Crash Station
At a pretty vital point in the true route of Euphoria and WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!? This is nuts!
At a pretty vital point in the true route of Euphoria and WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!? This is nuts!
So I caved in and bought Grisaia uncensored yesterday and after a few hours I think it's quite good. Not sure I can say more than that, the beginning is slowww and for the time being the plot didn't really succeed in catching my attention, partly because there isn't a lot of plot yet (character introduction time) and partly because the few bits there are are quite blurry ().Considering the nature of the school and its management, the rail corporation and the family at its helm who is also managing the school. Didn't really understand the whole thing. So there is a rail enterprise who owns a special school. And nobody really know anything about them. Feels like I'm missing some pieces. I mean, it's like the school is in a way linked to the government but nobody knows shit about its upper management
Important question, am I supposed to know what a 'Sakuradamon' is or is it in-game lore ?
Oh and Michiru FTW, I'm a sucker for Tsundere. Don't know where the general hate for those comes from on the internet, you bunch of miscreants.
Oh and Michiru FTW, I'm a sucker for Tsundere. Don't know where the general hate for those comes from on the internet, you bunch of miscreants.
Don't know where the general hate for those comes from on the internet, you bunch of miscreants.
Some of the general hate is unfounded garbage, some is people like me who got tired of seeing the same exact character over and over again after a few years.
Modern Tsundere is a much better version of the trope.
I totally understand the sentiment. To my inexperienced eyes that encounter the Tsundere trope from time to time, it's still relatively charming and a great way to add comedic effects.
I've always hated how popular the tsundere stuff is. I don't think it's ever been funny or endearing.
A bit off-topic, but would Mirai Nikki's chick count as tsundere? Or just murderous and insane, cause that was a pretty cool character iirc
She'd be a yandere.
Oh good it's dated! Time for my wallet to open up again...
First up in a long line of SP games getting steam card support, Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru Part 1 & 2 now has cards.
Lol. We've known about this for days.![]()
Looking at it as a whole, I'd say the plot easily competes with some of the better twisty titles in the genre. I think I'd actually put it above Virtue's Last Reward (not 999 though).
Well then! Looks like I'm gonna have to go through some gross shit
Well then! Looks like I'm gonna have to go through some gross shit
Hope you read the rest of my post. As cool (and confusing) as some of the twists were, they really could have been told in a better way. That's just me though.
There's not much talk about this around the internet (understandably), but it seems a bunch of people are split on it. Seems from that super small sample size, most are just as lukewarm about the whole thing as I am. Still something I'd like to discuss with more people though because there's still things I'm trying to figure out.
And lol, looks like a few guys on gamefaqs call it "Hipster Danganronpa". Sure, if "hipster" means "one of the most extreme eroge out there".
Hope you read the rest of my post. As cool (and confusing) as some of the twists were, they really could have been told in a better way. That's just me though.
There's not much talk about this around the internet (understandably), but it seems a bunch of people are split on it. Seems from that super small sample size, most are just as lukewarm about the whole thing as I am. Still something I'd like to discuss with more people though because there's still things I'm trying to figure out.
And lol, looks like a few guys on gamefaqs call it "Hipster Danganronpa". Sure, if "hipster" means "one of the most extreme eroge out there".
Hope you read the rest of my post. As cool (and confusing) as some of the twists were, they really could have been told in a better way. That's just me though.
Lol. It's not even remotely the most extreme. There's worse. I mean even ClockUp has even more fucked up stuff. Like Fraternite, and the recently released Maggot Baits.
Lol, WAS is coming out on December 15, but it still won't have the voice work. This whole project has been a clusterfuck.
This is a fair point. i must admit that i kinda skipped most of those because they weren't that great ..i think they are too long but just a bit too long.Euphoria is by far the grossest game I have ever played. Scat, rape, the works! And yet, they still found a way to make all of that completely plot-relevant. You definitely wouldn't see some of the most depraved parts of humanity displayed in such a way be a vehicle to tell a compelling story in any western work in a visual medium, at least not a commercially available one. On top of all that, I've never seen a work that tries so hard to make you sympathize with someone with such disgusting urges, and the internal conflict that brings to the guy is interesting to see unfold.
However, I'm just speaking at a base level. It doesn't take long for the sex scenes to get EXTREMELY redundant. No, combining the names of other body parts with "pussy" and "cock" is not good writing, especially if you're going to say it 80 fucking times in the same segment! I wrote erotica for a while, so I know. These stellar voice actors can only sell that kind of dialogue for so long. And as interesting as it is to view the contradictory psyche of the protagonist, even he doesn't add much to these scenes outside of the first few lines, and even those are generally samey stuff about him decrying his true nature while giving into it anyway because of the situation, effectively arguing with himself.
I found myself just skipping through most of the sex scenes because of this. Of course, there are more than a few ones that give more insight to the protagonist, and one in particular actually has some pretty damn important revelations. Still, as a whole, they're just tedious after you register what kind of fucked up action they entail.
Damn, I didn't mean to write so much on that, especially since the plot is where things are at.
Again i agree 100% despite all the things that happens during the game i still think that the story is good enough ..not perfect ( some event stay cold too long before that get warm enough for them to matter ) and some points might be lost ( this was bad for me since i perfer to take my times with Vns)Looking at it as a whole, I'd say the plot easily competes with some of the better twisty titles in the genre. I think I'd actually put it above Virtue's Last Reward (not 999 though).
