No, this is an additional mech for the US toyline.
It's a strange addition, though.
They're clearly reusing parts from the Red Battlezord (they even put the star symbol on it) and it breaks down into guns.
But it still has fists on the gun parts, which is weird, because when the Battlezord did that the fists came off and the arms became gatling guns.
And then they still end up using gatling guns on the thing, but they're on the extra parts of the car that are strapped to the robot's knees.
Why not just have the fists fold up or something? Does that make it seem too awkward or something? They've already got guns on the thing - in for a penny, in for a pound, that's what I say. Or maybe they're spring loaded popguns that shoot fists or something, haha.
I'm not saying it's a bad addition, I just think it looks a bit more silly than usual.