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Valve's fake, rigged, waste of time Progress Quest troll Portal 2 ARG


ThoseDeafMutes said:
I hope you enjoy installing it on steam and then waiting 5 hours until it unlocks.

Store bought steamworks titles will unlock at midnight, have had it happen a few times. If that wasn't the case, they would exclude PC titles from multiplatform midnight launches.


BuddhaRockstar said:
Congrats, although I'd almost not want a golden potato as I would be reminded about this shitty ARG everytime I looked at my profile. It would be like getting a tattoo to commemorate that time you spent all day on the toilet with explosive diarrhea.
There was nothing poor about the additional content that was added to the indie games for the ARG. The only downside to this ARG was it's conclusion, but everything leading up to it was awesome. A shitty ending to this doesn't make the added levels for The Ball, Bit.Trip Beat, Amnesia, or any of the other games any worse.
TheExodu5 said:
I can only assume that a retailer deal says that they cannot release the game before the 19th. So they went ahead and pulled the marketing stunt off anyways, giving the false impression that if people worked at it hard enough, they'd get the game before that.

I don't understand this assumption at all. There is no evidence at all that this game was impossible. Its not saw 4 (or which ever saw that was with rigged games.
dave is ok said:
I wonder if this stupid ARG was the reason Portal 2 was pushed from February to April.

I really hope not.
I cannot fathom any possible way that this is the case. Valve would not delay a game for two months to set up an ARG.


Weenerz said:
Store bought steamworks titles will unlock at midnight, have had it happen a few times. If that wasn't the case, they would exclude PC titles from multiplatform midnight launches.
Wow, I didn't know that Steam would actually unlock retail versions differently than preorder Steam versions. I figured the decryption key would go out to all versions at the same time.

If that's true, then 360 pirates, PS3 pirates, legitimate customers who found leaked 360/PS3 versions, and people who go to retail outlets instead of preordering months ahead of time from Valve's own store will all get to play the game before Steam preorderers. Good times. *hides in concrete bunker until like Thursday night*


Nappuccino said:
I don't understand this assumption at all. There is no evidence at all that this game was impossible. Its not saw 4 (or which ever saw that was with rigged games.

There's evidence that the rate of overall completion has been constant, and it's been trending towards a midnight PST release since the start.

Do you really think Valve is saying "awww, it's too bad not enough people are playing the game and there's nothing we can do about it. :(".

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Nappuccino said:
I don't understand this assumption at all. There is no evidence at all that this game was impossible. Its not saw 4 (or which ever saw that was with rigged games.
If Valve's numbers showed all along that 20k people owned the Potato Sack and only between 2-3k people actually switched to the game that was being focused, why set the rules so it takes 200k people to unlock Portal 2 in a reasonable timeframe? It makes no sense.

Not like ARGs are some mass market thing, they are intended for a niche crowd to begin with. If they wanted they could have put a URL on those bus ads and TV buys that lead right to the game.
got a reply back from glados@home webmaster:



TheExodu5 said:
There's evidence that the rate of overall completion has been constant, and it's been trending towards a midnight PST release since the start.

Do you really think Valve is saying "awww, it's too bad not enough people are playing the game and there's nothing we can do about it. :(".
We're just not good enough don't you seeeeeeee


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Weenerz said:
Store bought steamworks titles will unlock at midnight, have had it happen a few times. If that wasn't the case, they would exclude PC titles from multiplatform midnight launches.

Steamworks, maybe, but this is a full-on Steam title. The game can't be unlocked until Valve flips the decryption key. Buying the PC version at retail is functionally just a hard copy to skip preloading, if that. You can play the 360 and PS3 versions at midnight, though.


Weenerz said:
Store bought steamworks titles will unlock at midnight, have had it happen a few times. If that wasn't the case, they would exclude PC titles from multiplatform midnight launches.

Yeah I remember this with Modern Warfare 2.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
EmCeeGramr said:
I cannot fathom any possible way that this is the case. Valve would not delay a game for two months to set up an ARG.
There was a A LOT of work put into this. Amnesia and The Ball had 45 minute campaigns added to their respective games with full voice acting. Not to mention the other games and the how long it took to set up the riddles for the ARG itself.


