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Valve's fake, rigged, waste of time Progress Quest troll Portal 2 ARG


Bitches love smiley faces
Alright, GAF.

Back from work. It's Friday night, I have no date, a two-liter bottle of Shasta and my all-Rush mix tape.


Let's rock.


Membero Americo
Re-post for new page:

On the http://www.aperturescience.com/glados@home/ website.

Copy this text into the address bar:

javascript:(function(){var el=document.createElement('div'),b=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];otherlib=false,msg='';el.style.position='fixed';el.style.height='32px';el.style.width='220px';el.style.marginLeft='-110px';el.style.top='0';el.style.left='50%';el.style.padding='5px 10px';el.style.zIndex=1001;el.style.fontSize='12px';el.style.color='#222';el.style.backgroundColor='#f99';if(typeof jQuery!='undefined'){msg='This page already using jQuery v'+jQuery.fn.jquery;return showMsg();}function getScript(url,success){var script=document.createElement('script');script.src=url;var head=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],done=false;script.onload=script.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!done&&(!this.readyState||this.readyState=='loaded'||this.readyState=='complete')){done=true;success();script.onload=script.onreadystatechange=null;head.removeChild(script);}};head.appendChild(script);}getScript('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3/jquery.min.js',function(){msg='This page is now jQuerified with v'+jQuery.fn.jquery;(function(){var space=' ';var current_pourcent=parseInt($('#overall_progress_bar').css('width').replace('px',''))*100/494;$('#overall_progress_ctn').append('<h2 style="display:block;position:relative;top:-50px;left:80px;color:gray;">Progress:'+space+current_pourcent.toFixed(3)+'%</h2><br/><br/>');var now=(Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000));var old_time=g_endTimeLocal;g_endTimeLocal=Math.round((Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000))+(3600*(100/current_pourcent)*(((now+338400)-g_endTimeLocal)/3600)));$('#console').append('09:01'+space+'-'+space+'Currently saving:'+space+((old_time-g_endTimeLocal)/3600).toFixed(3)+space+'Hours<br/>');var newDate=new Date();newDate.setTime(g_endTimeLocal*1000);var dateString=newDate.toUTCString();$('#console').append(newDate.toLocaleString()+space+'(Your timezone)'+space+'-'+space+'Portal 2 released<br/>');$('.game_row').each(function(){var playing=parseInt($(this).find('.game_cpus').text().replace(',','').replace(space+'CURRENT CPUS',''));var hours_elapsed=(((now+338400)-old_time)/3600).toFixed(3);var spent=playing*hours_elapsed;var owners=Math.round(459/parseInt($(this).find('.game_progress').css('width').replace('px',''))*playing);var total=Math.round(spent*(459/parseInt($(this).find('.game_progress').css('width').replace('px',''))));oldtext='<br/>'+$(this).find('.game_cpus').text().replace(space+'CURRENT CPUS','');oldtext+=space+'('+spent.toFixed(2)+space+'CPU HOURS/'+total+space+'estimated hours required'+')'+space+'('+Math.round(playing*100/owners)+'%)';$(this).find('.game_cpus').html(oldtext);});})();return showMsg();});function showMsg(){el.innerHTML=msg;b.appendChild(el);window.setTimeout(function(){if(typeof jQuery=='undefined'){b.removeChild(el);}else{jQuery(el).fadeOut('slow',function(){jQuery(this).remove();});if(otherlib){$jq=jQuery.noConflict();}}},2500);}})();

And you will see EXACTLY how the progress goes.
How much potatoes do you need to get the potato image on the side of your steam profile, I think that is were I am going to stop. I thought it was 16 but I have 16 now and there is nothing there
Liquid Helium said:
How much potatoes do you need to get the potato image on the side of your steam profile, I think that is were I am going to stop. I thought it was 16 but I have 16 now and there is nothing there
You need all 36.


Membero Americo
Liquid Helium said:
How much potatoes do you need to get the potato image on the side of your steam profile, I think that is were I am going to stop. I thought it was 16 but I have 16 now and there is nothing there

Then you WON'T stop, because to get that potato you need all the potatoes.


Unconfirmed Member
Liquid Helium said:
Ah screw that then, I'm stopping at 16, I'm not buying games I don't want.

Edit: I don't mean the golden potato, I mean the portal 2 logo looking thing

I believe thats for people who own the pack, and launch every single game in one steam session
Datwheezy said:
I believe thats for people who own the pack, and launch every single game in one steam session
Doesn't have to be in one session. You just have to have run every single game in the pack at least once.
Ok I've tried Ahhhhhhhhhh! on 3 different machines, one of them had win xp 32bit, the rest windows 7 64 bit.

It crashes on startup every time on every machine. I've had it for months but never played it.

Igor Antunov said:
Ok I've tried Ahhhhhhhhhh! on 3 different machines, one of them had win xp 32bit, the rest windows 7 64 bit.

It crashes on startup every time on every machine. I've had it for months but never played it.


Play something else.

Yep, I'm here all week for all your tech support needs.


Unconfirmed Member
epmode said:
This doesn't do anything, as far as I can tell. Firefox 4.

