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Visual Novels Community Thread | A Little Something for Everyone


I did a pretty lengthy interview over at Fuwanovel about Sekai Project today in case any of you are interested. It's kind of long though so someone might wanna just do that bullet point thing


That picture of you with Umemoto-san is heart breaking. ;(


Translation Status Update May 28 from /r/visualnovels

Originally from /jp/ on 4chan

Fuwanovel version


Any decent horror VNs on PC?

I have to say I had 0 interest in this genre but Danganronpa and Fate/Stay completely changed my opinion. Loved them and now I need other stuff to satisfy the itch!
Any decent horror VNs on PC?

I have to say I had 0 interest in this genre but Danganronpa and Fate/Stay completely changed my opinion. Loved them and now I need other stuff to satisfy the itch!

Higurashi/Corpse Party kinda sorta. Corpse Party is full on horror while Higu has a ton of lighter moments too.


Any decent horror VNs on PC?

I have to say I had 0 interest in this genre but Danganronpa and Fate/Stay completely changed my opinion. Loved them and now I need other stuff to satisfy the itch!

Saya no Uta has some Lovecraftian horror while The House in Fata Morgana is more gothic horror. Both are good.


Sweet. Any other recommendations? Doesn't have to be limited to horror.

Higanbana no Saku Yoru Ni (which belongs to the loose "when they cry" series by Ryukishi07) is another horror VN that focuses on youkai that inhabit a school. Unlike Higurashi and Umineko there isn't an overarching story, but rather lots of small tales that cover different youkai, with two main spirits that tend to appear in most stories in some way or another.

Higurashi and Umineko are two long VNs that are (mostly) about figuring out a mystery, while Higanbana's more about the small stories, some of which have heartwarming moments and others which are even darker than Higurashi and Umineko.
Higanbana no Saku Yoru Ni (which belongs to the loose "when they cry" series by Ryukishi07) is another horror VN that focuses on youkai that inhabit a school. Unlike Higurashi and Umineko there isn't an overarching story, but rather lots of small tales that cover different youkai, with two main spirits that tend to appear in most stories in some way or another.

Higurashi and Umineko are two long VNs that are (mostly) about figuring out a mystery, while Higanbana's more about the small stories, some of which have heartwarming moments and others which are even darker than Higurashi and Umineko.

I've been meaning to read this one of these days. It's interesting that it has very little noise over it compared to the previous games from him.


I've been meaning to read this one of these days. It's interesting that it has very little noise over it compared to the previous games from him.

I greatly enjoyed both Higurashi and Umineko, but I can sympathize with people who got tired of the latter due to how long it takes to get going. Unlike Higurashi, Umineko has a huge cast, and thus spent most of its first episode trying to establish the Ushiromiya family and their servants, while Higurashi was able to get going faster due to having a way more limited stable cast.

Higanbana's more like an episodic SoL with Ryukishi's particular style of horror, which makes it great for reading in shorter bursts as opposed to the other two. I also like how the episodic approach allows it to mix the pacing up rather than having to lead towards one big shocking reveal in the end, and how trying to analize it in the way Umineko teaches you to sometimes works, but other times you just can't because Higanbana as a whole is more fantasy than mystery.

It's actually quite interesting how Ryukishi has built upon the When they cry series by making each entry evolve from the previous one rather than just giving us the same thing over and over. I only wish there were more suspense/horror VNs for me to read, though.


This link should help. I assumed you only wanted games available in English. https://vndb.org/v/all?q=&fil=tag_i...en.olang-en~ja.plat-win&rfil=lang-en.plat-win
Yeah, that's great. I didn't realise Tsukihime was so highly rated. I watched the anime of that after watching Fate and Kara no Kyoukai and thought it was pretty bad in comparison.

Saya no Uta has some Lovecraftian horror while The House in Fata Morgana is more gothic horror. Both are good.
Well, you were right that I'd regret watching Deen's UBW so I'll trust your judgement on these :p

Higanbana no Saku Yoru Ni (which belongs to the loose "when they cry" series by Ryukishi07) is another horror VN that focuses on youkai that inhabit a school. Unlike Higurashi and Umineko there isn't an overarching story, but rather lots of small tales that cover different youkai, with two main spirits that tend to appear in most stories in some way or another.

Higurashi and Umineko are two long VNs that are (mostly) about figuring out a mystery, while Higanbana's more about the small stories, some of which have heartwarming moments and others which are even darker than Higurashi and Umineko.
Sweet. I decided to have a look at some of the sites where I could buy them legally and.. I shouldn't have opened them at work lmao. Rookie mistake.


Sweet. I decided to have a look at some of the sites where I could buy them legally and.. I shouldn't have opened them at work lmao. Rookie mistake.

Heh, you should know better than looking VNs up at work. I remember going to the "PC games" section of a shop in Akiba and turning back upon realizing the stairs leading up to the floor it was in were absolutely full of eroge illustrations.

All games have fan translation patches, and MangaGamer has been bringing Higurashi over to Steam one episode at a time (out of 14 episodes, I think), with Umineko having its first four episodes bundled together and with a planned release date of July 06th AFAIK. Higanbana is the lesser known VN in the series (and it actually started as a manga and got adapted to VN rather than the other way around AFAIK), so it's harder to find, but way cheaper in Amazon.jp.


Heh, you should know better than looking VNs up at work. I remember going to the "PC games" section of a shop in Akiba and turning back upon realizing the stairs leading up to the floor it was in were absolutely full of eroge illustrations.

