DoctorWho said:Been in a meeting. It looks like the bars are moving at a swift pace now. Is this due to the "not" playing of games?
Well yes, but the amount of won hours decreased as well, didn't it?JaseC said:Here's how the theory was arrived at:
- Hey, Asterisk, GLaDOS is bad, right?
* Yeah...
- So why are we helping to boot her up?
* By George, Dash! I think you're on to something! Everybody close Steam, it'll help Portal 2 to unlock faster!
JaseC said:Kinda sounds like...
Seriously? 13 posts above yours:DoctorWho said:Been in a meeting. It looks like the bars are moving at a swift pace now. Is this due to the "not" playing of games?
Doopliss said:...people keep commenting that a game has suddenly increased much faster than normal, but it's been said several times that if you refresh the page after not doing so in a while the bars can jump. A quick look at the charts will tell you that the game invariably hasn't had a significant change in progress, so obviously it's just the site not updating bars in real time properly.
Corky said:The fu...I don't trust you
Cartman86 said:I hope i'm wrong, but are you comparing the refinement of science using repeatable and verifiable testing to a bunch of idiots predicting the end of the world using thousand year old books and superstition? Fuck me.
I just got back from a meeting and didnt have time to read everything I missed. Quit the attitude.Doopliss said:Seriously? 13 posts above yours:
ultron87 said:I still wish I had managed to record the slowed down audio track that plays at the end of Portal 1 when you beat it in one sitting. Also, that would help me prove I'm not crazy and did in fact here it when I beat it in one sitting last Thursday.
It probably says "Yo, don't play the games and shit. Rat Guy out!"
MNC said:Well yes, but the amount of won hours decreased as well, didn't it?
Sorry, it's just the rest of my post was about people repeating wrong information over and over, and the example I used was exactly what you said. I thought you were taking the piss.DoctorWho said:I just got back from a meeting and didnt have time to read everything I missed. Quit the attitude.
And thanks for te update.
TheExodu5 said:The game is getting completed faster as more users play that game! Quick, everyone play that game!
The game is getting completed faster as less users play that game! Quick, everyone stop playing that game!
This is just comical at this point.
Up until now, the games with the least amount of people were completing the slowest.
This is very obviously just being controlled by Valve, and some of you somehow still can't see this.
What? what are you talking about? o_oultron87 said:I still wish I had managed to record the slowed down audio track that plays at the end of Portal 1 when you beat it in one sitting. Also, that would help me prove I'm not crazy and did in fact here it when I beat it in one sitting last Thursday.
It probably says "Yo, don't play the games and shit. Rat Guy out!"
Doopliss said:Sorry, it's just the rest of my post was about people repeating wrong information over and over, and the example I used was exactly what you said. I thought you were taking the piss.
It's kind of a joke how often this needs to be said.JaseC said:No, I was making a joke.
TheExodu5 said:The funny thing is, Valve is probably not even going to comment on the weekend event. They'll just pretend like it never happened.
MNC said:What? what are you talking about? o_o
TheExodu5 said:The funny thing is, Valve is probably not even going to comment on the weekend event. They'll just pretend like it never happened.
JaseC said:That's not like them, though. I don't think they ever commented on the whole Golden Wrench thing, but they've admitted when they've gone wrong with practically everything else. The backlash generated from this final leg of the ARG is far too big to ignore.
I'd like to see them to do a post mortem on the whole ARG.TheExodu5 said:It's very much like them. I mean, I really hope they comment on it, but I doubt they will. It will just be seen as an admission of defeat for them.
MNC said:What? what are you talking about? o_o
Ozone said:Take the remaining letters "Ome g".
Swap it to be "g Ome".
The capitalizedd "O" means take the letter before it and add the letter after it. "g hOme"
"g" stands for glaDOS. "glaDOS hOme".
Add an @ symbol in the middle. "glaDOS@hOme".
He's part of the ARG.?
Wait what beef did people have with this? The fact that there was a schedule of times the wrenches would go out? I would have thought that would be the only logical way to handle it, to keep all 100 from going out in one day. They probably used an RNG to generate the scheduled times.JaseC said:That's not like them, though. I don't think they ever commented on the whole Golden Wrench thing, but they've admitted when they've gone wrong with practically everything else. The backlash generated from this final leg of the ARG is far too big to ignore.
fallengorn said:I'd like to see them to do a post mortem on the whole they can fess up to mistakes
This times 458,912fallengorn said:I'd like to see them to do a post mortem on the whole they can fess up to mistakes
TheExodu5 said:It's very much like them. I mean, I really hope they comment on it, but I doubt they will. It will just be seen as an admission of defeat for them.
Ozone said:So, chances this'll be released tonight before midnight PT?
Hylian7 said:Wait what beef did people have with this? The fact that there was a schedule of times the wrenches would go out? I would have thought that would be the only logical way to handle it, to keep all 100 from going out in one day. They probably used an RNG to generate the scheduled times.
JaseC said:The Omega Man.
The Omega Man.
He's the G-Man!
No, I was making a joke.
I see what you did thar.MrMister said:This times 458,912
TheExodu5 said:It's very much like them. I mean, I really hope they comment on it, but I doubt they will. It will just be seen as an admission of defeat for them.
The Omega Man said:Amnesia has the lowest completion bar and with a reason, who's going to play that game for more than an hour without going completely mad?
The Omega Man said:people on account suicide are doing it on the steam forums as well, I got spoiled as well, no place is safe, trust no one.
I think they really did give people a choice to get it released early, but stacked it against us to get it out any earlier than maybe a few hours before Tuesday. Releasing it before/during the weekend would've peeved the publisher/retailers.morningbus said:The real problem is that how this ARG played out has to be the way Valve wanted it to. They could have changed it at literally any time, otherwise.
They never had any intention of releasing it earlier than (maybe) tonight or early tomorrow morning.
It's just more people realizing that they are doing nothing. So they've stopped. Also, it's late at night.loblaw said:Went to bed 7 hours ago and Audiosurf was estimated 4 hours from completion.
Said Audiosurf is still 1 hour from completion.
Dude, even the main menu is scaryJaseC said:You don't have to play it, you simply leave it at the main menu.
loblaw said:Went to bed 7 hours ago and Audiosurf was estimated 4 hours from completion.
Said Audiosurf is still 1 hour from completion.
loblaw said:Went to bed 7 hours ago and Audiosurf was estimated 4 hours from completion.
Said Audiosurf is still 1 hour from completion.
When you alt+tab Amnesia it locks your mouse in the upper left-hand corner.JaseC said:You don't have to play it, you simply leave it at the main menu.
LethaL ImpuLse said:Dude, even the main menu is scary
loblaw said:Went to bed 7 hours ago and Audiosurf was estimated 4 hours from completion.
Said Audiosurf is still 1 hour from completion.