What am I supposed to be seeing?

I couldnt get that one to work either, but this one works:

javascript:(function(){var el=document.createElement('div'),b=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];otherlib=false,msg='';el.style.position='fixed';el.style.height='32px';el.style.width='220px';el.style.marginLeft='-110px';el.style.top='0';el.style.left='50%';el.style.padding='5px 10px';el.style.zIndex=1001;el.style.fontSize='12px';el.style.color='#222';el.style.backgroundColor='#f99';if(typeof jQuery!='undefined'){msg='This page already using jQuery v'+jQuery.fn.jquery;return showMsg();}function getScript(url,success){var script=document.createElement('script');script.src=url;var head=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],done=false;script.onload=script.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!done&&(!this.readyState||this.readyState=='loaded'||this.readyState=='complete')){done=true;success();script.onload=script.onreadystatechange=null;head.removeChild(script);}};head.appendChild(script);}getScript('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3/jquery.min.js',function(){msg='This page is now jQuerified with v'+jQuery.fn.jquery;(function(){var space=' ';var current_pourcent=parseInt($('#overall_progress_bar').css('width').replace('px',''))*100/494;$('#overall_progress_ctn').append('<h2 style="display:block;position:relative;top:-50px;left:80px;color:gray;">Progress:'+space+current_pourcent.toFixed(3)+'%</h2><br/><br/>');var now=(Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000));var old_time=g_endTimeLocal;g_endTimeLocal=Math.round((Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000))+(3600*(100/current_pourcent)*(((now+338400)-g_endTimeLocal)/3600)));$('#console').append('09:01'+space+'-'+space+'Currently saving:'+space+((old_time-g_endTimeLocal)/3600).toFixed(3)+space+'Hours<br/>');var newDate=new Date();newDate.setTime(g_endTimeLocal*1000);var dateString=newDate.toUTCString();$('#console').append(newDate.toLocaleString()+space+'(Your timezone)'+space+'-'+space+'Portal 2 released<br/>');$('.game_row').each(function(){var playing=parseInt($(this).find('.game_cpus').text().replace(',','').replace(space+'CURRENT CPUS',''));var hours_elapsed=(((now+338400)-old_time)/3600).toFixed(3);var spent=playing*hours_elapsed;var owners=Math.round(459/parseInt($(this).find('.game_progress').css('width').replace('px',''))*playing);var total=Math.round(spent*(459/parseInt($(this).find('.game_progress').css('width').replace('px',''))));oldtext='<br/>'+$(this).find('.game_cpus').text().replace(space+'CURRENT CPUS','');oldtext+=space+'('+spent.toFixed(2)+space+'CPU HOURS/'+total+space+'estimated hours required'+')'+space+'('+Math.round(playing*100/owners)+'%)';$(this).find('.game_cpus').html(oldtext);});})();return showMsg();});function showMsg(){el.innerHTML=msg;b.appendChild(el);window.setTimeout(function(){if(typeof jQuery=='undefined'){b.removeChild(el);}else{jQuery(el).fadeOut('slow',function(){jQuery(this).remove();});if(otherlib){$jq=jQuery.noConflict();}}},2500);}})();


epmode said:
This doesn't do anything, as far as I can tell. Firefox 4.

What am I supposed to be seeing?

Yeah, I think placing it in a quote broke it. Maybe code /code would be better.

Someone posted this one earlier



Gold Member
shagg_187 said:
For those too lazy to play and still want to contribute (and own Audiosurf), play a 2 hour podcast and let it run in the background. Win-win situation?
you don't need to play the game, just run it


Unconfirmed Member
SalsaShark said:
so whats going on with this new killing floor update and achievement ? i just got home

No clue, dont own it. Everyone right know is boosting the Wonderful End of the World red bar because it is at 80%
I wonder what happens when the The Wonderful End of the World bar fills. I probably wont be present when it happens. I did my part, got some potatoes and logged a few hours into the games. The estimates for the release data look good. Time to go to bed :)

btw, the Aperture Killing Floor map is pretty good, too bad we sucked the last few games (near wipes on the first few waves in bedlam o_O)


Datwheezy said:
The one I just posted works in Firefox 4 and Chrome
It certainly does, thank you.

And now that I've seen it:
SIGH, worst countdown ever. It's even more painful for coming on the heels of such a great ARG.

The M.O.B

SalsaShark said:
so whats going on with this new killing floor update and achievement ? i just got home

There is a new place in the Apeture map with Glados in it, there is also a door that takes a good 5-10 minutes to unwield, behind it...........is a SURPRISE!

EDIT: or at least that one is new to me :/


So what happens when The Wonderful End of the World bar reaches 100%? will playtime for it no longer count?

Kinda makes me sad other games are so low.. wtf.


Unconfirmed Member
If anyone is going to bed and can keep their PC on, idle a game other than Wonderful End of teh World because it will fill up tonight


so what the fuck is going on?

is the counter displaying real progress or not?

why the fuck hasn't this shit blown up yet? people too lazy to leave a program on alt-tab?
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