vg247-PS4: new kits shipping now, AMD A10 used as base, final version next summer


I agree. Nintendo did ~18 months from announcement to release yet nothing from the other two and one for sure on sale in less than a year...

Doesn't make sense to me either.

Actually I'm glad they didn't reveal as early as nintendo did. It really messed up the hype the wiiu had


I honestly don't think it will matter much if they are close enough. Besides an off the shelf component might be more easier to handle for the 3rd parties right? Or am I missing something here

I think you should be less concerned about minor power differences and more interested in the tools the first parties get out there for developers to take advantage of their respective architectures.

If I were the worrying type, that would be what kept ME up at night.

And I wouldn't expect much info from CES, save for more rumors.


I think you should be less concerned about minor power differences and more interested in the tools the first parties get out there for developers to take advantage of their respective architectures.

If I were the worrying type, that would be what kept ME up at night.

And I wouldn't expect much info from CES, save for more rumors.

ok so your also saying ps4 kits are last minute. not enamoured with that. i would expect sony to be on the ball this time around. not great news tbh


ok so your also saying ps4 kits are last minute. not enamoured with that. i would expect sony to be on the ball this time around. not great news tbh

I'm not talking about the kits themselves, I'm talking about general developer support and software tools. I have heard zero about Orbis/PS4/whatever, so I don't know anything about it. Historically speaking, this has not been Sony's strength.


I'm not talking about the kits themselves, I'm talking about general developer support and software tools. I have heard zero about Orbis/PS4/whatever, so I don't know anything about it. Historically speaking, this has not been Sony's strength.

You could talk to people who developed Vita games, that should give a closer indication of what to expect from the PS4 in terms of developer tools and support. Here's one take on it.
So MS going with a custom GPU and Kinect Next and Sony will buy a cheap off the shelf mini computer but still can't launch because of what? Or is MS just building a custom CPU with ex IBM/AMD folks for Kinect and computational power? Hard to guess - I just hope that Sony doesn't launch last with a underpowered (even if it is only perception) console because that would kill sales pretty fast.

Or MS being forced to use custom CPU to keep BC with X360 while Sony decided to sacrafice BC and are free to choose cheapest parts ?


Junior Member
Jan 21st.

Maybe too early because PS3 and 360 still haven't drop sale and price yet. They will get price cut on their current models soon after the next gen announcement.
I think there will more leaks from GDC, with no/maybe official announcement from these two. Also I can see we will get more info on next gen engines and titles on this day.


No clue. I was trying to guess just because of his own excitement level as he is a tech head and he seemed stoked about it but he wouldn't really let out much info. His comment about the 1 big misconception sounded even more interesting to me as there are so many. He is gamer above all else and his excitement over what he is working on shined through pretty easily.

Maybe it's the misconception that MS is moving away from gaming? That seems to be a common one no matter where you go.

I have to admit again that I was really happy to hear about his work environment. It seems like it is the only time MS teams have all worked towards 1 goal. Though it sounds like they do still have competing ideas where the best one wins kind of thing. It just seemed far more healthy than what I envisioned. They also have frequent devs from other companies come and see what they are working pretty often.

Honestly, from everything I've read and heard from people who used to work at MS. It sounds like a great place to work for a money grubbing corporation. =p

I honestly don't think it will matter much if they are close enough. Besides an off the shelf component might be more easier to handle for the 3rd parties right? Or am I missing something here

How hard or easy hardware is to work with usually falls on how good or bad the tools are in the dev kits.


Hah, well good luck! Would it make sense if it was a lack of kinect? I don't know your stance on it.
Hmmm. Trying to divorce myself completely from my own likes and wants and coming from his side. I would say no...unless they have made a drastic almost unrealistic increase to the Kinect as I do think with super high resolution and a few other tweaks it would AUGMENT but not replace current control schemes. But that doesn't seem to be a big misconception as much as power of the system(the old gpu specs bandied around) and that both systems would be identical or close. As I said before, I had just remembered that the conversation was around differentiating the different systems and my wife's comment about all of them seem the same.
But its so far in the future who knows. Other than their overall attitude hardware is subject to change for a while more now.

Maybe it's the misconception that MS is moving away from gaming? That seems to be a common one no matter where you go.

Honestly, from everything I've read and heard from people who used to work at MS. It sounds like a great place to work for a money grubbing corporation. =p

That is 1 aspect he was very clear on so I don't think it was that.

