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Vancouver-Age |OT| 125 Years


Swiss Economy class gets you a hot towel too, had one on my flight this Christmas. Air Canada is just a worse airline. You dont have to pay for luxury for a hit towel.

All North American airlines are like that though, that's not just an Air Canada thing. Only decent airlines I can fly around North America from select cities are Virgin America and Cathay Pacific, both of which are owned by non-NA companies.

As a "cultured" douchebag he can't help it.

I don't pertain to being cultured.

If we bring a hot towel to the meetup will you come?

If the meet up isn't watching a hockey game at some dive or hipster bar and there's hot towels involved? Then sure.

I am totally the opposite. I have been fighting against animu, I judge you negatively if you have an animu avatar. I've called animu fans here creepy and thirsty.


If the meet up isn't watching a hockey game at some dive or hipster bar and there's hot towels involved? Then sure.

Can you name some hipster bars for me, I'm really curious. Don't you like hockey, why not watch the game? Or ignore it and talk to somebody about whatever. Get some drinks. Be social?

You're more boring than your friends with kids, bud.
Can you name some hipster bars for me, I'm really curious. Don't you like hockey, why not watch the game? Or ignore it and talk to somebody about whatever. Get some drinks. Be social?

You're more boring than your friends with kids, bud.

Ironic considering he posts in NHL-GAF and seems to be a Canucks fan as well

And your asking Tabris? To be social?! Pfffft.


I always thought it weird that people don't wanna meet up just because there's hockey in the background. You don't need to pay attention to the game and it's useful for making fun of WrenchNinja and Bamelin (though we were made fun of instead last time x.x). I didn't pay attention to most of the game!
I've flown economy more then you in our lives, guaranteed. I've earned the right to enjoy business class and look upon people going into economy while sipping my champagne :)

Under 100 times doesn't mean a lot. That's, like, a year.

If the meet up isn't watching a hockey game at some dive or hipster bar and there's hot towels involved? Then sure.


You'd never go to a meet-up, just find another weasel like "Fallout 4 occupied me ALL night" excuse so your charade isn't broken the moment people see yo ass.


Can you name some hipster bars for me, I'm really curious. Don't you like hockey, why not watch the game? Or ignore it and talk to somebody about whatever. Get some drinks. Be social?

You're more boring than your friends with kids, bud.

St Augustines and London Pub were the only examples I heard for meet ups.

But to answer a couple peoples question on why I don't want to meet up to watch hockey. Honestly, if I wanted to watch the game with people I would just watch the game with friends. Most of NHL-GAF has a very cynical opinion on the Canucks which would be exhausting and a bummer to listen to in real life, so that's why I'm not psyched. While most of my friends are either really positive people or just people that aren't as passionate so they don't get as cynical.

It just doesn't sound appealing to me to watch hockey with some of you.

The reason why I would want to meet up with some of you is to get something I don't have in my current social circles, people into geek culture. Sure I can talk about that while the game is playing in the background, but it's still going to come up and it doesn't appeal to me.

As long as there aren't any nerds who bring their games to it lmao. Buncha weirdos

I don't mean geek culture like that. It's weird to bring a video game console to a bar. Or really anywhere but your home, the skytrain, a bus, or a plane. It's very hard to find a normal adjusted person into geek culture I've found.
Most of NHL-GAF has a very cynical opinion on the Canucks which would be exhausting and a bummer to listen to in real life, so that's why I'm not psyched. While most of my friends are either really positive people or just people that aren't as passionate so they don't get as cynical.

It just doesn't sound appealing to me to watch hockey with some of you.

Gee, I wonder why when the team is average at best and ownership is horrible at a stealth tank, and too chickenshit to do an actual tank?

I don't mean geek culture like that. It's weird to bring a video game console to a bar. Or really anywhere but your home, the skytrain, a bus, or a plane.

More of that amazing ability that Tabris has of looking pompous compared to everyone else. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised.
I don't mean geek culture like that. It's weird to bring a video game console to a bar. Or really anywhere but your home, the skytrain, a bus, or a plane. It's very hard to find a normal adjusted person into geek culture I've found.

If you weren't so obnoxious to every one I'm sure you would have found one by now. It's like the "why aren't my married friends with kids cool anymore?" It's not because they're not cool, you just got left in the dirt because you matter less but you try to spin it like they're wrong. People see that from a mile away: your personality sucks and no one wants to hang with you. You would think any reasonable person would have noticed this by now just from the responses you get online. You will continue to keep your head in the sand while people lob snarky comments at you. The only one losing out is you.


