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Visual Novels Community Thread | A Little Something for Everyone


I'll be starting Great Ace Attorney soon since I ended up buying it yesterday. I guess I'll take my time with it since looking new kanji up by radicals isn't the fastest thing in the world for me, but it's going to help my vocabulary immensely so I won't be complaining about that.
The 4th route of root double is twists after twists

Some of them were obvious but the last ones were A . M .A .Z . I . N . G

Give me more.... root double
28th hour of gameplay and i'm far from being done


Probably the best Vn i've played in ages ..without a doubt the best money i've spend on a kickstarter..the Best Vn in my steam library ? My hype !! ....


The 4th route of root double is twists after twists

Some of them were obvious but the last ones were A . M .A .Z . I . N . G

Give me more.... root double
28th hour of gameplay and i'm far from being done


Probably the best Vn i've played in ages ..without a doubt the best money i've spend on a kickstarter..the Best Vn in my steam library ? My hype !! ....

Yeah, it's a really good VN. Especially when
they start to give you answers and the twists just keep coming.

I think you're liking it a bit more than I did, my biggest problem was the middle part where it felt like the story did grind to a halt and the wait for the story to finally pick up from that point at the end of the After route felt way too long imo.

But when the game starts to reveal some stuff in the later routes, sticking with the game was totally worth it. I really appreciated that the game had satisfying answers for all those unanswered plot points from earlier routes. And they actually made sense in the context of the world set up by RD.
Yeah, it's a really good VN. Especially when
they start to give you answers and the twists just keep coming.

I think you're liking it a bit more than I did, my biggest problem was the middle part where it felt like the story did grind to a halt and the wait for the story to finally pick up from that point at the end of the After route felt way too long imo.

But when the game starts to reveal some stuff in the later routes, sticking with the game was totally worth it. I really appreciated that the game had satisfying answers for all those unanswered plot points from earlier routes. And they actually made sense in the context of the world set up by RD.

The game has a real pacing problem at the start of the before route , the last 3 chapter of before were ok and and the "current" route could have been handled better .. but the last route just used that moment of "slowness" for a very nice 8 hit combo of sudden reveals , fake trails and twists.

Some of the reveal were very predictable but nicely done and some i saw coming and i was like "oh if this is true , then that means .." and then 20 minutes later i was like " i knew it , what a nicely done twist, can't wait to see the shitstorm "

According to he STEAM clock i'm at 28 hours played and i've reached the first conclusion.
Normal route ending 1
i'm far from being done and i guess i'll probably spend more hours to see the rest.

PS:; the SS System is awesome. It can only works for this game, but damn if this didn't deliver at the right moments.


Say, it's most of the way through Spring, and no update on the Yu-No remake release date. Looks like Spring 2016 may not be happening. :p
I'm on the 4th route and boy does Root Double feel the need to explain everything over and over with way too many flashbacks and repeated scenes. I'm still enjoying it, but After really feels like the peak of the story because of what happens to the pacing in other parts.


Finished After
Saw Yuri reveal coming, it was kinda obvious. I guess the real Yuri from Before (This is speculation) is some clone that lived there or something like that?


These bad endings are so boring. Can I get the true endings even by completing just A, B, etc?

Also, can I safely ignore the other heroines romance flags? Their "romance" is awful anyway.


Got the Normal Ending in Root Double After route.

I'm... not sure how that ending counts as "Normal" considering how horribly brutal it is. Seeing everyone die one by one in such violent ways was really disturbing, and not something I should have played at 2AM. The sight of Jun and Ukita with the maniacal, murderous faces is one of those things that will haunt me forever.

I'll try to get everything on After before moving to Before, so I'll just use the guide to reach the Good Ending.

But I've definitely been loving this so far. Even if the After route turns out to be the peak, I don't regret the purchase at all (unless the rest of the game is like, super awful bad).
These bad endings are so boring. Can I get the true endings even by completing just A, B, etc?

