As someone who backed the project, I can fully say that you should play this game. It is exceedingly fun, the combat is a blast and it will be getting more support as the days go by since we just voted for another character to add to it.
The story seemed fairly...generic from the intro but the dialogue and such more than makes up for it and draws you into something that's actually pretty cool.
Like others I also had way too much fun trying to get high ranks on the bosses and figure out how I could beat them fast and efficiently.
The only complaintI had was that there's very little in the way of explaining so new abilities or magic could often go under-utilized or unused until I figured them out a lot of times by accident. I mean, I didn't know you could dash for like half the game and when I found out had to go back and do all those goddam timed forcefield puzzles.
I'm really glad I funded this game. I'm on my phone so don't feel like typing up great detailed reams of pages but could if given the opportunity.
...just wish they'd send me my damn Steam key already. I don't wanna use Desura.
The story seemed fairly...generic from the intro but the dialogue and such more than makes up for it and draws you into something that's actually pretty cool.
Like others I also had way too much fun trying to get high ranks on the bosses and figure out how I could beat them fast and efficiently.
The only complaintI had was that there's very little in the way of explaining so new abilities or magic could often go under-utilized or unused until I figured them out a lot of times by accident. I mean, I didn't know you could dash for like half the game and when I found out had to go back and do all those goddam timed forcefield puzzles.
I'm really glad I funded this game. I'm on my phone so don't feel like typing up great detailed reams of pages but could if given the opportunity.
...just wish they'd send me my damn Steam key already. I don't wanna use Desura.