Grisia has been the exception for them in terms of quality, not the norm (even then, that's more due to the dedication of the translator and editor contracted for the game, rather than on the company). And it still took them over a year to put together the physical release of what was essentially an already finished product.
I was off by a bit, it was more like ten months. Grisia is a bought fan TL, so taking ten months to release it despite the game already being out there is pretty funny. Particularly when the "official" digital version was already out last May, yet it took eight months to print it to a disc. This does not indicate a quality control process that can take care of things in an orderly or timely fashion.What in the heck are you talking about? I just went and checked the backer updates, the Unrated version was released on August 28th. Less than five months ago. Since then, patches have been put out fixing typos and bugs, getting the game ready to go gold. Fixes were completed sometime in October, making it about 3 months. Rather less than a year, don't you think? And if you're talking about all the non-disk accessories, you do realize that storing things costs money, right? Why the heck would they try to get all the stuff and then pay to store it for 9 months while they get the game ready to go on disk?
Edit: Heck, it's barely been a full year since the kickstarter even launched. Seriously, man, what the heck are you talking about?
I was off by a bit, it was more like ten months. Grisia is a bought fan TL, so taking ten months to release it despite the game already being out there is pretty funny. Particularly when the "official" digital version was already out last May, yet it took eight months to print it to a disc. This does not indicate a quality control process that can take care of things in an orderly or timely fashion.
The version on the discs is the all ages version. 18+ is digital only.The all-ages version was out eight months ago. That version doesn't matter since that's not the version that's on the disks. If you recall, the 18+ version, which is the version that matters since it is the one that goes on the disks, was heavily delayed due entirely to Frontwing. And that, as I said, received final approval from Frontwing and was released the end of August. Again, less than five months. If you said "Five months seems like a long time to get it from digital to physical," I'd tend to agree. But both "over a year" and "like ten months" are wildly inaccurate.
Other way around but I generally agree.The all-ages version was out eight months ago. That version doesn't matter since that's not the version that's on the disks. If you recall, the 18+ version, which is the version that matters since it is the one that goes on the disks, was heavily delayed due entirely to Frontwing. And that, as I said, received final approval from Frontwing and was released the end of August. Again, less than five months. If you said "Five months seems like a long time to get it from digital to physical," I'd tend to agree. But both "over a year" and "like ten months" are wildly inaccurate.
From the muv luv forums about what they're going to do with the 300K extra they got without stretch goals:
Can be:
Muv Luv manga and/or LN (Trilogy, TE and BM, is enough to make it bigger than the BM VN).
Kimi Ita ('cause Captain >> Your waifu)
MuvLuv Trilogy in German/Chinese/BR/French/[Your lesser language here].
New engine to play in Linux/SteamOS/Mac
Can't be:
AyuMayu Alternative.
Kiminozo and Spin offs (another KS).
Black Marks VN/Anime
A new VN/Manga/Anime
A Mobile game.
Am I Missing something?
*Underlined sentences appear as crossed out seeming that it's not the correct answer.
For those who backed for a physical copy of grisaia, please when it arrives you leave an opinion on the quality, translation,problems etc. I want to know how has sekai managed the physical editions.
Dude, edit your posts instead of continuously posting. Triple posting? Dang.
Not triple posting if they're several houra apart.
Dude, edit your posts instead of continuously posting. Triple posting? Dang.
If all you can post is a link with no commentary or statement, then it's probably not worth posting.Unfortunately, that's not how forums work. Like I said before, I appreciate your work, but I think we can do without all the KS updates. No one here talks about them, save for when they announce that physical goods are being shipped, like the previous Grisaia update.
Unfortunately, that's not how forums work. Like I said before, I appreciate your work, but I think we can do without all the KS updates. No one here talks about them, save for when they announce that physical goods are being shipped, like the previous Grisaia update.
'I knew'... bad one, but this actually from the source page of the official YU-NO remake website XD.
