Some people don't seem to understand that all of America isn't as enlightened as they think it is. Where I grew up 'homemaking' classes in high school were still mandatory for girls, while boys took Ag. I married young, didn't further my education, ect. To break free of being home bound, and yes, I absolutely am, I would need to get a job. While my husband was able to start 12 years ago with no experience as a wind turbine tech, which is good money, and work his way a bit higher, no such jobs are available to me. I would be stuck with minimum wage unless I got a degree behind me, and that wouldn't even pay for daycare in this day and age. Never mind gas and groceries. Going to school is out, as that also costs money I don't have. These things do indeed hold women back. Education in the more conservative areas of our nation do try and keep young girls shoved into the role wife, and don't let them see any other option until its too late.
What can we do about it? I have no idea. My own situation isn't unique, I know. I know that men struggle to get jobs as well.