Nork unification denier
dave is ok said:
as a thank you to the developers who helped out with the ARG.

I think the indies are more in Valve's debt than the opposite. I'm guessing they probably sold more copies of their games during this ARG than at any other period/Steam Sale. Even if they didn't, the association that this ARG established between the 24-karat standard that applies to the typical Valve game and these lucky thirteen indie titles is probably priceless.


Campster said:
Steamworks, maybe, but this is a full-on Steam title. The game can't be unlocked until Valve flips the decryption key. Buying the PC version at retail is functionally just a hard copy to skip preloading, if that. You can play the 360 and PS3 versions at midnight, though.

If Valve did pull something like this, they would get so much flack. They've never sold a retail PC game at midnight only to not allow the person to play it for 10 more hours. Unless I am forgetting something.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
luxarific said:
I think the indies are more in Valve's debt than the opposite. I'm guessing they probably sold more copies of their games during this ARG than at any other period/Steam Sale. Even if they didn't, the association between the 24-karat standard that applies to the typical Valve game and these lucky thirteen indie titles is probably priceless.
I'm still wondering how Deejoban got three games included when two of the three are horrible.

Orellio said:
How long is Justine?
About an hour the first time through. Probably 35-40 on subsequent playthroughs
If you donated your weekend to supporting a company's marketing campaign, and now, before the campaign is even over, you are upset because you don't feel that you were properly compensated for your time and effort, you are probably a crazy person.
dave is ok said:
There was a A LOT of work put into this. Amnesia and The Ball had 45 minute campaigns added to their respective games with full voice acting. Not to mention the other games and the how long it took to set up the riddles for the ARG itself.
I still have severe doubts that Valve would delay a major product launch by two months for an ARG.

"Hey, let's delay our product so that we can do a niche marketing stunt for a group of people who were already going to buy it!"
So many sour apples here. I haven't followed the ARG but I'm assuming a lot had fun during it playing games in the potato pack and even seeing things here and on Reddit, it seems like a lot are having fun trying to unlock it early. No matter how close it gets to the launch, if it's early it's early. No other game really does that.

Just because the payoff wasn't great doesn't mean the journey wasn't fun. I know I had fun watching people figure out all the clues and play games based on the chart.


Corporate Apologist
dave is ok said:
I'm still wondering how Deejoban got three games included when two of the three are horrible.

About an hour the first time through. Probably 35-40 on subsequent playthroughs
Who knows. Maybe Valve went to them wanting just one, and Deejoban said they could work stuff into all 3.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Orellio said:
Oh wow, really? Thought it would be like an hour or two. Time to load that bad boy up!
No way you'll beat in 20 minutes on your first playthrough. It's 20 minutes if you turn enemies off and don't bother with 100%ing it


Might be a little off topic, but wasn't there something called a potato pack way back around December? May have only been a rumor at that time. It was something to do with the holiday sale, around the time there were all those little indie packs cycling daily.


VGChampion said:
So many sour apples here. I haven't followed the ARG but I'm assuming a lot had fun during it playing games in the potato pack and even seeing things here and on Reddit, it seems like a lot are having fun trying to unlock it early. No matter how close it gets to the launch, if it's early it's early. No other game really does that.

Just because the payoff wasn't great doesn't mean the journey wasn't fun. I know I had fun watching people figure out all the clues and play games based on the chart.

Except all indications here are that an early launch is still probably later than a midnight console release, not to mention completely irrelevant to anyone working on Tuesday.

I had a lot of fun following the ARG and getting the potatoes, but the conclusion has been nothing short of disappointing.


I'm feeling good about my rant when the curtain lifted on this shit show on friday. Especially since more people are coming around to the fact it was a "Christmas Story" ovaltine event.


dave is ok said:
No way you'll beat in 20 minutes on your first playthrough. It's 20 minutes if you turn enemies off and don't bother with 100%ing it

I'm not really so worried about getting the potato at this point. Just trying to decide what to invest my time into instead of compulsively refreshing this thread all the time. Thanks for your input.

