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VANQUISH |OT| Bullet Ballet performed by the London Awesome orchestra


The Everyman
Hyunkel6 said:
Canada-GAF, this game will be $10 at Gamestop starting July 8th. No excuse for not picking it up then.
done and done

i was actually about to ask if i could get it in canada for cheap
Hyunkel6 said:
Canada-GAF, this game will be $10 at Gamestop starting July 8th. No excuse for not picking it up then.

ah, too bad. i bought it afew days ago. i felt the game was worth the 25 bucks i paid for, tho.
Anteater said:
Judging from Bayonetta and Kamiya's tweet about PC ports, probably not, they say they don't have the staff to port it and don't want to outsource it to someone else. Don't know about Vanquish though.
I'd upgrade my PC just for that game.


Psi said:
Any chance this will happen in the US too?

Marginal. Canadian and U.S. Gamestops generally offer totally different deals.

I'm from Canada, but during my vacation I picked it up from Target on clearance for $15.
Two disappointments on that front -- first, that I got the 360 version (which is apparently slightly less pretty -- on the other hand, I probably prefer its controller), and second, that I just started playing about a week ago and obviously it's going to be cheaper in just a few days.

So I paid $5 to start playing just over a week early and get it on the platform I probably wouldn't have bought it on if I'd had the option.

Regardless, I'm enjoying it so far. The cutscenes are super cheesy and lame (i.e: worse than Gears so far)... but the gameplay is refreshing. And a perfect palate cleanser from some of the other games I'd been playing -- most recently LA Noire.


I got this game for Christmas (a cool gift from my lapsed gamer br0) but only beat it today.

Holy shit. I was reading through this thread and everyone balked at the length, but it's perfect. Meant for more play throughs and it's really dense with action. I don't think I would have wanted it longer, anyway; it's a bit exhausting with the constant stimulus. It'd be like a coke binge that lasted over a week.

Seems to be 20 dollars now, and I think it's a no-brainer at that price, let alone the 10 being talked about recently.


Yeah I didn't feel it was too short either... it's long enough to have variety, and short enough to be replayed and with all the different objectives, weapons, hidden items, ... it has to be replayed several times. I was proud to have shot 12 golden statues and thought that there were a total of 20 or something in the game, but I just learnt that there were 112 of them (4 per mission). 0_0

I'm not sure I'll finish the game in hard though (let alone god hard). I was doing okay on the first levels, but when I reached the two
scorpion boss
, I was completely stuck for hours, and finally had to lower the difficulty. Even if I could get past that point, I don't see how I could have fought the final boss.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
This game is amazing!

Playing on Hard mode and up to 1-6 so far. Taking lots of time to pan the environments for Peng statues, but I am loving this quite a bit. Can absolutely understand all the love it got on release now.


Just beat it, wow. One of the best action game / one of the most underrated games this generation.

Will there be a Vanquish 2?


Anteater said:
Judging from Bayonetta and Kamiya's tweet about PC ports, probably not, they say they don't have the staff to port it and don't want to outsource it to someone else. Don't know about Vanquish though.

Unfortunate. I feel that this and Bayo would sell really well on Steam at the right price. Also, running these games in 1080p @ a solid 60 FPS with AA? Damn...

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Finished this on hard last week and my only real complaint was that 90% of my deaths felt cheap and confusing. I can't count the amount of times I wondered "what hit me??". Often full health and in seeming safety. Checkpointing is so lenient that it was rarely an issue though.

Oh and the final few bosses I found terrible personally. Just never quite got a good pattern feel for them and ended up doing shitty rocket spam or other dumb cop out tactics. Something I shied from on everything else in the game.

Enjoyed it quite a bit,earned all Achievements except two. Might revisit on easy for the no-death one, but fuck those challenges. So damn cheap.
Deadly Cyclone said:
Beat this over the weekend, great game. The end definitely sets up another game and is a cliffhanger of sorts, I really hope that despite bad sales Platinum makes a second.

One of the best controlling third person shooters I have ever played for sure.

