I scored the debate pretty evenly. Here are my 3 main takeaways:
1.) Pence is a cool, calm, and collected politician who felt right at home on the debate stage. Kaine on the other hand came off as anxious, jittery, fumbling, perhaps nervous.
2.) Kaine had a pump-action shotgun loaded with Trumpshot shells that he kept blasting Pence with all night long. Comments on Mexicans, women, nukes, tax returns, etc. that Pence had no answers for. Pence tried his best to duck and weave, but these shots landed clean. The combined effect of these shots clearly showed that Trump is not even remotely qualified to be President.
3.) Lastly, I couldn't help but watch Pence on the debate stage and think to myself "I bet the Republicans are shitting themselves right now that they didn't nominate Pence for President". Pence is CLEARLY the superior Presidential candidate over Trump from a qualification standpoint, and would most likely poll much better than Trump as well. Pence had a tough time trying to defend Trump's bullshit, and Kaine called him out for it numerous times saying basically "how can you sit up here and defend those comments". Pence is smarter than this, and honestly should have never accepted the VP nod.