All games have fan translation patches, and MangaGamer has been bringing Higurashi over to Steam one episode at a time (out of 14 episodes, I think), with Umineko having its first four episodes bundled together and with a planned release date of July 06th AFAIK. Higanbana is the lesser known VN in the series (and it actually started as a manga and got adapted to VN rather than the other way around AFAIK), so it's harder to find, but way cheaper in Amazon.jp.
Luckily no one was walking past ha. The titles of the eroge ones always make me laugh, they're so absurd.

Yeah if fan translations are readily available then I'll most likely just import from Amazon and add them on.


I'm not sure where you are getting the latter half of that information from, though it wouldn't be surprising to see another Japanese publisher get into self-publishing.

I think I just made incorrect speculation based on a reddit comment. So I may be mistaken.


I was playing Root Double Route B very sparsely these past days since that route is mostly exposition. Things picked up around Chapter 5, so I was glued back on and excited to keep going.

Now I just finished the Scene named
in Chapter 7.

I... I can't keep playing this. Not right now. I need a whole night of sleep to process and meditate this shit before I get back to playing this. What this game just did to my heart is something I didn't expect, and it will take time to heal.


I'm not sure where you are getting the latter half of that information from, though it wouldn't be surprising to see another Japanese publisher get into self-publishing.

I think I just made incorrect speculation based on a reddit comment. So I may be mistaken.

Could very easily be one of MG's AX announcements (#prfuckups), I think everyone was pleased with how well Evangile did.


Ne no Kami funded successfully within the first 4 days, so SP is letting me ruin the campaign by making secret perks, so I made 2 NeoGAF exclusive perks.

NeoGAF Gold Perk 1*
NeoGAF Gold Perk 2*

Also... man the next few weeks will be crazy, E3 and AX... hmm...time is limited, gotta run and make sure these games are ready for the events.


Is Ne No Kami actually good, then? Surprised it's gotten such strong support.

Well I worked on it so I can't really tell you and be unbiased (I do really love the characters and the writing though).

It has a good ranking at VNDB and people on reddit/fuwanovel that read the Japanese game has spoken very favorably about it. So there's some actual knowledge out there despite that rotten fish telling you otherwise.

jk <3


Unconfirmed Member
Well I'm happy, Clannad's campaign comes to a close... my Side Stories and manga has shipped, and the first Kickstarter that I've backed to get ALL of my goodies from so far!

I do hope that my fault artbook and artbook/CD/manga from WAS come in soon! (Audi, any news on these?) Once those are done, it's just up to all of the other games to get translated and finished up.


Well I'm happy, Clannad's campaign comes to a close... my Side Stories and manga has shipped, and the first Kickstarter that I've backed to get ALL of my goodies from so far!

I do hope that my fault artbook and artbook/CD/manga from WAS come in soon! (Audi, any news on these?) Once those are done, it's just up to all of the other games to get translated and finished up.

I'll ask about this later tonight when I'm with the gang.


I finished House in Fata Morgana a few days ago and I feel it's a crime that it's not getting more publicity..

Oh, has anyone tried this game yet? Solstice by MoaCube


I liked it, and googled around and it seemed like it's never mentioned here.

Edit: Annd subbed the thread, it's been quite a few years since I really sat down and played a proper VN. It was Remember 11 and Fate during 2008/09. After that VLR happened and now Fata Morgana and Solstice
I really like how Seinarukana makes me rename the .exe every time I start the game now or it won't launch. Windows 10 compatibility not so great as it turns out.

I finished House in Fata Morgana a few days ago and I feel it's a crime that it's not getting more publicity..

Oh, has anyone tried this game yet? Solstice by MoaCube


I liked it, and googled around and it seemed like it's never mentioned here.

I haven't heard much about it either. What kind of story is it?

And yeah Fata Morgana is fantastic and it's a shame more people don't know about it.


I really like how Seinarukana makes me rename the .exe every time I start the game now or it won't launch. Windows 10 compatibility not so great as it turns out.

I haven't heard much about it either. What kind of story is it?

Mystery and Suspense mostly. You play as two protagonists to save a city of paradise that is built amidst uninhabitable blizzard.

It also has optional romance, including gay romance, but the trailer shows you right away.

Buuuuut, coming from Fata Morgana it lacks the gut punching feels, however Solstice is extremely well made in it's own right. Especially the art in Solstice, the sprites are extremely well animated and the presentation as a whole is very slick and beautiful

Minor spoilers for both games

Fata Morgana excels on wrapping the story with full satisfaction yet Solstice is a bit on the other side of the spectrum, there are no *true* ending to the game

It's kinda like the differences between emphasis on the plot and the emphasis on choice

Edit: I raved to a friend about Fata Morgana and he is completely engrossed. So at least I got 1 person haha

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Thought this might be kinda interesting. I dug up this article from an old, old Rightstuf catalog from 2001 that looks at what visual novels were like in Japan at the time. As I play more VNs now, I can't help but think back to the bad ol' days, and how long it took us to reach the point where we're getting legitimately great stuff on a regular basis. I mean, it's only in the last 1-2 years that VNs have really managed to take off (well, as much as a niche genre can) in the west. Frankly, it's a little weird I even care about the genre now. Back when this article was written, and when I first discovered the genre, all we had in the west were shitty hentai games, for the most part. You had the occasional gem like Eve: Burst Error, but the translations were bad to the point that the game was near impossible to enjoy. At the same time, though, I knew there were some really cool games in Japan, and always wondered what it'd be like to actually get to play some of them.

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