The idea was that completing the bars of games with easier requirements would give us a boost and make the rest of the games easier. Doug, the ARG character told us this was the correct thing to do. So far we haven't seen any boost, though.XeroSauce said:I don't know how well our "focus" is going to work out when the bigger games have 5-6k players and barely move, while our "group" is about 3k large.
claviertekky said:I'm beginning to think overclocked CPUs is just an excuse for Valve to bump up the CPU completion bars when the release date inches closer and closer.
morningbus said:Yeah, at this point the "potato overclock" is essentially going to be the switch that Valve hits to release the game.
High Five! Glad to see you back.EmCeeGramr said:Hey I got home before it came out.
Botolf said:Priority list
- BIT.TRIP BEAT - Current focus
- The Ball
- Audiosurf
- Amnesia
- Super Meat Boy
- Defense Grid: The Awakening
- Killing Floor
[*] Toki Tori(finished on 4/17/2011 15:45 PDT...we get 55 minutes off the Projected Launch timer)
[*] Cogs(finished on 4/17/2011 10:15 PDT...we get 50 minutes off the Projected Launch timer)
[*] RUSH (finished on 4/17/2011 04:09 PDT...we get 40 minutes off the Projected Launch timer)
[*] AaAaAA!!! A Reckless Disregard for Gravity (finished on 4/16/2011 21:00 PDT...we get 60 minutes off the Projected Launch timer)
[*] 1... 2... 3... KICK IT! (finished on 4/16/2011 11:55 PDT...we get 40 minutes off the Projected Launch timer)
[*] The Wonderful End of the World (finished on 4/15/2011 19:55 PDT...we get 50 minutes off the Projected Launch timer)
I didn't understand what the story in Justine was. Am I right in thinking (NON-PORTAL 2 SPOILERS)theinfinityissue said:You're probably right. I did notice myself feeling awful strange during the final hours of my potato hunt...
Also, Justine is phenomenal. They did an awesome job of setting up a microverse inside the greater Amnesia fiction, kept the terror of the original, and even managed a compelling story with a nice twist at the end all in around a 25 minute game. Can not wait for whatever Frictional comes out with next.
Nabs said:Shouldn't Amnesia come before Audiosurf?
Nabs said:Shouldn't Amnesia come before Audiosurf?
My spoilers aren't about Portal 2. They are about the Justine DLC for Amnesia.EviLore said:Don't post spoilers, tagged or otherwise, until the game is released legitimately.
I just did it 4 times.TheBez said:For those who are just starting Bit Trip Beat for the first time and want to get the potato the easy way here is how you can slow down the game.
Download and open Cheat Engine
Open BTB
In Cheat Engine search for the BTB exe
Click Enable Speedhack
I played at .2 and slowed it down to .15 during the boss fight. It took ~1hr to do Descent. Quite a grind.
It was, but they switched places recently.Nabs said:Shouldn't Amnesia come before Audiosurf?
lol... is probably a generic domain that has nothing to do with Valve and GLaDOS@Home is a reference to Folding@Home and other Distributed Computing projects. It's not an email address.DoctorWho said:
XeroSauce said:The Ball is obvious because it will be the easier to increase, but Audiosurf is before Amnesia because of how much of a lead it has already, we want to get things done ASAP, I'm assuming.
Chances are, we won't even finish all the games by Tuesday.
This can't be right, there are diminishing returns with more CPUs, not a fixed rate per CPU.morningbus said:Yeah, the priority list on the wiki is:
1) BIT.TRIP BEAT Pixel2CPUrate = .0073
2) The Ball Pixel2CPUrate = .0043
3) Amnesia Pixel2CPUrate = .0019
4) Super Meat Boy Pixel2CPUrate = .0015
5) Defense Grid: The Awakening Pixel2CPUrate = .0014
6) Audiosurf Pixel2CPUrate = .0013
7) Killing Floor Pixel2CPUrate = .0005
SalsaShark said:I laugh at all you late potato getters using your cheats and getting to work once you knew what the reward was
Doopliss said:The idea was that completing the bars of games with easier requirements would give us a boost and make the rest of the games easier. Doug, the ARG character told us this was the correct thing to do. So far we haven't seen any boost, though.
Speaking as a West Coaster, I'd be perfectly okay with that. Hell, I'd be perfectly okay with Portal 2 at any time, early, on time, or fashionably late. GIMME.Datwheezy said:So if we dont fill all the bars, then we will probably get it roughly 7-8 hours early (we will probably get at least 2 more bars filled for sure).
