Everything I've heard of this show makes it seem like a secretly based meta-joke at all the woke shit. Which that very thought is hilarious in it's own right that we've got Poe's Law in action.
To be honest that's kinda what it looks like. I mean if you take Mindy Kaling's comments prior to launch about Velma being some sort of aspirational heroine for today you'd expect her to be characterized as a Mary Sue, effortless better and smarter than those around her.
However on the basis of the first two episodes, she's shown to be clumsy, shallow, and not especially smart. The only redeeming feature of her character is that she's showing brief glimmers of self-awareness about how full of shit she is. This isn't me "reading into" intent btw, all these are all traits the show overtly trades on for "laughs". I mean, I have to stress again how can you square this woke heroine's bona-fides with a running gag in the second episode where she demonstrates that she's so gratingly mouthy and opinionated that she can't sell drugs to addicts?
I can't help but feel like people are misreading everything about the show. For instance, there's the bit where Norville is shown to blink meaningfully after saying he's not into drugs. The thing is this "wink" is at the audience's expectations because again throughout he's presented as being totally straight about this. He's also the "smart" character who actively pushing the investigation forward not Velma.
All this of course isn't good writing or characterization, its simply basic-bitch inversion of expectation. This new Shaggy isn't a gormless, cowardly pot-head, ha-ha! He's actually the smart one of the group and utterly oblivious to his food vlog to being avidly followed by stoners.