They're one of the better sources on this stuff I believe. And honestly I'd wager someone who can take the time to research this stuff would get more right than someone actively in a debate.How accurate is any of this stuff?
They're one of the better sources on this stuff I believe. And honestly I'd wager someone who can take the time to research this stuff would get more right than someone actively in a debate.How accurate is any of this stuff?
Conservative Gut Feelings (tm).
Really, CNN?
I have no idea what is going on with CNN they are maybe trying get soft republicans not crazy enough for Fox? Even Carville was baffled by them last night.
Congratulations Republicans, the only country in the world that is for your candidate is Pakistan. You should be proud!
Next time on CNN: Is Putin a Big Meanie?
I mean, god damn -- it a candidate can't handle this tame level of confrontation and questioning of their position on a soft-ball, PC, televised debate, I don't fucking want them to represent the US in any situation on the world stage that actually requires us to deal with difficult counterparties and make tough decisions.
Fucking-A. What is the media coming to?
This is exactly what is happening--they have seen their viewer base cut dramatically by Fox News.
They think that by acting like Fox News, they'll get those viewers back.
This is exactly what is happening--they have seen their viewer base cut dramatically by Fox News.
They think that by acting like Fox News, they'll get those viewers back.
Off the top of my head #3 is a complete spin of what Romney said in the Oped he wrote.
Obama isn't their guy. Being "centrist" and wanting a horse race is their guy.
Stuff like this makes you wonder where (if?) you can get unbiased news anywhere. CNN was one of my go-tos for getting general headlines. Not sure if I'm gonna continue going there from now on.
"A managed bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the industry needs."
"In a managed bankruptcy, the federal government would propel newly competitive and viable automakers"
Why not just read the Op-Ed instead of perpetuating something you are unsure of?
Obama won last night but I found the overall debate rather dull compared to the awesomeness that was the 2nd debate. Romney just doesn't look like he even wanted to defend any of his positions - makes me question his resolve if he were to become President. Not the kind of leader I would want.
PBS is the best in America, as far as TV goes.
Congratulations Republicans, the only country in the world that is for your candidate is Pakistan. You should be proud!
Is graph reading not GAF's strong suit? 15% want Romney, 10% want Obama, 75% want neither or don't care.
"A managed bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the industry needs."
"In a managed bankruptcy, the federal government would propel newly competitive and viable automakers"
Why not just read the Op-Ed instead of perpetuating something you are unsure of?
Obama won last night but I found the overall debate rather dull compared to the awesomeness that was the 2nd debate. Romney just doesn't look like he even wanted to defend any of his positions - makes me question his resolve if he were to become President. Not the kind of leader I would want.
IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.
The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk.
Next time on CNN: Is Putin a Big Meanie?
I mean, god damn -- it a candidate can't handle this tame level of confrontation and questioning of their position on a soft-ball, PC, televised debate, I don't fucking want them to represent the US in any situation on the world stage that actually requires us to deal with difficult counterparties and make tough decisions.
Fucking-A. What is the media coming to?
Obama won last night but I found the overall debate rather dull compared to the awesomeness that was the 2nd debate. Romney just doesn't look like he even wanted to defend any of his positions - makes me question his resolve if he were to become President. Not the kind of leader I would want.
PBS is the best in America, as far as TV goes.
i remember reading this OP-ED when it was first in the NYT. I remember thinking it was an incredibly stupid position to take for a guy who wants to be President, turns out it did come back to hurt him after all.
This is exactly what is happening--they have seen their viewer base cut dramatically by Fox News.
They think that by acting like Fox News, they'll get those viewers back.
How about
1. Unfriend Pakistan on Facebook, send 'goodbye too bad so sad' text and then delete from Android phone. Send NO aid to NObody in Pakistan, corrupt or uncorrupt.
2. Forget Pakistan ever existed. Bad Romance. Learning experience.
3. Send India naughty pics of you wearing no shirt.
PBS is the best in America, as far as TV goes.
PBS pundits called last night a tie. I'm done with them.
The first one's bullshit. Romney said he wouldn't go into Pakistan.
Romney in 2007: "I do not concur in the words of Barack Obama in a plan to enter an ally of ours"
Then again, it's Romney so he probably was on both sides of the issue.
The Obama campaign cites this as evidence that Romney would seek permission to attack terrorists in Pakistan. But it’s not the whole story.