Child of Eden and Shadows of the Damned had bad sales. Vanquish moved close to a million if I am not mistaken. Good chance it turned a profit and seeing as how sequels always sell better one would be in order.

Of course Mikami is busy with his own thing so the next game would be helmed by someone else and would be something of a wildcard.

Fantastic game though, albeit it was very poor at explaining how you are supposed to play it. Seeing that PS.blog speed play video of the demo helped put me on the right track and still it didnt click for me until my second playthrough.


finally beat this last night
so much fun
last boss was a bitch. i guess i'm just bad at the game haha

i hate seeing videos of people playing this on youtube just like it's gears of war. so frustrating

it was so fun trying different tactics, flying around teh stage, getting up close and meleeing etc

can't wait to see what mikami's got coming up next


Picked this up last week. This game is incredible. Graphics are awesome, gameplay is fast, fun, and rewarding. A steal at 20 bucks.

Danny 117

I bought this game based on the positive opinions of the people in this thread. All I have to say is: WOW! This game is so fun, I couldn't put it down once i started playing it. Everything feels so responsive and you feel like you are controlling someone badass. I haven't felt this since controlling the Master Chief in Halo.
The story was great, too. I do have one question though:
Why did the president shoot herself at the end of the game?

I can't believe that this game bombed. We need a sequel!
Some comments from achievement hunters:

I fucking hate this game now just because of this challenge. I hereby officially give up. It is only making me supremely angry and I would really prefer not to be.

I do not fucking get it. Last two days I have over 15 hours into this fucking bullshit challenge, and, if you could not tell, I am getting FUCKING RAGED OUT!!!

Man, i can surelly afirm that I played way more than 20 hours just in the challenge 6. It´s such a bitch. But, like said above, Vanquish split the real gamers from those who play Avatar just to get some easy gamerscore.

heh. I'm still stuck on the last challenge, I can get to the last round but it's just too hard.
CadetMahoney said:
Some comments from achievement hunters:

heh. I'm still stuck on the last challenge, I can get to the last round but it's just too hard.

try the platinum board, there are angry messages on there as well. i read some while i was stuck, but i sure wasn't as angry as them. finishing the last challenge is very satisfying.
Augemitbutter said:
try the platinum board, there are angry messages on there as well. i read some while i was stuck, but i sure wasn't as angry as them. finishing the last challenge is very satisfying.
I've yet to be satisfied, over 20 hours I'm sure trying to beat one challenge mission. Weird thing is that I do not feel that much rage over it.


Since NeoGAF recommended me to do so I bought this game and completed it yesterday on hard. Miraculously my controller still works. My score for the last level: -17000 :')

Not sure if I'm gonna replay right away it though. It was awesome (thanks NeoGAF) but I think I've overdone it a bit (i.e. the last part was pretty frustrating because it was so hard/I suck at the game* and it took me 31 tries so I'm kind of fed up with it at the moment). Maybe I'll go trophy whoring a bit, but I also have that other Platinum game NeoGAF recommended to play.

- great audio and visuals
- great game play (sometimes bit dodgy controls)
- story was ... nice to have I guess

Last bosses were actually pretty simple when I found out the rocket launcher would actually hit them and in the quick time event following I directly killed one of them. After that it was a piece of cake really.
Finally started this game yesterday.
Pretty awesome indeed. However, i could see myself growing tired of it soon also..
If it's just a lot of the same that is. And i guess it is.

Anyway, so far so good and i'll definitely pump some more hours in to it.


Found this for 20 bucks at frys. Sat there in a wrapper for a week and finally played it today. Wow!! So good. I'm loving the mechanics and the visuals. Feel like capcom should have gone with a direction like this for a megaman reboot. Platinum has really been the saving grace for Japan this gen.
Always-honest said:
Finally started this game yesterday.
Pretty awesome indeed. However, i could see myself growing tired of it soon also..
If it's just a lot of the same that is. And i guess it is.