Also, can I safely ignore the other heroines romance flags? Their "romance" is awful anyway.

You don't need to see the bad ending to get to the Normal, good and true ending.

Yes 80% of the bad endings are boring , some aren't.

Yes you can ignore the heroines if you don't care , there is a default heroin you'll get stuck with by playing normally.

Don't chase the endings , just play the game .. you'll be able to go back to get another ending easily once you've got to a normal ending.

Got the Normal Ending in Root Double After route.

I'm... not sure how that ending counts as "Normal" considering how horribly brutal it is. Seeing everyone die one by one in such violent ways was really disturbing, and not something I should have played at 2AM. The sight of Jun and Ukita with the maniacal, murderous faces is one of those things that will haunt me forever.
I'll try to get everything on After before moving to Before, so I'll just use the guide to reach the Good Ending.

But I've definitely been loving this so far. Even if the After route turns out to be the peak, I don't regret the purchase at all (unless the rest of the game is like, super awful bad).

Don't worry the rest of the game 's great .. "Before" just has a slow start but it'll pick up.
Also if you haven't followed a guide and reached the end of After , then i definitely recommand NOT using a guide afterwards. It's much more rewarding that way IMO. If you reach an ending where
Some characters have escaped the facility
, then it'll be ok to look for the other routes , but until then , a guide is unnecessary.


You don't need to see the bad ending to get to the Normal, good and true ending.

Yes 80% of the bad endings are boring , some aren't.

Yes you can ignore the heroines if you don't care , there is a default heroin you'll get stuck with by playing normally.

Don't chase the endings , just play the game .. you'll be able to go back to get another ending easily once you've got to a normal ending.

Don't worry the rest of the game 's great .. "Before" just has a slow start but it'll pick up.
Also if you haven't followed a guide and reached the end of After , then i definitely recommand NOT using a guide afterwards. It's much more rewarding that way IMO. If you reach an ending where
Some characters have escaped the facility
, then it'll be ok to look for the other routes , but until then , a guide is unnecessary.
Would you recommend jumping to Before right away or get the Good Ending for After first?


Finished C.

A lot of stuff kinda became obvious midway through the route, kinda didn't pay attention to a lot of dialogs.

Getting a general understanding of what is really going on, I think.


Started the final route of Root Double.
√Double and the second opening
got me hyped.

Interesting that most of the big mysteries have been resolved already. I was expecting something more explanations to be saved for endgame. Route C and the Yuuri/Subject N reveals in particular explain almost everything I was wondering about Route A.

Anyway, there's a bunch of things pointing to Salyu hiding something big, and I still don't know what's up with Ena. Dis gon be gud.
Would you recommend jumping to Before right away or get the Good Ending for After first?
You need to reach the Good ending from the A route
"Awakening from chaos"
before switching routes.
Same for route B , you need to reach
"Demise by annihilation"
before moving on

You haven't done with either route A or B unless you've met those 2 criteria.

Finished C.

A lot of stuff kinda became obvious midway through the route, kinda didn't pay attention to a lot of dialogs.

Getting a general understanding of what is really going on, I think.

Yep , Route C is a cleaning up route that exist only to confirm what anyone could have put together if they paid attention.
A lot of padding , but still necessary for the rest of the game. The fact that you can't fail this route is a good indicator that the real stuff is elsewhere


Unconfirmed Member
For less plot-focused VNs and and ones that don't have a mechanic requiring all/multiple routes to see a true ending far and above the others, does anyone else just one-and-done VNs?

I find myself playing only one route and considering it my "canon" route more and more. I feel like I just can't stay interested on routes of characters I don't care about/dislike, don't like skipping around already-read text/getting disjointed scenes in the story, and it helps me clear my overall backlog quicker (including non-VN games).

Anyone else do this?


For less plot-focused VNs and and ones that don't have a mechanic requiring all/multiple routes to see a true ending far and above the others, does anyone else just one-and-done VNs?

