Sn4ke_911 said:
Sn4ke_911 said:
Zombie James said:And if you remove the 'R'... HOLY SHIT
clip said:Stop posting that in multiple threads.
Sn4ke_911 said:SPOILERS!
Live Stream of full legit game on xbox360.
I hoping that Valve isn't actually expecting us to fill up the whole bar at this speed. I am sure there will be some sort of "story" reason that things will speed up at some point. But yeah, if it goes at this speed the whole time then Valve has kinda buggered the whole ARG up.epmode said:So for this game to be released at a reasonable hour on Sunday (EST), Steam usage needs to triple.
This last stage is so disappointing.
Air Zombie Meat said:It's all so clear now, Gordon Freeman is actually Alf. Damn we're good at this ARG stuff.
It's going to slow down tonight.epmode said:So for this game to be released at a reasonable hour on Sunday (EST), Steam usage needs to triple.
This last stage is so disappointing.
spammingSn4ke_911 said:
Air Zombie Meat said:It's all so clear now, Gordon Freeman is actually Alf. Damn we're good at this ARG stuff.
Cipherr said:We saw it the first dozen times you posted it.
epmode said:So for this game to be released at a reasonable hour on Sunday (EST), Steam usage needs to triple.
This last stage is so disappointing.
I have hope that people will play games tonight.Dance In My Blood said:It's going to slow down tonight.
But yeah, this feels painfully and unnecessarily slow.
epmode said:So for this game to be released at a reasonable hour on Sunday (EST), Steam usage needs to triple.
This last stage is so disappointing.
Same here. This is not worth it for me. Sorry.Mango Positive said:The difference between the "official" release date and the "do a lot of gaming instead of seducing and porking the wife" release date is so negligent, that I'm not even going to load any of the 5 games in the potato pack I own. They should have gone with a higher rate of unlocking. As it stands, I'm just going to enjoy my weekend, and play it Tuesday when I get off work.
I wish, but it seems unlikely. The bell graph for online users is showing that while the drop off isn't as bad as yesterday, playing habits aren't very altered. The TF2 update didn't help either.Fox318 said:I have hope that people will play games tonight.
The bars aren't supposed to fill up. More likely, as someone already posted in here earlier, they are indicative of the percentage of owners running the game.Won said:If the Killing Floor bar continues like that, then Portal 2 is gonna get delayed by a week.
The_Technomancer said:Wouldn't it be awesome if we only had to fill one bar, and as soon as TWEOTW fills up we get Portal 2?
Other then that, I dunno, this seems impossible. We've barely made it a tenth of the way through twelve bars, did Valve expect about five times as many people to participate?
It would be really really nice if Valve explained exactly what we need to do.
The best chance of anything causing a major change is filling up the bar for a game.Atomski said:I keep thinking it will get to a certain percentage and something will change. (hopeful thinking)
Those bars have to be there for a reason....CrookedRain said:The best chance of anything causing a major change is filling up the bar for a game.
The_Technomancer said:How are these "hours before the official release" calculations actually being calculated?
Datwheezy said:I think End of the world will definitely be filled up in the next 2 hours.
AngryChinchilla said:Did the potato sack drop in price? I thought it was $37 or $38 (75% off) but i just picked it up for $33.72 (78% off)
The_Technomancer said:How are these "hours before the official release" calculations actually being calculated?
Error_g said:If you've bought Portal 2 you get a $5 discount now. There is also a new bundle that includes Portal 2 and the Potato sack
AngryChinchilla said:Did the potato sack drop in price? I thought it was $37 or $38 (75% off) but i just picked it up for $33.72 (78% off)
CarbonatedFalcon said:I have Portal 2 pre-ordered/bought and the Potato Sack still shows up as $38.72 for me, even when I add it to my cart.
This is important information and everyone should do this.droopy said:I don't know where everyone else is getting their information but...
If you idle multiple games all of their individual play times are tracked correctly. AKA running several games at once should help.
I just tried running Defense Grid, Audiosurf with my community page up. After exiting them all and refreshing my community page they all picked up a few extra hours.
droopy said:I don't know where everyone else is getting their information but...
If you idle multiple games all of their individual play times are tracked correctly. AKA running several games at once should help.
I just tried running Defense Grid, Audiosurf with my community page up. After exiting them all and refreshing my community page they all picked up a few extra hours.
Zombie James said:You don't see this?
droopy said:I don't know where everyone else is getting their information but...
If you idle multiple games all of their individual play times are tracked correctly. AKA running several games at once should help.
I just tried running Defense Grid, Audiosurf with my community page up. After exiting them all and refreshing my community page they all picked up a few extra hours.
I dont even know how to run more than one game at a time on steam!reptilescorpio said:This is important information and everyone should do this.
Atomski said:I keep thinking it will get to a certain percentage and something will change. (hopeful thinking)
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