Anyway, so far so good and i'll definitely pump some more hours in to it.
Are you playing it like Gears of War? If so, don't. Just forget everything you know about third-person shooters. Vanquish needs to be played like an action game.
God Hard question :

Is it possible to play this mode aggressively like you can in lower difficulties , boosting around, and using cover only when needed? I am currently playing it on God Hard and am dying A LOT. I've gone through Normal and Hard, which weren't really that bad, once I understood the mechanics of the gameplay & how the different weapons work.

I've watched some God Hard videos on youtube, where the common theme is : shoot from behind cover a lot. I'd prefer not to do it that way, as the game isn't meant to be played like that.
No, it's fucking ridiculous hard. Playing it like you play any other levels will get you killed. A friend and I both beat every challenge mission with top 10 time rankings and still can't get through that shit. Not that we tried all that much but when we got stuck on the demo stage for like an hour we decided to hell with it for now.

While playing it we did discover something pretty useful. An invincible dodging glitch. You do this by rolling/boosting away and toward to adjacent objects so you are in that blur motion dodge. It make god hard a lot easier but we still didn't go through with it!


Augemitbutter said:
finishing the last challenge is very satisfying.

Tactical Challenger is like one of my very favorite trophies. It takes every concept and idea of how you play this game, drops its pant and takes a big dump on your overly confident "I beat the story modes in like 4 hours, so I got this shit on lock" face.

Masterful troll by Kamiya, really, hats off to that guy for luring thousands of smug achievements whores into a false sense of security and assuredness of an easy Plat-1000/1000 and just laying the smack'eth down.


MentalNoiz said:
God Hard question :

Is it possible to play this mode aggressively like you can in lower difficulties , boosting around, and using cover only when needed? I am currently playing it on God Hard and am dying A LOT. I've gone through Normal and Hard, which weren't really that bad, once I understood the mechanics of the gameplay & how the different weapons work.

I've watched some God Hard videos on youtube, where the common theme is : shoot from behind cover a lot. I'd prefer not to do it that way, as the game isn't meant to be played like that.

I don't think so, I could just be terrible at it, but I was in cover almost always, as the ARS would run out extremely quick for you to be doing it aggressively, depend on the area I guess, but there are quite a few spots where it forces you to turtle around a few cover spot as they swarm you with snipers/enemies, but still forces you to move a lot because of the romanovs and shit.

In general I always have to take out a few enemies from far or I won't be able to move around that much.


duffyside said:
Love every time this thread is bumped. Hope this game keeps going and going. Become 2010's Demon's Souls, Vanquish!

This thread has been opened for 10 months and only 190k views :(
It needs reeeeeally long legs.


Anteater said:
This thread has been opened for 10 months and only 190k views :(
It needs reeeeeally long legs.
One of these Johnny-Come-Latelys should make a "Lttp: Vanquish, Mechanically the Best Shooter Ever" thread. That'll, like, triple this game's sales! (and make fanboy heads explode)


This thread reminded me I need to get Vanquish soon. I just read on Eurogamer that the PS3 version is good, so I'll buy it this week.

I'm still holding out on Bayonetta since I might get another Xbox and I don't want to play it on PS3 unless I have to.


Trevelyon said:
Masterful troll by Kamiya, really, hats off to that guy for luring thousands of smug achievements whores into a false sense of security and assuredness of an easy Plat-1000/1000 and just laying the smack'eth down.

Mikami. ;)
Trevelyon said:
Masterful troll by Kamiya, really

As the above poster said, Kayima had nothing to do with Vanquish whatsoever. Shinji Mikami directed Vanquish. The same guy who directed Resident Evil, Resident Evil 4, Dino Crisis, the REmake, PN03 and God Hand. It was developed at Platinum, but for the record, Mikami does not work there on a permanent basis.
There really should have been a mode in between Hard and God Hard. The only parts of Hard I had trouble with were the bogeys on 5-3. Or they should have extended the duration of ARS meter by about a second on GH. What is it three seconds now?

If you get hit, it drains so fast.

Honestly though, this game really is amazing. I bought it back in October @ 60, yet I come back to it every now and then. To me, this game is the best Mikami has made up 'till now, yes even better than RE4.

I guess these kinds of games are a dying breed, where gameplay is the focus of the game, and not a story or an experience.