That being said, I'm talking about the twists themselves and not how they unfold. They really aren't presented very well, or at least not on the same level as Uchikoshi stuff and even Danganronpa. That's mainly because the explanations are kind of fragmented until the end, which is all over the damn place (which similarly gave me VLR vibes in how convoluted it all was). It also feels like some details are left out even though they can easily be extrapolated. At times, it feels like the answers you want are in the form of a plot synopsis on Wikipedia and not an actual story in the process of unfolding. That being said, the full picture is mostly given to you, which I can appreciate after Umineko.
But despite all that, there are some super effective moments. The climax is damn emotional and gave me chills, though a certain phenomenal track helps play a part in that. Unfortunately, those scenes are few and far between, with most revelations not having near the same effect thanks to the wonky pacing and eh presentation.
So was it worth sitting through all that gross stuff for? I don't know, but I will say I'll be thinking about that climax for a while.
I still don't think I can really recommend this to anyone that doesn't have a stomach of steel, which I thought I had before this. I'm including people that really like crazy mindfuck Zero Escape twists. I have no doubt that many people WOULD vomit from playing this.
Hope you read the rest of my post. As cool (and confusing) as some of the twists were, they really could have been told in a better way. That's just me though.
There's not much talk about this around the internet (understandably), but it seems a bunch of people are split on it. Seems from that super small sample size, most are just as lukewarm about the whole thing as I am. Still something I'd like to discuss with more people though because there's still things I'm trying to figure out.
And lol, looks like a few guys on gamefaqs call it "Hipster Danganronpa". Sure, if "hipster" means "one of the most extreme eroge out there".
This is a fair point. i must admit that i kinda skipped most of those because they weren't that great ..i think they are too long but just a bit too long.
The redundancy becomes real after a while. That's for sure.
Again i agree 100% despite all the things that happens during the game i still think that the story is good enough ..not perfect ( some event stay cold too long before that get warm enough for them to matter ) and some points might be lost ( this was bad for me since i perfer to take my times with Vns)
Hipster danganronpa is "lol", i certainly do NOT agree with that assesment.
Can't wait to play this after The Last Remnant releases on PS3.Grisaia for PSVita
Port is in progress to Unity, we need a working version before we can go further along the approval process.
More like it did well on Vita and I guess alright on PS3. I don't think they'd be that interested to localize a first print bonus trophiesless home console version again when they have other games in the same "series" to localize.Well we'll see! I'm hopeful since the PS3/Vita release seems to have done well.
You played it, so maybe you can tell me. Just how muchof what was happening was actually real? There definitely was a killing game in reality, but there was also a killing game in the virtual world? Almost all the events of the underground facility were either virtual or perception manipulation, right? Meaning none of the sick shit Keisuke (and Nemu to an extent) did actually happened? But Kanae also said that everything up to Keisuke snapping Nemu's neck was real, but was that just in a more general sense?
And did Keisuke actually have those sadistic urges, or were they just "planted" in him for the virtual world/perception manipulation as a means to give Nemu despair? They never really concluded that plot point, which I thought was weird considering it was the central psychological conflict for most of the story.
And also, are the characters not the age we think they are? Is Rinne much younger than she looks because she's Keisuke's daughter? The age manipulation thing never really worked, right, or am I just remembering it wrong?
There was too damn much information to process everything and some of the connections really needed to be made clearer.
Lol because SPOILERS
I repeat : Euphoria Spoilers
Please don't read this if you plan to play the game , ok ?
Ok , so let's start :
Imo (My own interpretation of the events) :
-Only the kling game in reality happenned, the rest was mind tricks
-All the events in the virtual facility that were tied to "unlocking" or "saving" didn't really happen. All the rest did.( the bonus game included i think )
-Kanae revelations were indeed in the general sense. More in the " you really experienced that" , ( your mind that is ) not in the fact that it happenned.
-I strongly believe that keisuke did have those urges , but that were REALLY , REALLY amplified by "the game".( Also explain why he mostly can't control them , even when he should ( as a human i mean ))
-The age of the characters is indeed not what it seems. The game ( euphoria , not the game of mindfuck ) show things in order to trick the player , up untill the end and it was my personal conclusion that what was shown wasn't what really was happenning on all aspects including the characters appearances
Also this was my point of view at the time. I might reach another conclusion this time ( since i'm doing basicly another run of the game knowing the twists ) so it's entirely possible i reach another conclusion this time. And yes because some things aren't stated as they should but strongly implied.
Another thing.What was Natsuki's role in this whole thing? Was she taking part in the virtual world? Her being the woman in black makes me think she was actually there as bodyguard or something. If not, what would be the purpose of messing with Keisuke's perception to insert a mysterious black-suited woman? Maybe to prevent him from realizing she isn't dead?
Feel like I shouldn't see how far this rabbit hole goes, but I'm starting to get curious about Clock Up's other works, particularly Fraternite. Maybe I'm just trying to prove to myself I can handle anything no matter how fucked up it is.
Doubt anything else of their stuff will get a translation though unless Euphoria really does well.
Fraternite still has me morbidly curious about experiencing the story.