Gold Member
How is it wordplay exactly? All sales (or subscriptions) attributable to this game involve some sort of activation process happening, be it through Steam or through EGS/UbiConnect.
Also "significant" can mean anywhere from %30-100, it's really not that deep imo.
To be specific, what I mean by that is that you can't take "activations" to be indicative of sales (which some people are). So from a revenue perspective it makes things difficult to work out at this stage, we will need to wait until the financial results for the quarter to get a firm indication.
I also doubt they would go out of their way to specifically mention Steam unless it's yielded a result better than 50%. Like I've previously said, there's a huge reason they've gone running back to steam with their tails between their legs.
The push to try and force people to purchase their games via their own store and/or the EGS has failed and the consumer has spoken. This way it's better for everyone, you now have complete freedom of choice as to where you can purchase the game on PC.