Gee, I wonder why when the team is average at best and ownership is horrible at a stealth tank, and too chickenshit to do an actual tank?

See, exhausting.

If you weren't so obnoxious to every one I'm sure you would have found one by now. It's like the "why aren't my married friends with kids cool anymore?" It's not because they're not cool, you just got left in the dirt because you matter less but you try to spin it like they're wrong. People see that from a mile away: your personality sucks and no one wants to hang with you. You would think any reasonable person would have noticed this by now just from the responses you get online. You will continue to keep your head in the sand while people lob snarky comments at you. The only one losing out is you.

lol it's funny how passionate you guys get around trying to psycho analyze me based on some posts online :)

I'm very happy with my current friends and the people I meet, that's why I don't have much desire to meet up with strangers online. I was just saying if I was to meet up, that would be the reason why. Sure some of my older friends have become boring due to parenthood, but it just means I hang out with them less and hang out with my other friends more, or probably the same as I've gone through a couple girlfriends over the last while, one was kinda serious for a while so it's kept my schedule busy.

I swear you guys talk about me a lot. It works for me usually as that's one of my favourite subjects!


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
You don't have to "watch hockey with us". There will be a game on in the background for those interested, we won't all sit there and watch the game. it wasn't like that last time, it won't be like this next time.


I am going to put it in a way that you can simply understand, and I don't really care if I get banned for it. nobody wants to be around you. Your attitude is corrosive, and the fact that you have very few in your corner on GAF, or even people who tolerate the bragging shit you spit out, to me, doesn't bode well to how you are outside the computer.

I'm OK you feel that way :) I have no ill will towards you personally. Honestly I didn't know we had chatted before on this forum, I just know subpar and smiley in this conversation.

EDIT - and firestorm.
See, exhausting.

lol it's funny how passionate you guys get around trying to psycho analyze me based on some posts online :)

I'm very happy with my current friends and the people I meet, that's why I don't have much desire to meet up with strangers online. I was just saying if I was to meet up, that would be the reason why. Sure some of my older friends have become boring due to parenthood, but it just means I hang out with them less and hang out with my other friends more, or probably the same as I've gone through a couple girlfriends over the last while, one was kinda serious for a while so it's kept my schedule busy.

I swear you guys talk about me a lot. It works for me usually as that's one of my favourite subjects!
Unfortunately, at this point you don't understand people are only insulting you. I suppose that's what you want. Whatever, it doesn't take any extra effort to do so.

Win / win I suppose.

Enjoy Fallout 4.


Win / win I suppose.

Enjoy Fallout 4.

Do you really win? There's gotta be something missing if you feel the need to insult someone online because of his "obnoxious" opinions. If the goal is to get to me, you shouldn't bother as I'm going to have fun posting about things I think either way. But you do you!

I platinum'd it already. I'm not really playing any games right now. I did play Uncharted Collection over the break though which was amazing.
Do you really win? There's gotta be something missing if you feel the need to insult someone online because of his "obnoxious" opinions. If the goal is to get to me, you shouldn't bother as I'm going to have fun posting about things I think either way. But you do you!

I platinum'd it already. I'm not really playing any games right now. I did play Uncharted Collection over the break though which was amazing.

You think this takes energy? It's similar to making a post else where. All we do is change some words and the post becomes obnoxious like you.

You'd think someone would think, "maybe I am the problem" when so many people dislike them.


The key thing you don't get is it doesn't matter to me.

GAF gives me a venue to discuss my thoughts and opinions unfiltered. I'm OK with those opinions not being popular or me being disliked on an online message board. That's what allows good discourse too. I'm not here to make friends, but to have interesting conversations about things I like. If you are here to make friends, that's great, you're talking to the wrong person for that though.

GAF is honestly kind of therapeutic and oddly makes me more productive. I post here usually when I'm working on something that isn't a meeting, sales demo, etc - such as writing a statement of work or developing for my startup. Allows me to post what I'm thinking in small chunks as quick breaks. Something that I don't need to dedicate much effort or mind share to.
The key thing you don't get is it doesn't matter to me.

GAF gives me a venue to discuss my thoughts and opinions unfiltered. I'm OK with those opinions not being popular or me being disliked on an online message board. That's what allows good discourse too. I'm not here to make friends, but to have interesting conversations about things I like. If you are here to make friends, that's great, you're talking to the wrong person for that though.

