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Visual Novels Community Thread | A Little Something for Everyone


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who couldn't care less about Steam cards. They sound like a big deal to some :x

When I heard you could make money out of them, I started listening. I always buy games when I think the price is fair, but it doesn't hurt to get a few extra bucks from them.

Also, thanks for the replies regarding Windows 10. I'll definitely prepare my devices and update them soon.


that puzzling face
At worst it's free money because other people care. To an unhealthy degree. It's like a built-in discount to games.

ed: beaten


Well, they can be useful sometimes, since selling them for real cash allows you to buy stuff from the store itself. A while ago I sold all the cards that I had managed to get and got to buy two games using only money earned from those sales.

I'm lukewarm to them, nonetheless. I'm practically in the same boat as you, that I don't really care if there are cards or not


I wonder when Flowers, Umineko, OZMAFIA and other of the announced visual novels are getting released. I know these games are huge, but I need something to play once I'm done with my 300+ hours visual novel backlog.


that puzzling face
I think the best way I've heard it described is it taps into the same sensibilities as microtransaction-based models (tiny fraction of people having way too much money to spend) except:

1) Everyone else benefits (Hey, if you don't have a use for the money, gimme)
2) Doesn't alter the game itself for the worse
3) Valve takes a cut

Along with emoticons/backgrounds/etc. it's really a genius idea that also builds up Steam as a platform rather than just being a games dispenser.
I wonder when Flowers, Umineko, OZMAFIA and other of the announced visual novels are getting released. I know these games are huge, but I need something to play once I'm done with my 300+ hours visual novel backlog.

Work on Umineko is ongoing, ManagaGamer has said that they don't put it in their translation tracker because it's not actually being translated. OZMAFIA is 90% translated so it'll probably be out Spring 2016. Who knows with JAST and Flowers.

MangaGamer has a bunch of their projects nearing completion at the same time, it'll be interesting to see how they space things out. It seems like next year they'll have a game a month just like this one.


Unconfirmed Member
At worst it's free money because other people care. To an unhealthy degree. It's like a built-in discount to games.

ed: beaten

True... I only have some since I don't play a lot on Steam, so at most mine add up to 50 cents. I have all the Hatofuls :x


Today's 50% off deal for JAST USA's sale is on the Lightning Warrior Raidy series.

Hoping we'll actually get something decent tomorrow. Okay I guess Raidy isn't bad.


Eh, it was a joke on how that game (Raidy 3) apparently came out like a billion years after people thought it was vaporware. Just so happens to be game 3 in a series too.

Legit looking forward to Lightning Returns on Steam though. GAF threads are going to be great either way.

edit: Just to answer your question since OCD, it's $20 on the Squeenix site

Thought you were referring to FF XIII-3. I bet there will be costume mods. Can S.E. stop Steam users from sharing mods?
"End of November" update from Kevin at PQube:


Dare I hope? I haven't a clue what it could be at this point. There haven't really been any Chaos;Head hints in half a year, while lately they've been regularly posting Steins;Gate 0 stuff on their Facebook page, so it could really go either way. The negotiation process with 5pb is the real reason why I say that old hints might not hold water, because what 5pb wants naturally takes priority.
Six months delay of an announcement killed all my hype. Bye, PQube.
Well, their Steins;Gate announcement happened mid-December last year, so I'm a little more hopeful (especially since this is the first time Kevin has given an actual time frame for an announcement). If this goes anything like the Steins;Gate announcement, they'll start dropping some actual hints on social media to build the hype back up.


Unconfirmed Member
Probably not? Also I'm sad you're not an Otome fan. ;_; FWIW, I am a straight male. :p

There's nothing wrong in enjoying both! Doesn't matter if the protagonist is male or female, I can enjoy both and have fun putting myself in their shoes and picking best guy/girl. It's fun :)


There's nothing wrong in enjoying both! Doesn't matter if the protagonist is male or female, I can enjoy both and have fun putting myself in their shoes and picking best guy/girl. It's fun :)

Oh, no doesn't bother me at all, just throwing it out there. :p
I just mean because I heard there's tense stuff going on and not just romance. I have no aversion to playing as a girl or some romance, but I don't play VNs where romance is the main point whether it be Otome or otherwise. Vowed that after being bored out of my mind with Katawa Shoujo. I play thrillers and mystery and horror and stuff.
I just mean because I heard there's tense stuff going on and not just romance. I have no aversion to playing as a girl or some romance, but I don't play VNs where romance is the main point whether it be Otome or otherwise. Vowed that after being bored out of my mind with Katawa Shoujo. I play thrillers and mystery and horror and stuff.
The romance aspects are not the center of the plot, the mystery definitely takes center stage. I'd say give it a shot, it's a really great game.