He talked about it very openly. MS is 100% behind gaming and core gaming in particular and INTERNALLY they feel that the clues are out there and if people choose to disagree than that is their opinion. He had a strong point to that. Remember this is from his coworkers and such. He said that the internal thought amongst the teams he works with is that MS showed that they handled games VERY well, especially in the first couple great years, and that they were doing the exact same both internally and externally. This, due to what he does, is one thing he would know about LONG in advance. Simply due to the type of work he is in. He made it clear that some of the quotes from particular publishers about what they were working on and such point to that but...well rumors.

This is my first couple talks with him about working there. In the past it was about the 360 and its insides and how it was to work on it and all that. This time was a lot about the way of life. Not super happy with some of the other aspects of MS(higher leadership past the games dev) but man to see a person happy in their job in this environment was actually really cool. My hats off to him too because he is a weird bird and I can't believe he is still in the same job. He is a bit of drifter personally.

Oh also another thing. Internally, at least those he works with often, think that Mattrick(spelling) is the best thing to happen to the gaming groups in years and though he may appear like a car salesman the dude has the chops to get things done internally. He pointed me to a couple papers Mattrick(spelling again) wrote and statements he has made and there was a lot of happiness there.
Oh also another thing. Internally, at least those he works with often, think that Mattrick(spelling) is the best thing to happen to the gaming groups in years and though he may appear like a car salesman the dude has the chops to get things done internally.

Never really understood why Mattrick gets a bad rap around here on GAF. He's one of the few gaming execs that actually got his position because of gaming. I guess his lack of corporate polish makes him a bit awkward during E3 but I'd rather have that than a marketing/business exec running the show like Kaz, Tretton, or Reggie.


How hard or easy hardware is to work with usually falls on how good or bad the tools are in the dev kits.

I'm not talking about the kits themselves, I'm talking about general developer support and software tools. I have heard zero about Orbis/PS4/whatever, so I don't know anything about it. Historically speaking, this has not been Sony's strength.

I see what you mean. Hmm hopefully they have taken the necessary steps to avoid any major problems at launch.


I'd be in the dick
I'm not talking about the kits themselves, I'm talking about general developer support and software tools. I have heard zero about Orbis/PS4/whatever, so I don't know anything about it. Historically speaking, this has not been Sony's strength.
I'm hoping they step it up in the tools department as well. Vita's seem a lot better and the PS3's improved a lot so finger's crossed. If they're also working closely with off the shelf AMD parts then a lot of their tools and documentation can carry over.



this mega thread is ridiculous, I wish third party devs could talk and Sony/MS werne't so damn quiet. When the hell are we gonna get some official info? My god.


this is nothing

nintendo REVEALED their new console at e3 2011 and said absolutely nothing until e3 2012

legend has it the embargo is still up


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Im assuming thats CES? Has anyone come out and said we're getting official info then?

CES is Jan 8-11. Its doubtful there will be any official stuff. It is however a bunch of high up industry types meeting with the press. The alcohol will be flowing and we only need the right guy to accidentally slip up and we get some more stuff to hold us over.

Its much more probable that we would get something official at GDC in march. Some kind of tease or the start of a viral marketing to lead up to E3 or a pre E3 announcement.
CES is Jan 8-11. Its doubtful there will be any official stuff. It is however a bunch of high up industry types meeting with the press. The alcohol will be flowing and we only need the right guy to accidentally slip up and we get some more stuff to hold us over.

Its much more probable that we would get something official at GDC in march. Some kind of tease or the start of a viral marketing to lead up to E3 or a pre E3 announcement.

We'll get plenty of leaks by GDC.


I'm not talking about the kits themselves, I'm talking about general developer support and software tools. I have heard zero about Orbis/PS4/whatever, so I don't know anything about it. Historically speaking, this has not been Sony's strength.

That's kind of concerning.

That is 1 aspect he was very clear on so I don't think it was that.

He talked about it very openly. MS is 100% behind gaming and core gaming in particular and INTERNALLY they feel that the clues are out there and if people choose to disagree than that is their opinion. He had a strong point to that. Remember this is from his coworkers and such. He said that the internal thought amongst the teams he works with is that MS showed that they handled games VERY well, especially in the first couple great years, and that they were doing the exact same both internally and externally. This, due to what he does, is one thing he would know about LONG in advance. Simply due to the type of work he is in. He made it clear that some of the quotes from particular publishers about what they were working on and such point to that but...well rumors.

This is my first couple talks with him about working there. In the past it was about the 360 and its insides and how it was to work on it and all that. This time was a lot about the way of life. Not super happy with some of the other aspects of MS(higher leadership past the games dev) but man to see a person happy in their job in this environment was actually really cool. My hats off to him too because he is a weird bird and I can't believe he is still in the same job. He is a bit of drifter personally.