I find myself playing only one route and considering it my "canon" route more and more. I feel like I just can't stay interested on routes of characters I don't care about/dislike, don't like skipping around already-read text/getting disjointed scenes in the story, and it helps me clear my overall backlog quicker (including non-VN games).

Anyone else do this?

Nope. I'm a completionist, so that would drive me crazy. :p
For less plot-focused VNs and and ones that don't have a mechanic requiring all/multiple routes to see a true ending far and above the others, does anyone else just one-and-done VNs?

I find myself playing only one route and considering it my "canon" route more and more. I feel like I just can't stay interested on routes of characters I don't care about/dislike, don't like skipping around already-read text/getting disjointed scenes in the story, and it helps me clear my overall backlog quicker (including non-VN games).

Anyone else do this?

Depends on the Vn really

I usually play until i reach the true route and get a satisfying conclusion. If the true route leave me with a bitter after taste i often look for other routes.

Now if a vn has extensive ( and different ) character routes , then i seek the route from the girls that had my interest.
For a game with extensive bad endings like double root , i feel no need to seek the bad endings.

i don't feel the need to 100% a Vn unless i really like it


I feel like Root Double killed the chances of your average visual novel gamer to try out something different when OZMAFIA came out. It doesn't help that they stealth launched the game a few days before OZMAFIA's release date that was set over a month before that.


I feel like Root Double killed the chances of your average visual novel gamer to try out something different when OZMAFIA came out. It doesn't help that they stealth launched the game a few days before OZMAFIA's release date that was set over a month before that.

I'm too busy going through Miles Edgeworth 2 to play Ozmafia or Root Double even though I want to play both.

MI2 is a p great game so far though.


I feel like Root Double killed the chances of your average visual novel gamer to try out something different when OZMAFIA came out. It doesn't help that they stealth launched the game a few days before OZMAFIA's release date that was set over a month before that.

Is there that much overlap between 'Ever17 mindfucks' and 'Otome' audiences?
Been playing some more Root Double tonight. I've gotten to the start of Chapter 3 on the After route, and I've picked up a few bad endings along the way.

I'm really digging the story setup and the SSS. There seems like a lot of potential here, and there have been some fairly intense moments.


Got the Good Ending in Root Double After route. Had to try various combinations until I eventually hit it right.
Kind of trollish how the game leads to a happy ending, roll credits, and then we get the real ending where everything goes apeshit. Even though it seems no one dies, it's still kind of a downer that everyone seems to have gone insane (except apparently Ena, although after Watase knocks her out we don't see her again).

I did enjoy the route a lot. It does a great job at setting up the plot and leave you wanting more, so I hop the rest of the game delivers. I'm going to unlock a few more Bad Endings in After route and then move to Before route, mainly because I want to try out Answer Mode.


Root Double final route spoilers:

I only just realised that Salyu's ARMS shares its name with Communicator A. Good job, Mashiro.

And that's also more fire to my theory regarding Salyu :)

Just got to Salyu's bit. I knew it.


Alright, got the Grand Ending and various Normal Endings.

I was surprised that
the novel went somewhere with Salyu, her similarity with Alice Enflame (...) was obvious, but given that they did nothing with it until the last game hours, I started to dismiss it as a red herring.


Root Double Root B spoilers

I totally called Watase being the terrorist. :p

Btw, I posted this before I actually saw his face. I figured out it was him from the voice.

I didn't see that Yuuri twist coming at all. But it certainly makes sense. I actually teared up though during the reveal. I'm at the epilogue now, but I'll finish that tomorrow. I already have ideas of what through full story is, I'll just have to see if I'm right.


Alright, got the Grand Ending and various Normal Endings.

I was surprised that
the novel went somewhere with Salyu, her similarity with Alice Enflame (...) was obvious, but given that they did nothing with it until the last game hours, I started to dismiss it as a red herring.