MentalNoiz said:
There really should have been a mode in between Hard and God Hard. The only parts of Hard I had trouble with were the bogeys on 5-3. Or they should have extended the duration of ARS meter by about a second on GH. What is it three seconds now?

Yea, I wished there was an inbetween mode, god hard was hard as fuck for me, while hard was pretty easy, just like god hand, the difficulty spike was really huge.

One interesting thing is that I only died once on the last fight on hard, but was stuck for fucking days on GH, the second last boss was way harder and took me like 10-15 tries on hard but I only died once on GH :lol

but yea I didn't replay it much because the difficulty was a bit off, GH is just not very fun to play repeatedly for my skill level, some areas just feel cheap and gave you little room to breath.
Surprisingly good game, at least it puts all the other pathetic third person shooter crap out there to shame.

It feels like a video game... with gameplay, what do you know.

Got tired of it near the end when the annoyance of having to aim with analog sticks got the better of me, but hey it provided me a good few hours of genuine fun, which is more then what can be said of any other game in it's genre.

Kind of pathetic that this game sold so poorly. (I realise I am lttp too).


Unconfirmed Member
GAF, should I play this game on hard mode? I started a game recently and thought the first chapters were kind of easy. Does it gets really harder later on?

I had a similar situation with the first God of War. Started the game on Normal, got bored because it was too easy, then started a new game on hard, loved it.


JCV said:
GAF, should I play this game on hard mode? I started a game recently and thought the first chapters were kind of easy. Does it gets really harder later on?

I had a similar situation with the first God of War. Started the game on Normal, got bored because it was too easy, then started a new game on hard, loved it.

IMO the hardest part on hard is the final two bosses. And they were really hard. The rest of the game played about the same between the two difficulties, so you aren't really missing out by playing on normal the first time through. And the game is short enough you can go back and play it a 2nd time on a higher difficulty if you desire. Just enjoy being able to do crazy shit with less penalty on your first run :)


Sorry for the double post, but I went back to this game after setting it down for a few months due to not being able to get past the 2nd tactical challenge. I've been able to do the 2nd and 3rd ones now without too much issues surprisingly, but the 4th one is a real doozy, if only for the crystal viper on the 5th wave who seems to one-shot me at the right time, every time. So I went on Youtube to look for some strategies and found a vid of a guy who beats the entire challenge in 3 minutes. It is seriously awe-inspiring, I watched the vid with my mouth agape from the very first wave. He beats the whole thing quicker than I can beat the first two waves. Some of it happens so fast I had to watch a 2nd time just to see what was going on. I just don't even... you have to watch this:


And of course he's Asian :D


Challenge 4 is the hardest one from Challenges 1-5 (with 5 being probably the easiest one), but is doable with practice, took me maybe 10-15 attempts. Challenge 6, on the other hand...almost a whole week playing 4-5 hours each day. There's also a vid of a crazy Japanese guy who beats the challenge in less than 5 min, absolutely mind-blowing stuff. Challenge 6 takes around 20min usually for the regular player.



"And while its already been made clear in the past that Madworld failed to live up to expectations, Bayonetta was a big ticket for developer and publisher, having become a million-seller. Vanquish? Not so much: Hayes told us that it had sold as much as three quarters of a million worldwide since its release last October."

Source: http://www.vg247.com/2011/08/15/sonic-boom-segas-hayes-on-the-future-and-more/

So, this means that they sell seven hundred fifty thousand copies from the whole 820k that SEGA ships?

If so, this is great news. More about Vanquish, Platinum and SEGA as a whole in the link above.


Junior Member
I finished this a few days ago in around 4 hours. Good game.

I thought the gameplay/mechanics were absoloutely amazing, top tier but the actual game content was meh. I hope they use the same gameplay to make a better game.

Trojan X

FreeMufasa said:
I finished this a few days ago in around 4 hours. Good game.

I thought the gameplay/mechanics were absoloutely amazing, top tier but the actual game content was meh. I hope they use the same gameplay to make a better game.

What difficulty setting did you complete the game on?
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