Maleficence said:I also used the marketplace to complete the light mail armour set.
You can change it, I'm just not sure how.PounchEnvy said:So there really is no way to change armor color?
Crakatak187 said:I can't hang with GAF on MMOs. I'm only level 11 and got jack shit.
Dexa said:i get some error when i launch the game via the site:
[NGM] ??? ??? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???.
that error means port blocked - had to use another proxyCow Mengde said:That's kinda beyond us. Ask Nexon, they might be able to better help you.
Dexa said:how can i join pvp "battlegrounds"?
Cow Mengde said:That's kinda beyond us. Ask Nexon, they might be able to better help you.
I think people are underestimating Lann. He's actually really good at crowd control. I tested this area with tons of spiders and Fiona got out of it in worse shape than Lann. It's hard when you're surrounded 360 degrees, and Lann's skills just makes it easier to take out crowds like this.
Getting the same thing when I launch the game from the website and turn on the proxy in the start menu before entering the game.Dexa said:i get some error when i launch the game via the site:
[NGM] ??? ??? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???.
:-(1stStrike said:PvP isn't in yet.
Dexa said::-(
how do i get new items/weapons?
what are the boss drops all out about - what can i do with those materials?
I'm going with light armor due to the fact it weights a lot less than heavy. and Lann doesn't have a high weight limit like Fiona.Mairu said:oh hey it's 9 am
Unsure of what armor to go for after crimson rage. I'm level 23 and wear a few of the Wind Crust set that I've gotten from quests but everything I see has less STR and AGI usually than the Crimson set or I have to put a lot more points into heavy armor to wear any of the Northern Pike stuff. Almost to the level cap, at least I should be able to AP farm :X
Anyone know when the AP given for quests resets?
Is there no way to adjust font size in the interface? Alot of the text is really, really tiny. I have to lean up close every time I need to read something that isn't in the dialog box, chat window or pop up text.
Cow Mengde said:Wait, how do I forge the Crimson Armor set? I'm looking at the forge and I don't see anything about it. Maybe my level's not high enough? I just got the the Gnoll Chieftain, but haven't beaten him yet. I'm kind of determined to solo him for shits and giggles.
The boots for that set are a nightmare to make. Needs a gem that is pretty hard to come by.jediyoshi said:finally got out of those ridiculous crimson gloves, hated the demon arm look :lol
Ceebs said:The boots for that set are a nightmare to make. Needs a gem that is pretty hard to come by.
Dexa said:i get some error when i launch the game via the site:
[NGM] ??? ??? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???.
evilpigking said:Are tokens broken at the moment? I used about 10 early yesterday than logged off for a bit came back on later last night and had 50 again.
Not sure if that was intentional for the beta or not.
Brannon said:This game doesn't piss me off like 99% of all other MMOs out there, so that's already a good start. I also like that in this MMO, when your sword swings straight through somebody, IT FUCKING HITS THEM instead of relying on some ethereal random number generator that could also get you hit by an enemy melee attack even if you're 500 feet away from them because damn it, if you're scheduled to get hit, you're going to get hit and deal with it.
The grinding for materials and items, I have no problem with that. I understand that it is a Korean MMO and they're famous for the long grind, but screw that, if I can't get it in a few passes, I'll just buy what I need at the marketplace; the game throws more than enough money at you anyway, and I tend to sell my excess materials at around 50-75% of the marketplace value, so the money never stops.
On an off note, I'm getting a Phantasy Star Online vibe from this, so maybe that's why I'm more into this MMO. Or the superior controls. Or the picking up gnolls and breaking them on my knee. Or the picking up stone columns and chucking them in a boss' face. I haven't even used chains yet...
Cow Mengde said:I just realize I never completed the veteran gear quest. How do I get the other 2? I have the pants, but I'm missing the others. I can't find where to craft them, or where to buy them. I think the shops are a bit annoying in this game. Kinda hard to figure out where most stuff is despite so few of them.
Wren said:I have to say I really hope this game succeeds, it's such a breath of fresh air compared to all of the Warcraft clones out there. It could really use some more polish in places (It's still in beta after all) but whats there plays really well. My only real complaint so far is the item drop system. I must have run the same battle at least fifteen times now trying to get a "Frozen Heart" or something to drop for a quest I've had for the last four levels. Anyone know if there's a way to affect the drop rates? I've been running it on Hard/Solo mode thinking that would increase my chances to no avail.
Also whats the deal with "spiderweb"? The tooltip says it can be crafted into cloth but nobody I've talked to has figured out how.
evilpigking said:You should have earned them all from quests. Eventually you can craft them from Fergus (The Forge) once you advance a battle or two into Hoarfrost if you sold them by accident.
I keep forgetting to add you in game.1stStrike said:That's because you're not playing with me for some reason :|
Yes, early open beta chars will carry over into open beta then live.GhostRidah said:So will our characters really persist to live? I haven't played much because I really dont want to waste time on a character that will be killed come live.
That is amazing.Velion said:Yes, early open beta chars will carry over into open beta then live.
Crakatak187 said:This game needs a Buddy chat tab like other games.