Root Double final route spoilers:

There were way too many things pointing at that though. When the reveal finally came I'd been waiting for hours :p

The biggest one was that the codenames for the test subjects/observation targets were all based on their real names:

Yu-II - Yuuri
Na2 - Natsuhiko
Ma - Mashiro
Ka - Kazami

and the at-the-time mystery A and N, as well as the implied Yu and Na. The only names that could fit Yu and Na were 'Yui' and 'Nagisa'.

It also said that one of the test subjects was born in LABO - the only characters young enough for that were Salyu and Nagisa. The game tried to imply it was Subject N, but by that point I'd already convinced myself that N was actually Nagisa, and therefore it had to be Salyu. Salyu's vague past and sudden 'move to Japan and enrol in a normal school' became really suspicious after that, though I hadn't considered that Yuuri could have erased her memory.

I'm kinda disappointed that there weren't many big "WHAT" moments like in the Zero Escape series. There were a few things that I hadn't connected together such as
that Q was behind the attack at the apartment block
, but there were enough hints that I figured out most of the twists before the game properly explained them.

Root Double's big strength over Zero Escape is that it fleshed out its characters way more. Zero Escape's characters sometimes felt a bit flat, but Root Double did a great job of giving everyone their own motivations and showing their strengths and weaknesses. In particular, I appreciated that nobody was perfect, and each character made mistakes and had regrets. It was a bit long because of this, but it was a good ride :)
I'm kinda disappointed that there weren't many big "WHAT" moments like in the Zero Escape series. There were a few things that I hadn't connected together such as
that Q was behind the attack at the apartment block
, but there were enough hints that I figured out most of the twists before the game properly explained them.

Root Double's big strength over Zero Escape is that it fleshed out its characters way more. Zero Escape's characters sometimes felt a bit flat, but Root Double did a great job of giving everyone their own motivations and showing their strengths and weaknesses. In particular, I appreciated that nobody was perfect, and each character made mistakes and had regrets. It was a bit long because of this, but it was a good ride :)

that's true but what must be said, the big "What" moments in ZE weren't as big if one had already played the infinity series and even then, it can't compare to the mindblowing twists that Remember11 had or the Coco Route in Ever17.

I/O and Root Double are not really comparable with the Infinity Series, they focus much more on worldbuilding and its characters.

I really appreciate that nakazawa's VNs try something different with each entry, if I/O was really complex scifi with focus on worldbuilding, Root Double's strenght was its characters and their motivations.
But I/O is full of batshit crazy twists and insane nonsense, so much so that it's not a work that has much value other than as something to laugh at.
Man, the end of Chapter 3 in the After route for Root Double
is some straight up Danganronpa levels of despair. I knew that their hope of escaping was going to get crushed, especially with how hopeful and optimistic everyone was getting, but topping it all off with them finding a dead body lying there and just feeling completely crushed was a step beyond what I was expecting.

I'm continuing to enjoy this game. I've reached the point where I like all of the main characters to at least a certain degree, and the game has really nailed the setting so far. The pacing also has always felt strong so far.
Anyone knows whats up with the Clannad release in EU?
The last update was 20 days ago

"The paperwork for the items bound for the UK warehouse was completed yesterday. The pallets should be on board a plane by the end of the week."

So shouldnt they have already arrived by now?


Anyone knows whats up with the Clannad release in EU?
The last update was 20 days ago

"The paperwork for the items bound for the UK warehouse was completed yesterday. The pallets should be on board a plane by the end of the week."

So shouldnt they have already arrived by now?

UK thieves gang mistook the shipment for Uncharted 4 one and is currently printing bootleg covers to try and sell it to unsuspecting buyers?


Unconfirmed Member
Just got my partial refund of $25 back from WAS just now. Refunds are going out today, and hope everything else will come soon and put that project to rest.
On chapter 6 of the before route. Man. This route is taking me way too much time. Pacing is not good. My only driving interest is made up of knowledge from the after route. If I played before route first not sure I'd give any care for this route at all. After route is like Ever 17. Before route feels like a boring, really slow paced bishoujo game.
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