Played it for a few days more.
with 1 buddy and another guy jumping in sometimes to busy with work so there's that.
I currently advanced towards beating 4 of the 5 bosses, got 4 of the 5 area's done now and in the last area. Crafting goes well and building etc also goes very well.
The main complains so far i have about the game.
- Dedicated server problems, always something that u need to do to keep the game going. Its under heavy development so to be expected.
- My buddy has a incredible shitty internet connection, that dc's multiple times a day and frankly the weirdest things happen whenever his internet starts to shit the brick. boats explodes randomly in the sea, chests he put loot in dissapear, his corpse not respawning all kinds of nasty stuff to the point today we hitted a point where he lost all the stuff again that he had, grinded our eye balls out for it and basically we cheated in the game to summon the parts back again offline. Couldn't deal with refarming everything all over again. They really need to create some soft of protection for this, its terrible as of now. If you got a good connection tho this issue is a non issue so yea there is that.
- Boat is a pain, it randomly damages no matter what u do, sometimes explodes in the sea for no reason and if you die on the other side of the planet u are pretty much GG. I wish they had somekind of spawn button so u could summon the boat back or when u die outside of a x range u just spam in the map somewhere if u just slam down a spawn building or something at the start where u leave, or make it on your boat.
- transportation and upgrades for forge are a problem which could make the game extremely grindy for example at points. For example: silver mining on a mountain that is higher then the clouds but gotta bring it down, yea not a good idea. takes forever to the point i just threw my cart of the cliff and prayed that it would work out. I wish the forge and workbank u could upgrade and make a fully upgraded version permanently instead of having to rebuild everything all over again on a farm spot where u probably not going to be for very long.
- map is to big for 2 players with 1 only playing half the time. Exploring takes absolutely forever to the point if something in the game doesn't spawn next to your area of exploration u will probably never find it no matter how hard u try.
- some upgrades seem to be available but actually are not, but that's just early access for now.
- sometimes u feel burned by spending a lot of time on upgrades in certain ages when a hour later after u are done better gear is available for far less effort, they need to make gear in some ages stay longer valid really. It really burns you out a bit specially if you go in blind.
- portals could use some improvements, making 30 portals in your base is getting annoying rather quick, would be nice to have 1 portal with a list of buttons u can click on to connect to outside portals that u placed.
The goods:
- Absolute stunning game, no matter what people think about it. the game is a looker it looks absolutely amazing.
The tree's are actually moving with the wind so is the grass, if the wind goes up so does there movement in the direction it goes. The clouds same thing, the fog the smoke, the lightning everything is extremely well done on this front and most games could take this into account. It really pushes this game visually to the next level versus other games even while the textures and models are simplistic. They basically prioritized the right visuals.
( me waiting for my buddy on the other side to clear trolls down this hill so i can corpse camp behind those tree's, then pass water and another field to get my stuff back

( Farming iron for our armor upgrades and weapon upgrades, waiting outside to protect the cart that is full of iron ).
( Sadly its a picture, its something else to see all those tree's move the leafs fly through the air and wind changing directions + clouds moving through it.)
Reminded me of zelda breath of the wild screenshot, however everything here moves even tree's individually and leafs.
This mountain was so insanely high, the high point was actually above the clouds itself. Yes the sky and the top layer of clouds? yea there are mountains that go over it lol.
Gif form daylight with mist, its bizarre how high it is.
What can i say the game is a looker, also got destroyed by a wolf 5 seconds later rofl.
Bosses are absolutely fantastic done, not to hard but also u gotta be prepared, we did the first boss with 2 people and it was kinda easy but to be expected, the second boss with 3 people took a while but was doable, 3rd boss with 2 people failed miserable, went back the day after even better prepared and we got him down, 4th boss was kinda buggy but dam he hits hard. 1 shot us multiple times but we got him down also, if his ai gets fixed its going to be a nightmare to face.
Its interesting every boss loot what u get for power and what u get for something extra's out of them that is useful for the next area, with the 4th boss it opened up a whole lot of new stuff again and the same goes for 3rd boss. It's very well done and the bosses are unique and well done. Only the AI needs some tuning that's for sure.
Just got out of iron age, moved into the next silver one and now moved towards probably the last age but still early in at this point. So farming until we got all our gear and upgrades ready. I must say plains is no joke even if u are well prepared, we got overconfident and the moment we dropped our guard we got 2 shot and this ( picture below ) was basically us trying to get back to our corpse, because swamp right next towards us = leeches / mosquito and goblins are no joke.
( this gif also works really well for trying to figure out how to slam everything into your base and still make it tight when a upgrade lands ).
We still have a lot of fun to the point we skip a lot of sleep just to play a bit more and that after 122 hours for a 17 buck game is just amazing. Only 20 hours left and i sit pretty much on the same time frame as ac valhalla and we are nowhere near done with exploring yet, it almost feels like we are just starting really. The upgrades, the new items keeps the game fresh and interesting as there is always something u can go for and frankly with the tons of food and other things to do its a great time and not a minute of boredom as u decide your own pace really.
After playing this game, u honestly start to wonder where gaming has started to shit the brick, the simplicity of the game, lightning, the smoke / clouds / wind is really where last gen should have moved towards but we moved to more static looking environment that are dead and dull for the sake of a higher polygonal face.
Anyway, it will be interesting to see how long this game can stay entertaining when there is nothing for us to upgrade anymore and we got pretty much the main content done, i think the game will be a borefest really quick at that point, but i do think we will get a good 10-20 hours of out it yet, we will see tho. Will make a update once i beated it.
Just made another picture while we where hunting goblins, the lightning wind everything is so good in this game. Also 500mb game size by the way lol.