Go hoam, Billy. You're drunk.
Wha? I refuse to believe Gary killed him.
New shirt.
Wha? I refuse to believe Gary killed him.
Mmm glorious episode. I should see Goodfellas again.
Felt a little like a finale, but thankfully there's one more episode.
Unless next week's episode is a real stinker I don't see how this season doesn't go down as one of the strongest, possibly THE strongest.
So, so good.
they're already writing episodes for season 7.Yeah, the last season HAS to be good...
Itd be hard to come up with a more perfect celebrity for Rusty Venture to idolize than Christopher Lambert. A mediocre film actor who starred in a handful of high profile 80s movies before moving settling into moderate obscurity, Lambert is hardly the epitome of Hollywood cool; yet his low-rent mystique is an ideal fit for the shows loving adulation of misfits, oddities, and loose ends. The Highlander movies that provided the man with the closest hed ever come to celluloid immortality are largely terribleeven the first is really just a certain kind of 12 year-old boys dream of what a movie should be. But thats the point. While Lambert may not be a household name, hes more successful and better loved than Rusty will ever be, and hes achieved that success through same pop cultural detritus that has defined Rustys entire adult life.
Nice to see Rusty had a great childhood.
Harangatangue's wife died with Think Tank in the crash, right?
Also, when did Sheila start doubting the Blue M. was Rusty? She was one of the first to suspect him.
She was in the bar with a neck brace for a second in Party for Tarzan.Harangatangue's wife died with Think Tank in the crash, right?
That is what I thought at first...
And this is what I was confused about. I saw her back there in the latest episode. So continuity error or she didn't die?She was in the bar with a neck brace for a second in Party for Tarzan.
The Venture Bros. has largely stuck to the same formula this season, with every episode unfolding in New York and ending with Blue Morpho accidentally killing a Level 10 archvillain and paving the way for a big showdown between the Guild and the Venture family. It's a formula that continues to work, but it's also one that could easily grow stale without a few wrinkles to keep things fresh. There's a sense that Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer were very mindful of that as they crafted the penultimate chapter of Season 6. "A Party for Tarzan" didn't necessarily deviate from the norm in terms of story, but it offered enough fun storytelling flourishes to stand out regardless.
She was in the bar with a neck brace for a second in Party for Tarzan.
I miss Dr. O and the Triad. I hope they show up in the final... That, and they show us what Dean has been up to at school.
I agree with you guys thoughGary did not kill that guy. Though it was nice to see his origin story.
Also, when did Sheila start doubting the Blue M. was Rusty? She was one of the first to suspect him.
She was in the bar with a neck brace for a second in Party for Tarzan.
Also, when did Sheila start doubting the Blue M. was Rusty? She was one of the first to suspect him.
Anyone else think thatJonas Venture Sr. killed the Blue Morpho and accepted the Guild reward? Maybe he or one of his teammates sabotaged their plane. As for why he did it, maybe it was because he was having an affair with Morpho's wife. If so, her death in the plane crash would have been accidental, which could lead to him trying to bring her back to life... like in this theory I came up with last season...
So real question here everybody. Would you be a henchman? Would you want to try and work your way to professional antagonist? I can't say I wouldn't be tempted.