is a spade
He's so edgy. I bet he listens to Linkin Park as well
Delicious. More of this please, Glenn. Sap that enthusiasm.
What are the breakdown of GAF politics? GAF leans extremely liberal, is that fair to say? Or is that way off base?
+1. I didn't pay very close attention, but I was surprised that Romney decided not to refute numerous direct attacks
Fark is better than CNN. Evidence:
It's a fact that only computer graphics can deliver you the real news.What's with Wolf's glasses and what is this green screen shit on CNN.
Him defending himself has begun to backfire. IMHO, of course, think about how many times over the past three weeks Obama's said "Now he says.... but he had said..." I think, really, he doesn't remember what his positions used to be, so when Obama attacks him now he just mentally goes "yeah, I probably said that shit."
The Detroit thing tonight might bite him in the ass because, sure enough, he didn't remember what he said. A regular politician at least has a string of bull shit throughout the years they can reference. Obama's great at that "I know I said this, but remember all that shit I had to deal with, fuckin' A, that was something!" Romney can't do that because all he does is change his opinion to what he's told to.
Not sure if it's been posted or not, but Obama killed Romney in the CBS News polling. Something like 53 to 28.
I assume he meant the Mediterranean, but that's still wrong, so...
Is this real? Really him I mean.
...Did GB threw Romney under the bus?
Why do people say the media is liberal biased?
TO be fair, I'm pretty sure Romney was referring to the Mediterranean.
Edit: I take that back. For some reason I thought the Straight of Hormaz was not where it is.
I just checked and it's there.I just looked for Beck's tweet. It's gone...