Oh also another thing. Internally, at least those he works with often, think that Mattrick(spelling) is the best thing to happen to the gaming groups in years and though he may appear like a car salesman the dude has the chops to get things done internally. He pointed me to a couple papers Mattrick(spelling again) wrote and statements he has made and there was a lot of happiness there.

Cool thanks for the update dude. =)

Never really understood why Mattrick gets a bad rap around here on GAF. He's one of the few gaming execs that actually got his position because of gaming. I guess his lack of corporate polish makes him a bit awkward during E3 but I'd rather have that than a marketing/business exec running the show like Kaz, Tretton, or Reggie.

I obviously don't know about how well he performs his role in the company, but as a PR figure, I think he's horrible.


My understanding is that Thebe and Kryptos are appropriate trees to bark up.

My personal conjecture given what I've heard over the last 12 months is that Durango is using a heavily engineered part from AMD that is not easily comparable to any current GPU out there right now. Sony is more likely to use a more directly consumer-derived part, because it's much cheaper and faster to implement, which I'm led to believe because all the PS4 movement devkit-wise has been really, really recent.

They're probably doing something similar to Xenos at the time for the 360.

Hearing this makes me wonder if the guy in this pastebin post that I saw a while ago actually knew what he was talking about. At least somewhat.

That's the road that MS is going down. But I should say, its not your conventional dual GPU set up that you may find in some PC's. MS and AMD have been working on something for quite a while, and if everything works out, expect this thing to blow you away when you first see it. Similar to Xenos from the beginning of this gen, its a pretty innovative chip.
I'm not talking about the kits themselves, I'm talking about general developer support and software tools. I have heard zero about Orbis/PS4/whatever, so I don't know anything about it. Historically speaking, this has not been Sony's strength.

Are Sony really that behind that you have not heard any info really about PS4.
That seem so unbelievable so either they must be really rushing or they going to end up launching in 2014.
Sony has not been the best at keeping secrets so it kind of weird not getting any info.
For Vita they used off the shelf parts and we had info on specs for a good while before hand.

That's kind of concerning.

Yep , it's like they have no idea what they want to do IMO.
Or just playing catch up after all this while , they had to have a idea that MS would launch in 2013.
Seems very short sighted .


Never really understood why Mattrick gets a bad rap around here on GAF. He's one of the few gaming execs that actually got his position because of gaming. I guess his lack of corporate polish makes him a bit awkward during E3 but I'd rather have that than a marketing/business exec running the show like Kaz, Tretton, or Reggie.

I remember an interview, which I think was made after the E3 2010/2011 presentations, where he was asked about things regarding their competitors, and he gave this extremely annoying and awkward expression several times, without really answering any of the questions. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the video.

Also this.


Yeah maybe really baked, by the grin he always has. =P

Still can't wait for E3 though, even if I have to see him on stage again. >=p

So what you're saying is that he needs to come on stage with a toque, and slowly take it off to reveal the release date of Halo 2 Anniversary tattooed on his now shaved head. :3


Everything I've heard has pushed IBM completely out of next-gen, unless you consider the wii U part of that.

Yeah I noticed the 4GB of RAM as well, compared to the 8GB that's supposedly in the 720. I just brought it up because it mentioned the custom AMD GPU, which is similar to what you heard.


Never really understood why Mattrick gets a bad rap around here on GAF. He's one of the few gaming execs that actually got his position because of gaming. I guess his lack of corporate polish makes him a bit awkward during E3 but I'd rather have that than a marketing/business exec running the show like Kaz, Tretton, or Reggie.

He is indeed awkward and it comes across, unlike others, as an awkwardness that seems a bit like a corporate man with no clue. Instead, for all intents and purposes, he has more of a clue than many other corporate speakers, he just can't get it out well.

Internally though, where it sort of matters, people seem to consider him a very a game centric leader. As you said that is indeed his history and its a better history than even I understood until I read up on him. Personally I like him much more than most of the other talkers, but still not that much. I respect his desire for success and games MUCH more now. He is sort of the guy that the others pretend to be. While they are better at speaking. In the end I care what I get, not how it is told to me. Other people's mileage may vary on that.