But, so far we have done 70% in a little less than 56 hours. comes out to about 1.25% per hour average. 30% should take another 24 hours, meaning if we keep the pace, Monday night* is completely reasonable.
*US Eastern Time
All hail.**this is all without factoring in the mystical potato overdrive.
TheBez said:For those who are just starting Bit Trip Beat for the first time and want to get the potato the easy way here is how you can slow down the game.
Download and open Cheat Engine
Open BTB
In Cheat Engine search for the BTB exe
Click Enable Speedhack
I played at .2 and slowed it down to .15 during the boss fight. It took ~1hr to do Descent. Quite a grind.
Botolf said:All hail.
Revolutionary said:lol... is probably a generic domain that has nothing to do with Valve and GLaDOS@Home is a reference to Folding@Home and other Distributed Computing projects. It's not an email address.
As for the Justine DLC for Amnesia (NOT Portal 2 spoilers!),I took it as it all being in her head, as a warm-up to what she plans to do to her guests when they arrive.
Lastly, my bet is that 500k is the mark for the potato overclock. If that's not it, then the overclock is a lie.
MRORANGE said:knowing valve, I'll expect to release a secret "surprise" form the game launch of some sort to quell the backlash of the arg
Valve only seems to have a problem with that site that you could just click a single button a get 15 Potatoes.Mairu said:There have been cheats with the potato-gathering since the beginning of this thing with save files, altered mp3s, cheat engine, & dll injects![]()
But it seems that (NON PORTAL 2 SPOILERS)God's Beard said:Justine is Glados and her guests are the test subjects(robots and chell)
ArjanN said:Or just play it without cheating on easy and get in 15 minutes.![]()
If we fail, yeah (though the amount is closer to 5 hours earlier right now). Minor compensation for filling a bunch, but not all.Stitch said:so with every completed game/bar we get portal 2 fifty minutes earlier...?
that's really lame...
ArjanN said:Valve could easily wait until 7-8 bars are full and then say "Potatoes now overclocked!" and the remaining bars fill up 10 times faster.
I figure that would negate most of the negativity about the ARG.
And of course Valve balanced the bars/ARG in such a way that they'd have a very good idea of what the maximum spread of the release date would be. It would have been downright dumb of them not to have done that.
Ferrio said:free copy of portal 1 to gift to friends!
O_O didn't know about that oneDrkirby said:Valve only seems to have a problem with that site that you could just click a single button a get 15 Potatoes.
Was it even worth it?Fletcher said:Haha that's funny then. A day early is kind if ridiculous.
ArjanN said:Valve could easily wait until 7-8 bars are full and then say "Potatoes now overclocked!" and the remaining bars fill up 10 times faster.
The potato pack was never part of the problem for me, and I can only say good things about it.Max said:Was it even worth it?
Those indie devs sure think it was.
Again, not Portal 2 spoilers:God's Beard said:Justine is Glados and her guests are the test subjects(robots and chell)
Yep, very keen analysis. Though of course after the initial moaning about file decryption taking too long people will shut up while they play Portal 2.morningbus said:The problem with that, especially from the perspective of the person angry over the end of the ARG, is that it makes any effort at all completely worthless.
Obviously Valve had a time frame in mind for the release of the game, but that means they never intended to release it Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, regardless of the effort put in, as they would have started the multiplier at some point otherwise. So the most we could ever hope for, even if we had put in everything we had, and met or exceeded Valve's expectations, is a release into the late hours of Monday night?
Yeah, that's not going to placate people at all.
OmegaDragon said:Killing Floor isnt going to be completed
It has between 3.5-6.5K players and according to
"At the current rate this game is estimated full in 3 days 4:06:20 hours - 33.26% - 5862 CURRENT CPU"
Crunched said:But it seems that (NON PORTAL 2 SPOILERS)Justine is in an experiment herself, as someone is congratulating her on completion of the tests. She locks the door as he tries entering. Also, who's hanging at the end if not Justine?
The problem is, that the Focus group tends to be a group of roughly 3500 people. Killing Floor has 6k people, and that is the rate.Sakurina said:That does say at the current rate (which on that site is the average rate for the past 6 hours). When/if it ever becomes the current focus, the progress will have increased a certain amount since now, and the ~2500 people who are playing/idling whatever the current focus is will get tacked onto whatever people were playing the game anyway. Who knows, we might even get our CPUs overclocked by then.
I'm not saying we will complete it, but there certainly is a possibility of it being completed. A lot can happen between now and then.