A couple of days later, Romney was asked at a Republican debate in Iowa what he would do if the CIA came to him and said it had Osama bin Laden in its sights but Musharraf said the U.S. could not enter Pakistan. Romney said going into Pakistan without permission would be an option, but criticized Obama for saying so.
Romney, Aug. 5, 2007: "It’s wrong for a person running for the president of the United States to get on TV and say, “We’re going to go into your country unilaterally.” Of course, America always maintains our option to do whatever we think is in the best interests of America. But we don’t go out and say, “Ladies and gentlemen of Germany, if ever there was a problem in your country, we didn’t think you were doing the right thing, we reserve the right to come in and get them out.”
We don’t say those things. We keep our options quiet. We do not go out and say to a nation which is working with us, where we have collaborated and they are our friend and we’re trying to support Musharraf and strengthen him and his nation, that instead that we intend to go in there and potentially bring out a unilateral attack."
I don't think he does want to defend his positions. Partly because they're toxic. He has something like 17 foreign policy advisors from Bush. You can bet that they're telling him the normal neocon stuff. If he went with his chest thumping rhetoric, he would have looked bad in the debate, because in reality he actually has no fucking clue what he's talking about with regard to foreign policy. I don't mean that as a partisan. I really truthfully think he doesn't know what he's doing when it comes to FP. He's a businessman who's running to turn around the economy. Foreign policy is just something he has to do in addition. He doesn't want to.
So, yeah, he comes into the debate armed with neocon advisors telling him things and not knowing jack squat. His strategy was to just get through the evening without making any mistakes (and he likely would have if he would have gone through with some of his advisors positions, because, again, he probably doesn't understand them at all), and he just used Obama's positions and agreed with them as a crutch to get through the night.
As far as when he gets into office I have no doubt his advisors would be able to push him to whatever position they want, because, again, I get the feeling he really doesn't care about foreign policy. It's secondary to him. He has no convictions there. Say what you will about him being some great business leader, but the guy is absolutely not a leader when it comes to foreign policy. And what's scary is that's one of the biggest things a president actually has control of. And his running mate isn't the sort that can give him any advice at all. It's all up to his neocon advisors.
Romney claiming to cut Obamacare to increase military spending is telling of his priorities.
I don't understand blue collar middle-classers without health insurance who vote against their interests
They mention that further down but said that Romney had more of a problem with Obama going on TV and talking about it rather than actually doing it.
Coming from someone going to vote for Obama on election day, if this is correct, it seems they have a point. It doesn't appear that Romney's issue was that he wanted to ask Pakistan for permission. Looks like a lie.
wait why would Pakistan want Romney more? I know they're pissed about drone strikes but do they really think a republican would have less of them?
wait why would Pakistan want Romney more? I know they're pissed about drone strikes but do they really think a republican would have less of them?
wait why would Pakistan want Romney more? I know they're pissed about drone strikes but do they really think a republican would have less of them?
I doubt they know the difference between republicans and democrats. They just know Obama sends drones so they don't like them. Situation would be the same if not worse under Romney.
Obama isn't their guy. Being "centrist" and wanting a horse race is their guy.
"To compare modern American battleships and Navy with bayonets, I just don't understand that comparison," Ryan said in an interview that aired Tuesday on CBS' This Morning.
its strange that Kenya has the highest percentage of Romney voters. I wonder what thats about. Maybe they are sick of hearing about Obama.
niceThose are the direct witnesses of Obama's birth.
They mention that further down but said that Romney had more of a problem with Obama going on TV and talking about it rather than actually doing it.
Coming from someone going to vote for Obama on election day, if this is correct, it seems they have a point. It doesn't appear that Romney's issue was that he wanted to ask Pakistan for permission. Looks like a lie.
I doubt they know the difference between republicans and democrats. They just know Obama sends drones so they don't like them. Situation would be the same if not worse under Romney.
I doubt they know the difference between republicans and democrats. They just know Obama sends drones so they don't like them. Situation would be the same if not worse under Romney.
Would this be the same Mitt Romney that wants the government to publicly disclose every facet of our investigation into the act of terror against our consulate in Libya?
No. He's talking about 2008 Mitt Romney, the Libya thing is 2012 Mitt Romney. Totally different Mitt Romneys.