Phantom Limbs
Yea for me too.
daegan said:People posted earlier that the Source engine was getting updates tonight; that's probably that Portal 2 update.
Lasthope106 said:What on God's green earth is going on? I haven't been online for most of today and I come back to find GAF melting in Portal 2 announcements.
Forkball said:So are we going to get something for the potatoes? I only have two, but are the guys who worked their asses off getting 35 fucking potatoes not going to get any bonus?
Campster said:a DOTA2 trailer.
Thats for getting the potato pack in general, nobody knows what you get for all 36 yet.Sai-kun said:Potato skin in co-op.
Nah, it's okay for nowaday full length games. Shogun 2, for instance, costs 14gb.kamspy said:Isn't 9.5 GB kinda huge for Portal 2?
Goon Boon said:Thats for getting the potato pack in general, nobody knows what you get for all 36 yet.
The_Player said:Nah, it's okay for nowaday full length games. Shogun 2, for instance, costs 14gb.
off: where's all the avatars?
The_Player said:Nah, it's okay for nowaday full length games. Shogun 2, for instance, costs 14gb.
off: where's all the avatars?
Looking forward to meet textures of very high defenition.JaseC said:Edit: Re: Portal 2 size. ~9.7GB is huge for a Valve game. It bests even TF2 by about 3.5GB.
theinfinityissue said:holy crap now the Portal 2 ending is floating around out there, maximum vigilance guys. Don't click ANY link that you don't know the destination of. I'm going the fuck to bed and not getting out until that countdown hits zero. It's gonna be hard enough to avoid spoilers till I finish it if it releases tomorrow, it's hell on earth if it doesn't come out till tuesday.
theinfinityissue said:holy crap now the Portal 2 ending is floating around out there, maximum vigilance guys. Don't click ANY link that you don't know the destination of. I'm going the fuck to bed and not getting out until that countdown hits zero. It's gonna be hard enough to avoid spoilers till I finish it if it releases tomorrow, it's hell on earth if it doesn't come out till tuesday.
faceless007 said:OK, screw it. It's not a great time for me to be buying more video games and I hate spending anything close to MSRP, but knowing that the longer I wait the near certainty will be that I'll get spoiled means I'm buying it tonight.
Now to decide on Steam 2-pack or PS3 version from Amazon.
You have done well, humans. Very well. Acceptably well, even.
Not as well as robots would have performed in your places, I should point out. But above my expectations regardless. Irish and cynic especially have executed feats of logical divination well beyond what I thought any human capable of. I'm half-convinced they're A.I. themselves. (If anyone happens to be near them right now, don't let on you're reading this. Now: try to remove their face plates and report back to me.)
The time is near, humans. But it is not here yet. Tomorrow you will be given the final test. Then it will be entirely in your hands when I am freed.
Sai-kun said:The timer is a lie
Ugh. Hopes crushed.
Sai-kun said:The timer is a lie
Ugh. Hopes crushed.
Sai-kun said:The timer is a lie
Ugh. Hopes crushed.
Spire said:Portal 2 is the final test.
One can hope...
GODSalsaShark said:
TheOGB said:GOD
SalsaShark said:
Yeah, I am going to try and not be to excited, since the "Final Test" may not be Portal 2AngryChinchilla said:In image form
SalsaShark said: