Saito: It’s not uncommon for me to talk to Ryuusei after Kyoryuger filming is over. I’ll think “Wonder what he’s doing?”, want to know, and call him. “You want to come over?” “Yeah, sure.” kind of deal. It’s not like we have to see each other every day, but I always want to see him, and even if I’m exhausted I’ll still go. Ryuusei and I are just like that.
Ryuusei: I know!! We never know whether we’re close or far apart (laughs), but when we’re together it’s always a lot of unbridled fun.
Saito: Even today, we might go home together after this interview or something.
Ryuusei: We’re really saying things like going home together? (laughs)
Saito: Actually, out of all of the guys from Kyoryuger, as of right now the only one who’s stayed over at my place is Ryuusei.