No problem. I admit I bounced a couple things off of him that I had seen you post in the past. Much of it he either couldn't answer or wouldn't, but it gave us some talking points. Or what I like to call nod and smile points:)
Maybe the misconception Karak's friend is talking is about the amount of memory reserved for the OS. Many people believe it will be 2gb or something like that, and what he might be trying to say is that it's not that much.
Hearing this makes me wonder if the guy in this pastebin post that I saw a while ago actually knew what he was talking about. At least somewhat.

I don't really see how a chip from AMD would somehow be more innovative than the products they are already bringing to the market.

Remember that Xenos and its unified shader architecture was already being released alongside other consumer products at the time.
Never really understood why Mattrick gets a bad rap around here on GAF. He's one of the few gaming execs that actually got his position because of gaming. I guess his lack of corporate polish makes him a bit awkward during E3 but I'd rather have that than a marketing/business exec running the show like Kaz, Tretton, or Reggie.
I don't get "awkward" from Mattrick. I get "smarmy." Tretton is bumbling and awkward. Reggie come across as a loudmouth. They're all awful in different ways.


I get goofy Canadian from Don. We're not suave like everyone else. He's spent a lifetime worrying if he's offended anyone, that is when he's not watching hockey, drinking beer, eating donuts, or just popping by the doctors office cause it's free...or stealing maple syrup.


Are Sony really that behind that you have not heard any info really about PS4.
That seem so unbelievable so either they must be really rushing or they going to end up launching in 2014.
Sony has not been the best at keeping secrets so it kind of weird not getting any info.
For Vita they used off the shelf parts and we had info on specs for a good while before hand.

There have been a lot of rumors about PS4, including the one that spawned this thread. We "know" just as much if not more than we did about the Vita before its announcement.


I don't really see how a chip from AMD would somehow be more innovative than the products they are already bringing to the market.

Remember that Xenos and its unified shader architecture was already being released alongside other consumer products at the time.

The 360 released about 19 months before ATi's first commercially available GPU with a unified shader-based architecture, and they brought it out well before Nvidia did.


The 360 released about 19 months before ATi's first commercially available GPU with a unified shader-based architecture, and they brought it out well before Nvidia did.

wow, that far in advance huh? I didn't think much of it back then but looking back that's kind of crazy.


Since I am interested in the history of the Xbox one, I figured Id just give a short time line for its development, especially as it is an "off-the-shelf" style console (not really true, but its closer to what we'll see this generation, I think.)

July/August of 2000 is when Alpha kits were starting to get out there.These were upgraded to Alpha II kits, but were beginning to be phased out by April of 2001 or so, with the final software update coming in May of 2001, where it finally resembled what would start shipping with the later kits.

Beta kits began shipping then, and had updated software available through August of 2001. B

Around this time is when final hardware began to ship out, just a few months before the launch of the Xbox.

It's not an exact science, especially since most of my information comes from third parties, and don't really take into consideration any advantages the first party companies may have had.

But if alpha kits are out there now, then everything seems to be following along as it should.
There have been a lot of rumors about PS4, including the one that spawned this thread. We "know" just as much if not more than we did about the Vita before its announcement.

I won't say that .
For Vita we knew the Ram , CPU and GPU for a good while before it came out .
Unless i mixing up the time frame .
PS4 we hardly know anything even the dev kit info not certain .


vg 24/7 posted something similar too regarding a psp update. So I guess those two are our best bets regarding leaks.


i just hope both consoles are cheaper this time around but yet very powerful because i cannot go without the exclusives of both consoles...and when new consoles come out..there are usually a few exclusives on xbox and PS that land up making my jaw drop to the floor in terms of visuals and great gameplay with a few really sucks having to buy two new consoles for their exclusives but i will do it regardless like i always do because i know both will have some stunning 1st/2nd party titles that i will not be able to resist....this is coming from a 38 year old lol

I am no fanboy..i grew out of that many moons ago..i am just so ready for the new consoles now..although there are a few exclusives coming to current consoles in 2013 that look damn impressive, ps3 has a few that look stunning that are slated for 2013, xbox has 1 or two i's really are starting to push the hardware for every last drop of graphical power...its kinda cool to see the software tricks they do to emulate dx11 effects or just effects these consoles were not designed to really see this happen at the end of just about every console's life cycle... exciting times right now..i love this time because we are getting the best of what can be done on current hardware, PC games getting a bit of more tweak-able graphical options with the console to pc ports which really put a huge gap between games that are on both consoles and pc's and plus we are close to the next gen consoles...lovely time for gaming right'll be even better once these new consoles launch.

I am fairly sure both MS and Sony will make sure these next gen consoles are a bit more affordable this time around considering that the worlds economy is still unstable and they are going to have to imho.
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