BY2K said:Not the second part.
True, but I'm having issues accepting literally anything that looks like an edit to already posted information, we've been burned by ninja edits so many times in this thread alone.
BY2K said:Not the second part.
claviertekky said:Is it related to the ARG or is it just someone piecing a connection that we would not know wihtout playing the game?
All right thanks.Lostconfused said:Its episode 2 stuff.
BY2K said:It isn't even on the wiki, so either the second part was found recently, or it's fake.
See, this is dumb. For two reasons. One: it's brute force. It's not fun, it's just a waste of time and energy. Two: it's punishing us for playing the game, which can't possibly be what Valve intended. If Valve had prepared this to require more "CPUs," they should have had a back up plan in case that mark wasn't hit. As of now there is no sign of that back up, so I can't believe that the answer is simply "the response was not big enough."Morkins said:The community response was not big enough. End of story. Valve set it up to be difficult. Valve set it up to require community dedication and effort. That has not happened. There is some effort, but collectively, the difference has not been that large. Peak times are still peak times and the total number of players has only increased marginally. Thus, we aren't breaking through this challenge and it is reflected in a relatively constant progression.
Also, they could have just as easily included a curve to reflect the fact that as people players over the weekend, more potato multipliers would have been collected which means that they become less effective. There is a relatively constant potato multiplier curve so clearly people aren't involved enough to make that become a major factor in the progression...
The community response wasn't big enough. Thus, we only get the game a few hours early.
Hard to say, they might have set an attainable threshold for potatoes and tweaked the power of such (and announce that taters are now being "overclocked"), instead of manipulating the basic values. Advantageous, if they don't want to just magically double the base completion values of every single player, and for reasons of making the end-game faster without bailing everyone out outright.TheExodu5 said:If this were a case of them setting the bar too high, they would have adjusted the numbers.
claviertekky said:Seems like the second part is new, so I see what's happening.
Crunched said:See, this is dumb. For two reasons. One: it's brute force. It's not fun, it's just a waste of time and energy. Two: it's punishing us for playing the game, which can't possibly be what Valve intended. If Valve had prepared this to require more "CPUs," they should have had a back up plan in case that mark wasn't hit. As of now there is no sign of that back up, so I can't believe that the answer is simply "the response was not big enough."
It seems more like it was designed to be reached at a certain time.
Monday is a very hopeful estimate.Drkirby said:Well, unless something big happens With Toki Tori or Bit Trip (The 6th and 7th), I am just going to guess I won't be play till Monday at best.
Nothing from Portal there. Just some Episode 3 teasing.The M.O.B said:Is this stuff you learn from Portal 2? Otherwise I aint highlighting that.
They're good but they aren't infallible.theinfinityissue said:I'm probably going to regret posting this because I'll end up sounding like some deluded fanboy, but part of me thinks they maybe let glados@home be a disappointment to set up something else to be truly crazy. Unlikely, but I doubt many people would deny that that is the level of game Valve is capable of.
I think you're the one who has gone truly crazytheinfinityissue said:I'm probably going to regret posting this because I'll end up sounding like some deluded fanboy, but part of me thinks they maybe let glados@home be a disappointment to set up something else to be truly crazy. Unlikely, but I doubt many people would deny that that is the level of game Valve is capable of.
Crunched said:See, this is dumb. For two reasons. One: it's brute force. It's not fun, it's just a waste of time and energy. Two: it's punishing us for playing the game, which can't possibly be what Valve intended. If Valve had prepared this to require more "CPUs," they should have had a back up plan in case that mark wasn't hit. As of now there is no sign of that back up, so I can't believe that the answer is simply "the response was not big enough."
It seems more like it was designed to be reached at a certain time.
Crunched said:See, this is dumb. For two reasons. One: it's brute force. It's not fun, it's just a waste of time and energy. Two: it's punishing us for playing the game, which can't possibly be what Valve intended. If Valve had prepared this to require more "CPUs," they should have had a back up plan in case that mark wasn't hit. As of now there is no sign of that back up, so I can't believe that the answer is simply "the response was not big enough."
