The spinning in the comments are making my head dizzy.
Ah, one of those Pctx independents. Yes, those darn liberals and their liberalness have pushed you, an independent that shouldn't be impacted by attacks of the right, into voting on the right. And if you dislike mud slinging in general. then using GAF as the reason is mad selection bias.
No. He's talking about 2008 Mitt Romney, the Libya thing is 2012 Mitt Romney. Totally different Mitt Romneys.
No. He's talking about 2008 Mitt Romney, the Libya thing is 2012 Mitt Romney. Totally different Mitt Romneys.
There is a continuum of Mitt Romneys between 2008 and 2012.
There is a continuum of Mitt Romneys between 2008 and 2012.
There are more than you people think there are.
Please tell me this is bullshit.
Please tell me this is bullshit.
Please tell me this is bullshit.
Please tell me this is bullshit.
I doubt they know the difference between republicans and democrats. They just know Obama sends drones so they don't like them. Situation would be the same if not worse under Romney.
They have a 'likely' vs. 'registered' voters thing there. How they decide likely is beyond me. Also someone posted this last week, and the huge advantage comes in the South for Romney - Obama is up everywhere else.
It's probably a tribal thing. Obama is Luo, a tribe that comprises only 10% of the population and which has never held the Kenyan presidency.its strange that Kenya has the highest percentage of Romney voters. I wonder what thats about. Maybe they are sick of hearing about Obama.
Technically, no, but we use cruisers, frigates, and plenty of other ships whose purpose is battle.
This may be the worst post you've ever made.
It's like he never watched Under Siege.
Technically, no, but we use cruisers, frigates, and plenty of other ships whose purpose is battle.
The technical meaning here is the only relevant one to the ships' classifications.
No. He's talking about 2008 Mitt Romney, the Libya thing is 2012 Mitt Romney. Totally different Mitt Romneys.
That whole line of attack has zero merit in it if you actually listen to what Obama said.Technically, no, but we use cruisers, frigates, and plenty of other ships whose purpose is battle.
Please tell me this is bullshit.
Not when you are using "battleships" as a general reference to ships the Navy uses to fight. Man, you people are seriously disconnected from the way the average person thinks.
Gallup is not in line with all the others, but it's clear Romney has the momentum.
That whole line of attack has zero merit in it if you actually listen to what Obama said.
He just happened to manage to show his ignorance on the subject matter, which is funny more than anything.
It also manage (inadvertently) shed a light on how silly that counting ship number is, as the last time we built battleships was during World War 2.
Is anyone seriously claiming that we need a navy the size we had in World War 2?
That whole line of attack has zero merit in it if you actually listen to what Obama said.
He just happened to manage to show his ignorance on the subject matter, which is funny more than anything.
It also manage (inadvertently) shed a light on how silly that counting ship number is, as the last time we built battleships was during World War 2.
Is anyone seriously claiming that we need a navy the size we had in World War 2?
A gif retort, ok true, the Big Bird stuff might work on you. But still, you were voting for him no matter what.
A gif retort, ok true, the Big Bird stuff might work on you. But still, you were voting for him no matter what.
I think a lot of the Obama people need to prepare themselves for the fact that he could in fact lose.
Considering how good Obama was in 2008 I am surprised at how bad he looks now. I understand you cant run on change when you're the incumbent. I get that Romney isnt being very specific. But Binders, Big Bird and Bayonets? Really? Oh and Romnesia. Cant forget that gem. Is he running for class president?
Romney said we had less ships now than in any time since 1916, that's a stupid metric.Romney said the Navy does not have enough ships to carry out its mission - true. Did he say we needed as many ships as we had in WW2? No - we had over 6,000 then. He said we need a little over 300. He said "ships" - not battleships. This includes frigates, cruisers, and aircraft carriers, among other things.
But please explain why you know better than the Navy how many ships they need, and why they are stupid for counting them. I'm sure the admirals could benefit from your wisdom.
But no, Ryan is stupid for saying "battleships" instead of ships.
Romney said the Navy does not have enough ships to carry out its mission - true. Did he say we needed as many ships as we had in WW2? No - we had over 6,000 then. He said we need a little over 300. He said "ships" - not battleships. This includes frigates, cruisers, and aircraft carriers, among other things.
But please explain why you know better than the Navy how many ships they need, and why they are stupid for counting them. I'm sure the admirals could benefit from your wisdom.
But no, Ryan is stupid for saying "battleships" instead of ships.
a 1.9% lead in Ohio is far from sewn. Obama and Romney are in a Bush/Kerry sort of situation going into the final two weeks here.
Ignoring the rest of your post, yes, this is true. People look at 538 and go "oh, Obama's at 70%, that's basically a guarantee that he wins." No, that's only slightly better than a 2/3 chance of winning. Out of 3 elections where Silver gives someone a 70% chance of winning, he should be wrong approximately once.
I'm not going to suggest that people go all Diablos and start flipping out about everything, but while Obama is clearly ahead, there are no guarantees here.
That's not exactly how those percentages work. It's not saying there is a coin toss that is weighted at 70%; it's saying that Obama wins today--but there is a 30% chance that something happens to change the drift toward Romney between now and the election.
That aside, what is this mission the Navy needs 600 (since Romney's said he'll double the amount the Navy actually needs) ships for? The needless two front war readiness strategy?
Do you have a source for the bolded? I can't find anything via google suggesting that the Navy has requested more ships and been denied.
Yeah, but Romney is Kerry in this scenario.
That aside, what is this mission the Navy needs 600 (since Romney's said he'll double the amount the Navy actually needs) ships for? The needless two front war readiness strategy?
Romney didn't say that, as far as I know. Evidence?
Ignoring the rest of your post, yes, this is true. People look at 538 and go "oh, Obama's at 70%, that's basically a guarantee that he wins." No, that's only slightly better than a 2/3 chance of winning. Out of 3 elections where Silver gives someone a 70% chance of winning, he should be wrong approximately once.
I'm not going to suggest that people go all Diablos and start flipping out about everything, but while Obama is clearly ahead, there are no guarantees here.
He said he was going to give the Navy the submarines they requested, and he'd double the order.
I guess government spending can create jobs as long as the jobs involve building warships.