GAF is honestly kind of therapeutic and oddly makes me more productive. I post here usually when I'm working on something that isn't a meeting, sales demo, etc - such as writing a statement of work or developing for my startup. Allows me to post what I'm thinking in small chunks as quick breaks. Something that I don't need to dedicate much effort or mind share to.
You act like it matters to us. You clearly are incapable of understanding what I wrote as well.

Tabris, there's a thread about the top 52 cities to visit in 2016 by the way.


Tabris, there's a thread about the top 52 cities to visit in 2016 by the way.

Vancouver is one of the greatest cities to live in the world, not really to visit. I'm OK with us not being on that list.

If it was a most live-able city list, the only cities that should ever be beating us are Vienna, Sydney, and Melbourne.


Are you?

Dig deep now.

Are you?

Plus if you read the criteria, as I looked for my most favourite city to visit (Tokyo) and it wasn't on the list, you'll see they are looking for cities with new things happening in 2016.

So we would have been #1 for 2010 but we haven't had anything added to our city tourism or non-living culture in the last 6 years. Just a lot of cool new condo and office buildings going up.
Plus if you read the criteria, as I looked for my most favourite city to visit (Tokyo) and it wasn't on the list, you'll see they are looking for cities with new things happening in 2016.

So we would have been #1 for 2010 but we haven't had anything added to our city tourism or non-living culture in the last 6 years. Just a lot of cool new condo and office buildings going up.

So... out of a list of 52 Vancouver deserves no spot?


Saying it's hard to find well-adjusted people who are into geek culture is such bullshit especially in Vancouver. Maybe I'm just fortunate with how high school and university turned out but the only way I see that happening is if you're trying too hard to keep a facade up about what you like in an attempt to shape your image into what you think is cool - which obviously seems like a very Tabris thing to do based on GAF posting history.

Geek culture is pop culture. It is the mainstream of our day especially in Vancouver. Otherwise Marvel and Star Wars wouldn't be the hottest properties this side of Game of Thrones and Fallout. Like come the fuck on. Unless it's all you can talk about which will turn people away (spoilers: someone who can't talk about anything but sports is also boring to everyone but other sports dorks), you'll find that other people have also dabbled in those interests. Again, Vancouver especially.


Geek culture was wrong word since there's so many variations and most I'm not into. I'm talking about specifically video games. Nobody I know plays many video games except games like nhl or assassins creed or call of duty. And mobas.
Geek culture was wrong word since there's so many variations and most I'm not into. I'm talking about specifically video games. Nobody I know plays many video games except games like nhl or assassins creed or call of duty.

Plenty of people I know who do things that you do (fancy restaurants, vegas trips, travel a lot) play games outside of those. However, they're not as self-absorbed and probably are in different circles.


Lol subpar whatever makes you feel better at night because there's no people well liked and self absorbed at the same time :eek:
I think I would get along with Tabris just fine. I'm very much into NHL but I'm one of the NHL GAF guys that runs in there trolling up a storm on other teams. I respect people who respect their favorite teams.

As for the "geek culture", I've found many friends in Canada and coworkers that like it all or only like subsections of that culture from games only to board games only to comics only to shows only etc.

I think the only thing that comes across from Tabris that he and I are different on is posting styles and ways of allowing other opinions. I sometimes feel like you are stubborn to the idea of other opinions beyond your own. That's really about it.

I could see myself chilling with Tabris. Online and the way people post doesn't justify who and how they are. It's just another curtain that conceals it.


Geek culture was wrong word since there's so many variations and most I'm not into. I'm talking about specifically video games. Nobody I know plays many video games except games like nhl or assassins creed or call of duty. And mobas.
That's what I meant though. I'm not interested in "geek culture" as a whole either. Stuff like Fan Expo I've tried going to and it's boring to me for that reason I think. But as someone who lives in Vancouver, it's crazy to me that you haven't really met or made any friends who are into video games. And if you are the guy in the group that tries a lot of games out, people don't respect your opinion or recommendations enough to try some of the stuff you're playing?

Also to top off that rant earlier, this USgamer article on nerd culture is great: http://www.usgamer.net/articles/the-people-vs-nerd-culture


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I think you all need to take some time to relax... It was all good here in this thread a few short hours ago and now I see a lot of bickering. Remember people generally like to be with other positive people, so let's be more positive here :)


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
I think we can all agree that our next meetup should just be at Tabris' place. It's the only way to guarantee his presence in the next meetup.


Unconfirmed Member
Is there any theatre in the lower mainland showing Anomalisa? The movie premiered only 2 weeks ago, it couldn't have been removed from theatres already...right?
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