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Viral Marketing Scandal: Atari publicists posing as forumites to promote Driv3r!


Efralope posted about this over at Opa-Ages.

It looks like Atari-contracted publicists at Babel Media have been caught posting undercover in the GamesRadar forum, defending Driv3R from criticism and talking the game up. One of their mods (Eighthours) was quite pissed!


Check out a few examples of what the publicists posted:

Kingchopper said:
Got me my copy on release day!

Still going strong for me, I'm quite suprised that some people find the controls hard or the out of car stuff awkward, for me, I find it all quite well balanced.

And there is nothing quite like diving out of a car while still moving then quickly dragging another guy out his car

Superfast car switching lol

I just need to stay sat in one car long enough to finish the missions hehe

billywigs said:
hey shellshock, think you are being a bit harsh? deserves more than 5/10 surely? How far through the game have you played? I haven't actually come accross any major glitches, just the odd graphics screw up! IMHO it should be more like 8/10. Purely cos its so much fun..

don't think it's slightly wrong to keep comparing gta and driv3r? driv3r is a different game. imho it's more fun. Also a couple of people have complained about the controls. I've only played the ps2 version and on that the controls are almost the same as every other driving/fps game, where you move the camera around to change direction with one analog stick and then have forward/back/strafe on the other stick...

yeah right, it is too tempting to keep swapping cars all the time.. still haven't driven the forklift everyone's going on about..sounds cool

eighthour-. I have to reply to your completely negative review. What type of gamer are you really? Cos I think that some of your comments are unfounded. I saw this cos I am really enjoying the game and the moment, I've been playing it every day for hours since I got it (four days ago).

You are saying that this is Atari's AAA release but it doesn't live up to expectations.. I say this does live up to expectations. Cars handling is fun, missions are definately not poorly designed, I think they are pretty inventive... this is just for starters.

What exactly were you expecting? A Virtual Reality style Atari headset optimised specially for the game, bundled with it? Photo-realistic graphics? (not yet possible) Smell-generator as an add-on?(for realistic burning rubber smell when you screech away!) I think maybe you are expecting too much of the current generation of consoles. In my opinion this game ROCKS!

Seems their IP addresses traced right back to Babel Media's Website.

The Gamesradar forum has been extremely critical of UK magazines inflating Driv3r review scores, so that's why Atari & Babel may have felt some "guerrilla marketing" was in order to counter all the negative exposure. Check out this mammoth thread for an example:

Driv3r Reviews. Were PSM2 & XBW honest? (Part II)


yeah, I got this from a link on GAF (and I told them to make a new thread, but they didn't), oh how the forums go in circles...

anyway, I thought it was hilarious...




Check this out, Babel's website even touted invading forums as part of their "highly client-specific online marketing campaigns."

Here's the best part: after getting caught by the GamesRadar forum, they removed the bolded passages from the description below!

Babel designs and implements highly client-specific online marketing campaigns. All campaigns are specialised and can be integrated with other services such as web design. This allows for a high degree of measurability as site statistics are constantly monitored.

Online marketing can take a variety of forms, depending on the type of product being promoted. As multilingual experts, we employ a team of native 'guerrillas' to infiltrate forums and message boards in selected territories. Specific site administrators can also be contacted to run competitions in return for exclusive and inside information on a product.

We also encourage users to promote a product in return for fan merchandise. The more users they sign up for the project and the more 'missions' they accomplish, the more prizes they win. This ensures a deeper penetration into public awareness, as well as useful email lists for future campaigns. This effectively expands the audience to people beyond core fans.


Lol. I knew something was wrong when I read through that thread a week ago.

Atari is quickly losing currency with hardcore gamers (however much they had left anyway). Unfortunately, it's behavior like this that won't be seen by the general gaming community that is putting the POS at the top of the charts.



talk about sorry...

I could never imagine a REAL game company like Nintendo or EA doing this, they don' t need to...

I guess it's cheaper to pay people to evangelize on the web than to fund quality control of a product...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
sp0rsk said:
Are you trying to justify this???????


Anyone that liked, owned, rented, played, or even spoke the title DRIV3R is one of them...


sp0rsk said:
Watch your back guys, its time for an old fashioned witch hunt!

I swear I saw efrain (efralope) taking cash from this guy in a back alley. I thought it might have been a sexual favor thing, but then I saw the guy's license plate as he drove off. Nin10do.*

* j/k Efrain


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I don't understand why they would they think this is necessary? Isn't the game already selling incredibly well? Or do these postings pre-date the availability of the game?


jedimike said:
I swear I saw efrain (efralope) taking cash from this guy in a back alley. I thought it might have been a sexual favor thing, but then I saw the guy's license plate as he drove off. Nin10do.*

* j/k Efrain

o.... .k......

but really though, I have to admit having such rapid fans is saving Nintendo a ton of money, just look at how even though there is NO ONLINE on GCN, it seems (with the exception of GAF - leans Sony, and a few others like TeamXBox - Microsoft base), Nintendo fans totally hit the scene on online forums...

