dave is ok said:This is the worst end to an unbelievablywell doneboring and fruitless ARG ever. They need to coin a new term for 'jumping the shark' just for this. 'Idling the computation?'
Think its more accurate now.
dave is ok said:This is the worst end to an unbelievablywell doneboring and fruitless ARG ever. They need to coin a new term for 'jumping the shark' just for this. 'Idling the computation?'
Hardly!dave is ok said:Of course not. The potatoes are completely worthless
dave is ok said:This is the worst end to an unbelievably well done ARG ever. They need to coin a new term for 'jumping the shark' just for this. 'Idling the computation?'
Joe Molotov said:
Eh, I liked the actual puzzles during the first two phases and the Portal 2 themed content in phase 3.scogoth said:Think its more accurate now.
TheOGB said:Fools, they're not getting ready to realease Portal 2 earlythey're releasing Ep3 early :O
oh how crazy would that be, huh?
Flubbing the spud.dave is ok said:This is the worst end to an unbelievably well done ARG ever. They need to coin a new term for 'jumping the shark' just for this. 'Idling the computation?'
TheExodu5 said:We might finish 2 or 3 games by tomorrow night, unless Valve steps in. That puts the release at post-midnight tomorrow, EST.
That is, if they weren't lying to us about it being Portal 2DrForester said:The site would have had everything filled up ten times over by now.
This is kinda sadTheExodu5 said:lol
Bit.Trip knocked 30 minutes off the timer.
It's a Half Life tie in. The Seven Hour War came as a result of angry consumers only getting Portal 2 seven hours early.Forkball said:I just want to thank everyone for their hard work. Because of your weeks of detective work and countless hours playing random games and accomplishing seemingly impossible tasks, we can now get Portal 2 seven hours earlier.
They probably think this is hilarious.corn_fest said:you have to wonder why Valve is letting this happen.
they have to be in forums and IRC and see that people are almost universally disappointed... why not just activate a "potato multiplier" and gain some goodwill back from the fans?
Forkball said:I just want to thank everyone for their hard work. Because of your weeks of detective work and countless hours playing random games and accomplishing seemingly impossible tasks, we can now get Portal 2 seven hours earlier.
We are being trolled.corn_fest said:you have to wonder why Valve is letting this happen.
they have to be in forums and IRC and see that people are almost universally disappointed... why not just activate a "potato multiplier" and gain some goodwill back from the fans?
Ohshitdave is ok said:It's a Half Life tie in. The Seven Hour War came as a result of angry consumers only getting Portal 2 seven hours early.
It's their weekend. For Valve staff that involves hookers and blow not IRC and bars.corn_fest said:you have to wonder why Valve is letting this happen.
they have to be in forums and IRC and see that people are almost universally disappointed... why not just activate a "potato multiplier" and gain some goodwill back from the fans?
Weenerz said:What is the official release time for the people on the east coast?
It's pretty clear they never actually wanted Portal 2 to release this weekend. Probably so the retailers wouldn't bitch about lost sales, ironic considering so many have broken the street date.corn_fest said:you have to wonder why Valve is letting this happen.
they have to be in forums and IRC and see that people are almost universally disappointed... why not just activate a "potato multiplier" and gain some goodwill back from the fans?
I think it would be 12 pm on Tuesday, maybe 5 am as it stands.Weenerz said:What is the official release time for the people on the east coast?
corn_fest said:you have to wonder why Valve is letting this happen.
they have to be in forums and IRC and see that people are almost universally disappointed... why not just activate a "potato multiplier" and gain some goodwill back from the fans?
Robin Walker has taken over the Valve offices and is skinning people to turn them into hats.corn_fest said:you have to wonder why Valve is letting this happen.
they have to be in forums and IRC and see that people are almost universally disappointed... why not just activate a "potato multiplier" and gain some goodwill back from the fans?
Forkball said:I just want to thank everyone for their hard work. Because of your weeks of detective work and countless hours playing random games and accomplishing seemingly impossible tasks, we can now get Portal 2 seven hours earlier.
Which is cruel. I don't understand what they were thinking. Why not just lead the ARG up to the standard release? It doesn't make any sense creating this fruitless goose chase.TheExodu5 said:I can only assume that a retailer deal says that they cannot release the game before the 19th. So they went ahead and pulled the marketing stunt off anyways, giving the false impression that if people worked at it hard enough, they'd get the game before that.
TheExodu5 said:I can only assume that a retailer deal says that they cannot release the game before the 19th. So they went ahead and pulled the marketing stunt off anyways, giving the false impression that if people worked at it hard enough, they'd get the game before that.
Crunched said:Which is cruel. I don't understand what they were thinking. Why not just lead the ARG up to the standard release? It doesn't make any sense creating this fruitless goose chase.
No kidding.corn_fest said:you have to wonder why Valve is letting this happen.
they have to be in forums and IRC and see that people are almost universally disappointed... why not just activate a "potato multiplier" and gain some goodwill back from the fans?
They could have just pushed back the timeline of the ARG and released all of the Portal themed content in the Potato Sack this weekend for the final phase and people would have been happy.Crunched said:Which is cruel. I don't understand what they were thinking. Why not just lead the ARG up to the standard release? It doesn't make any sense creating this fruitless goose chase.
Weenerz said:Hrm, if people buying from Steam aren't getting unlocked at midnight, then I'm going to cancel and buy it from a store. I'd rather have a midnight launch. That's what I thought we were working with.
Weenerz said:Hrm, if people buying from Steam aren't getting unlocked at midnight, then I'm going to cancel and buy it from a store. I'd rather have a midnight launch. That's what I thought we were working with.
dave is ok said:They could have just pushed back the timeline of the ARG and released all of the Portal themed content in the Potato Sack this weekend for the final phase and people would have been happy.
The only problem was that might not offer enough incentive to people to buy those games if they didn't already own them. So they went with a final phase that wasted a ton of peoples time, but gave them a huge marketing push as a thank you to the developers who helped out with the ARG.
Thanks to my friend for getting me the last few potatoes when I was getting lazy![]()