Root Double KS Update #5: Game's Background and Setting Update #4 - What is The Seven Wonders of Rokumei City
More background stuff. Click if you want to, or don't if you don't. Not gonna write more because I know some of you don't want to read it.
The seven legendary wonders of Rokumei City. All of them are absurd and unfounded rumors, but there was a point in their childhoods where Natsuhiko and his friends really believed them and got serious about trying to solve them. A list of them can be found below. Perhaps some of them hold a pinch of truth to them...
Instead of being grumpy about it, why not just have a quote from the update, like...
Root Double KS Update 5: Game's Background and Setting Update #4 (pretend this is clickable)
Then people have a reason to click, you have a reason to post, and we're all happy. We can all get along!
I didn't intend to come off as grumpy. I just legitimately didn't know what to write. And I specifically didn't want to quote it, so people who don't want to know about what's in it won't see it.
I don't really see the need to link to a Kickstarter update unless it's something really major (funding achieved, stretch goal stuff, or some major announcement like new staff members joining a project, original voice acting being licensed, etc). People who are interested in getting every update are probably already backing the project and getting that stuff emailed to them.
Now a thread specifically about the Kickstarter is different. In those threads, the idea makes sense. But this is more of a general purpose thread, and so stuff being posted should generally be meeting a higher standard of scrutiny than in a more targeted thread.
I'm going to keep posting in both. Look, not everyone is reading both threads, so they wouldn't necessarily see it. If you guys are just gonna keep shitting on me, then I want nothing to do with any of you.
Okay. Here's what I'll do. I'll put summaries for everything I post, and only major updates. Also not as many posts in a row? Does that sound okay?
imo, no one can actually stop you from posting. But did you reach your target audience?Okay. Here's what I'll do. I'll put summaries for everything I post, and only major updates. Also not as many posts in a row? Does that sound okay?
Tier Updates
We're adding extra items to tiers.
The current $99+ tiers will get a stainless steel mug cup.
The current $150+ tiers will get a t-shirt. (design to be revealed later)
The current $225+ tiers will get a messenger bag. (design to be revealed later)
We're adding a new tier at $275 which is the 225 tier but also includes a blanket.
We will be updating the images on the Kickstarter. Please note, because backers already have chosen the older tiers we cannot update the description on the tier list BUT you will get the additional items listed.
Also there were some questions about the PC (Windows) specs required for the game.
OS: Windows Vista/7/8/8.1 (pending testing on Windows 10)
Graphics: Intel GMA X3100 or above
DirectX: 9.0c and up.
So does anyone know when the heck were going to get the localized Flowers, and Kindred Spirits on the Roof?
So does anyone know when the heck were going to get the localized Flowers, and Kindred Spirits on the Roof?
Weren't they going to port Flowers to another engine?Flowers is in editing will probably be waiting on support from Innocent Grey when it comes to script insertion and the like, which may take a while. Kindred Spirits is in beta testing and will likely be released in Spring given Mangagamer's past work flow.
Weren't they going to port Flowers to another engine?
Evangile's been a huge success, expect more moege from them.For our first-party titles, the 2015 ranking looks like this (excluding Steam and bundle sales):
1. Princess Evangile
2. eden*
3. No, Thank You!!!
4. Imouto Paradise
5. Eroge! Sex and Games Make Sexy Games
6. Demon Master Chris
7. euphoria
8. Sweet Sweat in Summer
9. Ultimate Boob Wars!
10. Higurashi Hou Ch. 1 Onikakushi
Fun fact: nearly everything in the top 10 would have outranked 2014’s first-place ranking title!
MangaGamer put out its year in review blog post.
Evangile's been a huge success, expect more moege from them.
This is good.
But somewhere, Doddler is weeping at the lack of Innocent Grey games on that list.
It's sorted by units and not revenue so that hurts it. But yeah, KSN2 doesn't appear to be a big seller. Though we kind of knew that already from Doddler's concern about it.
MangaGamer put out its year in review blog post.
Evangile's been a huge success, expect more moege from them.