I remember in The Vestibule (free IGN forum), posters getting upset that Nintendo games or systems always placed high in the user-made polls...

that said, Nintendo deserves eveyone one of those fans because they aren't afraid to plunt down tons of cash on quality control (as Miyamoto made reference to spending a lot to make sure Metroid Prime came out good) to make sure their games are the best...


works for Gamestop (lol)
Remember, Atari is expecting 10 million copies of this game to be sold worldwide. They're gonna need to do everything to achieve that number


efralope said:
yeah, I got this from a link on GAF (and I told them to make a new thread, but they didn't), oh how the forums go in circles...
T'was me. Eh, its hardly news, if you don't think there are people on GAF right now that are getting paid to do what they do then you're pretty gullible. Microsoft for one have admitted to the practice (on message boards in general not here specifically). Thought it was amusing since they didn't even try to hide their IP address, even Futami does that!


Maybe you guys are just imagining things. We're not sending out viral marketers to promote this awesome titl--oh shi-


Wario64 said:
Remember, Atari is expecting 10 million copies of this game to be sold worldwide. They're gonna need to do everything to achieve that number

That must be a joke, right?

The word of mouth is going to be atrocious, it's not like True Crime where at least the word "decent" got thrown around, people are really trashing on Driv3R...

no way this hits more than 5 million sold through...

this will hit the bargain bins quick, and I predict in the US and Canada, the Spiderman 2 videogame is totally going to overshadow this...


I don't see how anyone could bash the glory that is Driv3r. Most of you probably have never even tried this superb game. Giving this game anything less than an 8 or 9 out of 10 is an injustice.

Ecstacy, thy name is Driv3r. Buy it, love it, play it.


Wario64 said:
Remember, Atari is expecting 10 million copies of this game to be sold worldwide. They're gonna need to do everything to achieve that number

open_mouth_ said:
I don't see how anyone could bash the glory that is Driv3r. Most of you probably have never even tried this superb game. Giving this game anything less than an 8 or 9 out of 10 is an injustice.

Ecstacy, thy name is Driv3r. Buy it, love it, play it.


T'was me. Eh, its hardly news, if you don't think there are people on GAF right now that are getting paid to do what they do then you're pretty gullible. Microsoft for one have admitted to the practice (on message boards in general not here specifically).

This man speaks the truth. All companies do this type of marketing. The company who does it for Atari is named Electric Artists and they also list Konami,Activision,Sony online Entertainment and XBox as their clients.


This company actually tried to cut a deal with a forum I moderate at. They would have basically used our forum as a marketing playground and we would have gotten free stuff.

When they came to us I started looking into it and found that it's pretty widespread across all entertainment industries. Here's an old article about Electric Artists specifically. There's no point chastising the publishers listed here because every single other publisher is guilty as well.


Tony Hawk 4, EverQuest, Dragon Ball Z included in ElectricArtists Q4 Push

New York, NY, (November 11, 2002) - Competition is fierce within the gaming industry, and ElectricArtists, leading online marketer, is the solution advertisers and video game publishers have been looking for to reach gamers directly. In the last few months, ElectricArtists has signed on over a half dozen video games from makers such as Sony Online Entertainment, Microsoft Game Studios, Infogrames and Activision.

"We've seen a huge shift towards recognizing the true power of the video game fan," said Marc Schiller, CEO of ElectricArtists. "Fan sites for the gaming industry in particular are incredibly informative. They have become the de facto gaming media online. Thousands of gamers are using enthusiast sites for up-to-date reviews, patches and game strategies. ElecticArtists' formula of marketing to select online consumers known to influence others is exactly what's working to reach the likeliest customers."

ElectricArtists is currently spreading the word about six HOT new games. Among the games is Cartoon sensation Dragon Ball Z by Infogrames. ElectricArtists is also promoting Infogrames' Zapper and Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix 4. In conjunction with interactive agency Avenue A, ElectricArtists is bolstering the overall marketing campaign for Microsoft Gaming Studio's MechAssault through public relations. The goal is to create awareness for this formerly PC-only game title.

Also, by targeting console gamers, music fans and extreme sports enthusiasts, ElectricArtists has developed a strategy to spread the word about Tony Hawk 4 by Activision through a relationship with Ignited Minds. ElectricArtists is promoting a contest with a chance to meet Tony Hawk himself. Also, through client Ignited Minds, ElectricArtists is working on Sony Online Entertainment's new addition to the series EverQuest, EverQuest: The Planes of Power.

"Going directly to the video gamer is translating into sales," Schiller adds. "With the holidays approaching, competition raging and a lack of outlets for gaming companies to advertise, the solution has been to reach online influencers directly and allow them to help spread the word."