Crunched said:
Might be a little off topic, but wasn't there something called a potato pack way back around December? May have only been a rumor at that time. It was something to do with the holiday sale, around the time there were all those little indie packs cycling daily.

LovingSteam found it. At the time we thought it would be one of the daily indie deals for the Xmas sale, but obviously it never happened. No one knew what he had stumbled onto of course :p


The funny thing about the projected time on the official site going down by 30-60 minutes per game...the max any game has done is 60 minutes, and there seems to be not much pattern to it. The timer started with what, 94 hours? If people had somehow figured out some magical way to finish all the bars early, those remaining 6 games would have had to have like 14 HOURS off the timer for each one, or else the overall meter would be full and yet the projected time left would still be like 20-80 hours.


dave is ok said:
No way you'll beat in 20 minutes on your first playthrough. It's 20 minutes if you turn enemies off and don't bother with 100%ing it
I dunno. I 100%ed it in 20 or 30. I did use a guide, though, so I guess it could take a bit longer to work things out without one. Although the game is entirely linear for the most part.


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
bluedeviltron said:
Is Valve asleep? Why on earth haven't they unlocked it?

This thing has been a colossal, hype-murdering fuckup.

As Exodu5 said, their inaction combined with clear indicators in the trends of the progress seem to indicate this is all intentional. Whether it's because of contractual obligations or simply design no one can say, but it looks like this was engineered from the ground up to only move the release date forward a few hours.

Your second point, though, is dead-on. Why Valve would intentionally make people run in circles for four days to give us the carrot all of seven hours early is unknown. There are a million things that counter could have counted down to that would have left people less frustrated, and instead they dangled the possibility of an early release in front of us for no reason.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Crunched said:
Might be a little off topic, but wasn't there something called a potato pack way back around December? May have only been a rumor at that time. It was something to do with the holiday sale, around the time there were all those little indie packs cycling daily.
It was supposed to come out on December 20th and was originally going to include Braid, Red Orchestra and not have 1..2..3.. Kick It.

Something with those devs probably fell through and they had to push back the ARG
dave is ok said:
It was supposed to come out on December 20th and was originally going to include Braid, Red Orchestra and not have 1..2..3.. Kick It.

Something with those devs probably fell through and they had to push back the ARG
Wow, what doesn't suck about this?


dave is ok said:
It was supposed to come out on December 20th and was originally going to include Braid, Red Orchestra and not have 1..2..3.. Kick It.

Something with those devs probably fell through and they had to push back the ARG

Wow that was a pretty shitty tradeoff.


To be fair, it's probably a good thing Braid didn't end up with Portal content. For one thing, it would involve mind-bendingly difficult puzzles. For the second thing, one of the potatoes would involve holding down the fast-forward key for 3 hours while clouds floated by. =P


BuddhaRockstar said:
Congrats, although I'd almost not want a golden potato as I would be reminded about this shitty ARG everytime I looked at my profile. It would be like getting a tattoo to commemorate that time you spent all day on the toilet with explosive diarrhea.
A) It's probably not going to be permanent.

Joe Molotov

Campster said:
Your second point, though, is dead-on. Why Valve would intentionally make people run in circles for four days to give us the carrot all of seven hours early is unknown. There are a million things that counter could have counted down to that would have left people less frustrated, and instead they dangled the possibility of an early release in front of us for no reason.

We got trolled, and it was essentially a double-troll because (a) they made people think the Friday countdown was a countdown to an early release when really it was just a countdown to a countdown and then (b) they made us think that we still were going to get it early when, as the situation stands now, we aren't.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Phantom Limbs said:
I just took a 3 hour nap, and virtually nothing has changed.
Good times.
Don't worry, we're like 99% sure that the CPUs will overclock at 439,439 or maybe 450,000. 475,000 or 500,000

Based on nothing at all
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