Today's 50% off deal for JAST USA's sale is on the Yumina the Ethereal. Finally a really nice deal.


I somehow have an two JAST USA orders I didn't place. I bought Yumina and I have two emails for two orders. Also I have another one for Yo-Jin-Bo which I didn't even order. I saw it in my cart when I logged in on my phone, so I removed it. Guess I should send an email.

Edit 2:

I sent two tickets, hopefully they can reverse the orders.


Steins;Gate 0 Gets 35/40 from Famitsu

EVE: Burst Error R Announced for Vita and PC.

I. What? That came out of nowhere. I have so many questions. Is this a remake or just a port? Also who's publishing and developing it? Aren't C's Ware and Himeya Soft defunct?

I'm mainly wondering so I can make an entry on VNDB, but I'm not sure whether it should be a new release or a whole new VN entry.


Also, just noticed the translation for Koi to Senkyo.to Chocolate is out now. Nevermind, VNDB is wrong. Nothing about it on the website. I'm an idiot, looks like it's coming tonight CET according to Twitter.




Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll disappear from the internet for a few days.

EDIT: About Eve's announcement. It seems like it's an enhaced port. They'll be recoloring the CGs and the original character designer will be creating some new ones.

Edit 2: Since I lost my save from the Koichoco partial patch, I had to restart the game, and holy shit I had forgotten how much I hated Chisato. I kinda just want to skip the whole route to get to the actual good characters, but we'll see, I had forgotten most of the setting for this thing. Also, for those wondering why I would skip a whole route instead of restarting the game, is because of how Koichoco's route system works: Chisato's route is mandatory the first time around.




Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll disappear from the internet for a few days.

EDIT: About Eve's announcement. It seems like it's an enhaced port. They'll be recoloring the CGs and the original character designer will be creating some new ones.

So it's not a full remake like the PSP one. Still unclear as to who's doing the port and who's publishing it.

Speaking of EVE, the 4th anniversary of Kanno's death is coming soon. ;(


Speaking of EVE, the 4th anniversary of Kanno's death is coming soon. ;(
Died only months after Umemoto. And eerily, I was one of the last people Kanno-san spoke with before he passed away a day or so later, speaking with me to come visit and share a drink to remember Umemoto.


Died only months after Umemoto. And eerily, I was one of the last people Kanno-san spoke with before he passed away a day or so later, speaking with me to come visit and share a drink to remember Umemoto.

I know it wasn't but, it almost seems like he died of grief of the loss of a friend.

Just out of curiousity was it reported what they died of?
So yeah... Euphoria is pretty fucked up.

I've played some fucked up shit before, but this might top all of it. While stuff like Dustmania may beat it out in terms of how far it would go, that's just silly and impossible to take seriously (come on, there's a guy literally fucking some girl's brain matter while still in her head).

This on the other hand pretty much shows the most depraved parts of the human psyche and death with the presentation to match. In terms of pure content, this is the kind of thing someone would make when NOTHING is holding them back (whether it be censorship or arguably even laws) while trying to push the envelope on just how fucked up media can get, yet still somehow allows it to be taken seriously.

I never thought I'd say this about ANY game, but this might be too much for me and I'm not sure I can finish it. It's incredibly effective (at least for me), I'll give it that.
Well euphoria way to mess up with the limits of what's allowed in order to serve the narrative is very effective i'll give you that.

At least one thing for sure ,
the fact that the game doesn't hasitate to either kill the characters or give them a fate worse than death clearly up the stakes when "sh*t it the fan"
And it happens quite often.

Just so you know , the late revelations , this game has ( and by that i mean the finale route), are something. can't say more because spoilers but there aren't many Vns like this one , even from clockup themselves.
Your post itself can be considered a spoiler, not sure if I want more spoilers.
Just woke up.

I will tell you in all honnesty that there aren't spoilers in my post. Upon booting , the game do warn you that it has extreme stuff in it. There is a toogle in the option to disable the Guro in the game and another option to disable the "feces" Cgs.

It's that kind of game.

The reason why it's well regarded is because the story makes up for it . ( it's really that well done in context )

People have to know the initial premise, but i'll edit my previous post


I know, the overall premise of the game doesn't hide itself, but that very part you have hidden in spoiler tags was what I was talking about. Thank you for adding the spoiler tags.
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