New York-based ElectricArtists is a strategic marketing services agency that promotes brands, products and concepts by engaging consumers and communities in a unique one-to-one relationship. ElectricArtists clients are Fortune 500 corporations and global media entertainment companies across a range of vertical and horizontal industry segments. Recent clients include Citigroup, Procter & Gamble, Universal Music Group, Columbia Pictures, Ralston Purina, Time Inc., Verizon Wireless, Wenner Media, SONY Pictures, BMG, WEA, and The New York Times. ElectricArtists is a global company with ElectricArtisis in Japan and ElectricCake in London. ElectricArtists has also recently launched ElectricArtists En Español catering to the 11 million Hispanics online. .

MC Safety

"I heartily endorse this event or product."

(And no, Disco Stu does not advertise. He does, however, quote liberally from The Simpsons.)


I thought people knew about this already. But then again most people tend to act like it doesnt happen whatsoever.


Unconfirmed Member
NotMSRP said:
What happened to the viral marketing from lazy8?

I got tired of perpetually making him look foolish, so banned him for his own mental welfare ;)


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
We also encourage users to promote a product in return for fan merchandise. The more users they sign up for the project and the more 'missions' they accomplish, the more prizes they win.
Well, to be honest, this is exactly how Viewtiful Joe was advertised, and noone complained about it...
Marconelly said:
Well, to be honest, this is exactly how Viewtiful Joe was advertised, and noone complained about it...
I don't think any of their strategies are ipso facto bad ideas. They just went about this one in a particularly stupid and transparent way.
I remember that we used to get "whisper marketing" posts on the GameSpot forums for some game a few years ago. It's pretty obvious, though.

New forum member + flattering praise of a shitty game's features in a bulletpoint manner - rabid fanboy enthusiasm = guerilla marketing.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Most users ever online was 621, Today at 07:44 AM.

Looks like this thread attracted some lurkers
Talkin' Gaming Age Forum Paranoid Blues

Well, I was feelin' sad and feelin' blue,
I didn't know what in the world I was gonna do,
Them marketers they wus comin' around,
They wus in the air,
They wus on the ground.
They wouldn't gimme no peace. . .

So I run down most hurriedly
And joined up with the Gaming Age Forum Society,
I got me a secret membership card
And started off a-walkin' down the road.
Yee-hoo, I'm a real GAFer now!
Look out you guerilla marketers!

Well, I wus lookin' everywhere for them gol-darned marketers.
I got up in the mornin' 'n' looked under my bed,
Looked in the sink, behind the door,
Looked in the glove compartment of my car.
Couldn't find 'em . . .

I wus lookin' high an' low for them marketers everywhere,
I wus lookin' in the sink an' underneath the chair.
I looked way up my chimney hole,
I even looked deep inside my toilet bowl.
They got away . . .

Well, I wus sittin' home alone an' started to sweat,
Figured they wus in my T.V. set.
Peeked behind the picture frame,
Got a shock from my feet, hittin' right up in the brain.
Them guerilla marketers caused it!
I know they did . . . them hard-core ones.

Well, I quit my job so I could work alone,
Then I changed my name to Sherlock Holmes.
Followed some clues from my detective bag
And discovered they wus next-generation graphics on the American flag!
That ol' Betty Ross . . .

Well, I investigated all the books in the library,
Ninety percent of 'em gotta be burned away.
I investigated all the people that I knowed,
Ninety-eight percent of them gotta go.
The other two percent are fellow GAFers . . . just like me.

Now Eisenhower, he's an Atari spy,
Lincoln, Jefferson and that Roosevelt guy.
To my knowledge there's just one man
That's really a true American: George Lincoln Rockwell.
I know for a fact he hates guerillas cus he picketed the movie Tomb Raider.

Well, I fin'ly started thinkin' straight
When I run outa things to investigate.
Couldn't imagine doin' anything else,
So now I'm sittin' home investigatin' myself!
Hope I don't find out anything . . . hmm, great God!


Has this kind of thing happened before? I mean, this might be the first time it drew such large attention, but is this video game playola common?

I rememer this site Netjak gave Earth and Beyond something like a 6.4 or the like, and then the review went away and suddenly came back a 7.6 with none of the review text changed.

Did the reviewer have a change of heart? Or did EA have something to do with it?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
seriously guys, is driv3r THAT bad? i havent played it myself, but i loved the first driver (the only one i've played) and i think the graphics look fine (i watched it being played at e3). is it really that fucking terrible?
op_ivy said:
seriously guys, is driv3r THAT bad? i havent played it myself, but i loved the first driver (the only one i've played) and i think the graphics look fine (i watched it being played at e3). is it really that fucking terrible?


Actually, I don't know. But I tend to trust the couple of reviews that I've read, and will steer clear.


op_ivy said:
seriously guys, is driv3r THAT bad? i havent played it myself, but i loved the first driver (the only one i've played) and i think the graphics look fine (i watched it being played at e3). is it really that fucking terrible?
I hear Rockstar have been employing anti-viral marketing specialists to say its utter crap on teh forums. :p I kid, I kid... or am I? :)
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