I bought the game yesterday and played a few hours. I had a very good time, but it's also the first time I've been disappointed by a VF game. Most of it comes from having played a lot of Soulcalibur 5 during the last months, and it's mainly minor grips, but it reduced my enjoyment. The few things that bothered me :
- I think the stages are not very pretty. Most of them are more busy than visually pleasing. I used to have a few favourite arenas I liked to fight in for their looks, but right now I just don't care.
- the music is really annoying. In the old games I could ignore the usual Yu Suzuki guitar riffs, but for some reason the music in this game got on my nerves (especially the jazzy one). I'll probably disable it in the options from now on (I saw there was an option to select music from older VF games, but I didn't notice any difference).
- character customization is a bit bland and feel limited, after the very rich "create a soul" of SC5. There are a few funny objects and crazy effects, but it is indeed only customization and not creation, and I miss color edition, objects placement and texturing. I also missed the snapshot of your customized character, especially when I want to select it in the menus I'd like to know what the character looks like beforehand.
- online menus could probably be better. I didn't see an option for filtering by level or speed connection in quickmatch, for example. Since there were few opponents in my area I was "quickmatching" worldwide, and many matches were a bit sluggish (others were fine, so I won't blame the netcode).
Anyway, aside of those small complaints, the gameplay is still great, which is the most important part of the game after all. I still love the good balance between attack and defense, and that feeling of being really close to the opponent, blocking or dodging attacks by a few centimeters... I'll need to get back a few reflexes, and probably get new ones (I got the feeling that the timing for evading changed a bit, I had a hard time pulling off offensive moves for example).