It seems more like it was designed to be reached at a certain time.
Most likely not.BY2K said:Would Valve really make a clear reference to the Combine in a Portal 2 ARG like that?
If this was the case I'd prefer having more tasks to complete instead of essentially doing nothing but watching bars fill.syoaran said:I believe the intention at the design stage was for people to play the additional content, or at least be aware of it. If everyone who bought the product based on estimated sales played the new content this weekend and got the potato's, we would be at an early launch by a day or (day 1/2 max based on the numbers). The only logical reason why they have not addressed this problem by now is that everyone is still play-testing the product for final bugs or getting ready for a massive launch on both the PS3 & PC combined, which isn't illogical.
Toki hit 100. Now it's time for people to finish up BitCindres said:Come oooon Toki, nearly there. A lot seemed to start switching over to BIT.TRIP like 20/30 minutes ago, good transitions between the games though.
Crunched said:If this was the case I'd prefer having more tasks to complete instead of essentially doing nothing but watching bars fill.
Toki Tori about the finish btw
SalsaShark said:I laugh at all you late potato getters using your cheats and getting to work once you knew what the reward was
darkpaladinmfc said:I think you're the one who has gone truly crazy. Unless you just mean Portal 2 being crazily amazing, which is a given.
What is the reward? I no naaathingSalsaShark said:I laugh at all you late potato getters using your cheats and getting to work once you knew what the reward was
We have no clue what the reward is, just that there is one.SalsaShark said:I laugh at all you late potato getters using your cheats and getting to work once you knew what the reward was
Drkirby said:We have no clue what the reward is, just that there is one.
I too said this and got similar reactions.Zenith said:I saw all this and posted it as soon as the countdown that runs on paying for other games popped up and people leapt on me for daring to say anything against Valve. Well where are they now!
Nabs said:Toki hit 100. Now it's time for people to finish up Bit
This is backed up by the fact that there are diminishing returns on number of CPUs. More people participating was designed to have a disproportionally low effect on progress rate.Campster said:Yeah, if we "failed" then what was the lesson here? That we suck as a community and aren't good enough for a Portal 2 early release? That despite tens of thousands of lost manhours put towards unlocking the game that we simply aren't numerous enough? And if we did "lose" because Valve set the bar too high, isn't that on them? They dangled an early release carrot in front of us with an impossible to achieve goal and then shrugged their shoulders as we struggled to meet "CPU" counts that were simply infeasible.
It definitely seems designed to release the games at preset times, and in no way does our input really influence this one way or another.
Cindres said:Yeah does appear to be at 100 now, just need it to flick blue.
EDIT: And it was done as i posted that.
How much time did that knock off?
Phantom Limbs said:On a side note, since a lot of people have played and are playing Portal 2 by now, I'm guessing the "surprises" and references to half-life aren't that ground-breaking.
Which makes me very disappointed.
I'm going to love and play every bit of Portal 2, but I'd be lying if I said the most exciting thing for me about the game, are the possible hints to more Half-Life.
Reward is not worth playing 1...2...3..Kick it. I would rather be waterboarded.Danne-Danger said:What is the reward? I no naaathing
Fox318 said:Reward is not worth playing 1...2...3..Kick it. I would rather be waterboarded.
XeroSauce said:I don't know how well our "focus" is going to work out when the bigger games have 5-6k players and barely move, while our "group" is about 3k large.
Fox318 said:Reward is not worth playing 1...2...3..Kick it. I would rather be waterboarded.
This is the only game I regret buying.Fox318 said:Reward is not worth playing 1...2...3..Kick it. I would rather be waterboarded.
69.64%DoctorWho said:What percentage of the Computations Completed for Launch bar is finished?
69%DoctorWho said:What percentage of the Computations Completed for Launch bar is finished?