I still don't understand how this won't be a curb-stomp battle.
The power of old people.
I still don't understand how this won't be a curb-stomp battle.
Tokkyuger suits looking more and more like Carranger to me. Just not as good.
Someone shopped mouth pieces onto the helmets and they looked much better.
Robot is still bad.
I still don't understand how this won't be a curb-stomp battle.
I don't know Old Man Strength with Rider powers?
I still don't understand how this won't be a curb-stomp battle.
Well, it's people wearing suits or temporary transformations vs people who were remodeled just for fighting. The fact that the remodeling types are older (technologically) is the only reason the Heisei Riders should be able to keep up.
If Stronger or Black RX got written using all their abilities (to be fair, something they never did even in their original series), they could likely beat all Heisei Riders by themselves. Stronger was shown able to manipulate magnetism (who would a bunch of people wearing metalic suits even approach him?), conjure electric storms, absorb heat to power up (both from concentrated attacks and even environmental heat was enough), electrify his body to damage someone hitting him...
Also, what was the last time a Heisei Rider survived a nuke-like explosion, Kuuga?
That's another detail too. The Showa Riders up to ZX aren't supposed to get older, which is Toei's excuse for never showing their actors on screen anymore (even in Let's go Kamen Riders, where Rider 1 and 2 had actual main roles, and their original actors were performing the roles again, they were voice only).
Plot armor. ANY reasoning is valid.
J and Gaim will likely fight, right, since it's apparently based on order, so Gaim will have Watermelon Arms to use.
Who would you guys say is the weakest Hesei Rider? I'd say Den-O, even with all his forms, never struck me as particularly powerful.
J and Gaim will likely fight, right, since it's apparently based on order, so Gaim will have Watermelon Arms to use.
Who would you guys say is the weakest Hesei Rider? I'd say Den-O, even with all his forms, never struck me as particularly powerful.
Hibiki breathes and throws fire occasionally. But yeah, he'll be the one who lectures everyone after the fighting is done and urges everyone to keep training.
-have Kabuto slap J's shit in clock up before he has the chance to get big
-get everybody out of the fucking way so Kuuga can set off some nuclear finishers
Its not even a question. Which is why Kuuga will likely be nerfed like he always is in crossover material.
I'd go with den o as well. Liner form was weak as shit. But then again, with a more competent rider, he could probably be a beast.
What would be Gaim's final form ride?
-have Kabuto slap J's shit in clock up before he has the chance to get big
Kuuga, Kabuto, and Decade should likely wipe the floor with most of them and the others' final forms aren't much to scoff at. Kabuto Hyper alone is just cheating in any universe. Black RX should give them trouble and possibly J from a size perspective, but otherwise, it should be a mostly one-sided battle. It won't be, but it should be.
-get everybody out of the fucking way so Kuuga can set off some nuclear finishers
Its not even a question. Which is why Kuuga will likely be nerfed like he always is in crossover material.
What would be Gaim's final form ride?
Gaim has done more storytelling in this latest episode than Wizard did in it's whole run.
I think Yuuya might be the Cherry Energy Rider. Sounds dumb, but I just have a feeling.
I think Yuuya might be the Cherry Energy Rider. Sounds dumb, but I just have a feeling.
We still don't know anything else about him, and it's just a theory.Is Yuuya important enough that his Rider identity concealed? He only appeared in like half an episode, despite kept being mentioned missing when the crew remembered.
We still don't know anything else about him, and it's just a theory.
What I mean is should we know anything else about him? I never felt he's an important enough character to the series that there's no impact even if he is revealed as a Rider later.
They're setting something up with Yuuya, if only to showcase the horrific death he suffered. General guess is Yuuya will be the show's eventual Big Bad.
Of course that doesn't mean he's Cherry, honestly after this episode it could end up being Ryoji getting a power upgrade after his belt's broken and with "mook" Kurokage appearing.
All Energy Riders seem to be a single team under Yggdrazil. I don't think it'd make sense for Kurokage to join them. It just doesn't fit his personality.
The preview to next week showed him attempting to transform with his broken belt, so, we'll see what will happen to him soon, I guess.
From http://www.jefusion.com/2013/12/ressha-sentai-tokkyuger-member.-personalities-revealed.html
Still not feeling the suits, but I'll give it three episodes to surprise me.
lol now the rangers look like mooks. wonder whwat the mooks will look like
From http://www.jefusion.com/2013/12/ressha-sentai-tokkyuger-member.-personalities-revealed.html
Still not feeling the suits, but I'll give it three episodes to surprise me.
Why is green now considered a common ranger?
It always has been...?
He's just thinking of the green MMPR ranger.